Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So after a long hard day of saikang collecting stores for tomorrow's napha test, I took a bath and went to the TV lounge. After the show ended, I went back to my room only to discover that I interuptted my roomate's advancement towards candice. Yea, both were sitting on the bed together looking innocent but of course, Good boy Parry has seen it all. These two days I have received lots of bollocking from Alvin like 'can't you jog a bit longer, can't you watch Tv and return later'. Seems like Candice will only agree to go to our room when I am not around.
Of course I am not stupid. Nowadays, I pull my bedsheets neatly, so any slight inch of displacement and I will know if any hanky panky was done. Alvin, with his knee all strapped up, difficulty in walking, warning from his parents not to walk unnecessary, is full of vigour yet when going up to her room. Sometimes I think he may be faking his knee injury to gain sympathy points. In a few hours time, he will be going over to 'spend' the night in her room. Might not even be coming back to my room. Now where did I hear the rumour that 'pao tohing' a couple together in a room overnight can get you instant 80points and secure a stay in hall............

1 comment:

tong said...

wah, eh u write like that then some one read liao go and pao toh to kio sai how?