Saturday, September 24, 2005

Had a great game in today's 3-1 win. Did well marking the ang mo. Its seems my partnership with Howie is getting better but that fella is one hell of a loud speaker, practically hearing him shout all over the pitch. Melvin scored a solo goal running all the way from the half way line. The opponents were only good for trash talking, talking more bullshit than their legs could do.

At the moment, I enjoy playing soccer for our saturday and hall team. My hall team has a very stable defence, probably the best defence I have played with. As for the sunday team, I can't say the same. Harmony is bad, fitness is poor, Tiong is playing dunno what the fish he is doing. Can't explain it but I don't seem to enjoy it as much as I used to last year. But thinking back, I own where I stand to Chong's team for giving me the opportunity to learn so much. I have played closed to a year now for them so I will not turn my back on them.

Thai Hoe has been telling me not to be so mean to Mr Zhou, alright I admit I am a bit biased against him. Over the years, my friends have accused me of being too hot tempered and vulgar. As such, I have toned down and trying to be as friendly as possible. I try to smile more nowadyas. But of course, over the journey, some people inevitably try to make my blood boil up a couple of degrees. Clowns like Joshua, Ong Yi Hwee, Leon Koh,Ravin have tried to test my patience. I can't help it. To improve my soccer, I need to have more agression and the word KILL written on my face. I think I shall start to leave a goatee to look like Gattuso.

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