Sunday, September 25, 2005

Saw it coming, had to, Finally the fairy tale story of Alvin and Candice is over. Its the same situation as Lixing, with Alvin feeling on top of the world, feeling like he has the charm and charisma to go all the way. Unfortunately along the way, hipccups here and there have brought it to the end. Result, I have to listen to his bullshit of 'aiya she like that la, i am not interested in her anyway'. I guess its a bit of sour grapes but don't all guys do the same.

Sometimes I feel like telling him to give up, that the problem may lie with him. As Eric told me, Lixing didn't want to go into a relationship with him because he was always boasting about his wealth. But of course, I shall not tell it to him until he brings in the fridge first. Haha I am soooo EVIL......

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