Friday, September 09, 2005

What was suppose to be harmless fun turned into serious shit. Let me elaborate. Feeling the weekend mood last night, me and Alvin decided to get high on alcohol. We played black jack whereby the loser had to take a shot of vodka on the rocks. Even beforehand, we had already drank a few shots. before I knew it, Alvin drank 1/3 of my bottle. We later went down to celebrated Damian's birthday. By then he was staggering and couldn't walk straight. When we returned, he made two trips to the toilet. I guessed he was pissing his urine out. Well wrong, after he knocked out on his bed, I went to brush my teeth and goodness me I could smell it from outside. Basically out of three sinks, 2 sinks were choked with his puke. I wonder what will be his own reaction when he sees his own puke. As I am typing this, I am scared shit that he will turn and vomit on my bed. God bless me.

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