Sunday, January 11, 2009

So at 955pm, my mom buzzed me to switch channel to catch the 5 min special of the Little Nyonya. Then we watched. And then we scratched our heads like huh? What the fuck was that? I mean, so they reunite and live happily ever after, but abit off leh.

I still felt that they should have left the ending the way it was. Sure it attracted controversy because the good guys didn't exactly win, Yueniang suffered so much in the show yet still die from cancer blah blah blah. But seriously, it is a good show for kids to watch and learn that this is what they can expect in life. Shit happens, life isn't a bed of roses, it doesn't come sweet with sugar everytime.

Personally, I think the drama is trying too hard to show the sponsors that it is the most heavily watched show in Singapore, prob to convince the sponsors that they did the right thing investing in the show.

Oh well, Singaporeans are still used to cheating themselves I suppose.

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