Friday, September 30, 2005

After almost a decade of loyal service to Manchester United, captain Keano has decided to call the curtain down on his stay with Man Utd. Whenever i think of keano, I recall the image of him popping his head to score the header against Juventus before halftime in the treble season. That goal was the comeback for Manchester United who eventually won the match. Read his biography a few months back. He was a person who stood up for rights. Yea he fought a few bullies twice his size who were bullying his friend back in school. Last season he even threatened Viera who was taunting Gary Neville. Remembered him saying " come on, come have a go at me, picking on neville, pretending to be mr nice week in and out". He is probably the best thing to come out from Ireland after Bailey's. His most famous quote for me has got to be "I am first a corkshire second an Irish"

Soccer brings out something special for me. It works magic. What game in this world can make its own country men to have rivalries with each other, like the merseyside derby, Manchester hating scousers from Liverpool, Argentina and England hatred for each other especially after the Falklands war, Holland and Germany continuing their feud even after world war. A good example, it doesn't matter if Singapore enter the Asian cup, all it needs to achieve is beat selangor and Malaysia annually.

Did some scavenging in my sister's room and found out that she has Joni Mitchell, U2, UB40 cds and the time traveler's wife novel. To think I almost bought the book. Guess since she is still in France, she wouldn't mind me borrowing it for a while. Shall take my time to read it. I can't seem to find my own book Sophie's world in my house. I just love that book. Aaarh damn just can't seem to remember where....

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