Sunday, October 02, 2005

20 mins into today's game, i almost wanted to vomit. Apparantly the beer from last night wasn't yet purged out from my body system. I am so disgusted with Apple, who kept screaming at everyone today. When the youngsters in the team commits mistakes he will be the first to yell, yet he talks nicely to the seniors without shouting. He is a biase arsehole.I have yet speak to him eye to eye both before and after matches.

I have to admit that Ben Chen is one of the best dribblers I have seen in local amatuer scene. But that smile of his puts me off, the SLY, cunning and deceptive grin. It is just so discerning, it makes you think twice before deciding whether to believe his words.

The weather recently is so relaxing and just the perfect condition for a nice sleep. Bye guys...

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