Monday, July 04, 2005

Got my morning off to a bad start. Got fine 20bucks for jay walking. Pleaded with the traffic police to give me a chance. 'I giving u chance liao, no charge just fine only' Damn, felt like punching him. Should have gang up with the Nanyang poly guy to beat him.
Read TODAY newspaper and liked the forum. One guy wrote in to condem SAF 'higher ups' who pushed responsiblilty to the medical officers for the recent death of an NSF. Said they should be more responsible. I salute you brother. Felt bothered by people writing to say that musicians are taking part in Live 8 just for fame. Well I mean if they don't take part, they will be blasted for not showing concern. As if writing and watching will do much better. But I was really hoping to see a cameo apperance by wacko jacko and see the crowd reaction.


VotreX said...

dunt worry abt the fine man.. nothing really except not having 2 movies and a drink

Be Nasty said...

was the forum writer kwok kah meng???

LIM KOPI said...

Nah, Lim Boon something. Why the mention of kwok kah meng.