Friday, May 13, 2005

Last night was not a peaceful night for me by any account. I was watching the da vinci special on arts central and i rather like the conspiracy theories. But i couldn't help but overhear my mother's conversation on the phone. Its seems that she is scolding my cousin for not taking care of my Ah Ma who is quite sick. She said 'Darren, why are u not home looking after Ah Ma', 'why u so long never go mass', " Darren u like that how you expect God to help you". Well although she is my mother, i can't help but feel that she has been brainwashed into catholism by her elder sister who incidentally tried to psycho me to convert to catholism when i was younger. Thankfully my common sense and knowledge preveiled. Whew! But anyway my cousin Darren is a fag. He is like 30yrs old and still does not have a proper job. He went to music and drama during his NS becoz according to my dad, my ah mah paid a lump sum of money to SAF. Furthermore, every time my family visits my ah mah and ask for what he is doing, his younger brother would say 'oh gor gor go australia further study' Till today, i have no idea what fucking degree he has. He has no proper job and only cares about staging small time plays. I hate to say it but i suspect he is gay. Woke up this morning from a bad dream too. Dreamt that Sgt Choon was shouting at me for helping capt lai buy food from the 42 canteen. He went like 'u cheebye la why u buy food for him, u better throw away the food or i tell encik'. Then i woke up. Hahahaha

1 comment:

tong said...

dude, thats fucking weird man