Monday, October 03, 2005

I have learnt yet another important lesson, that is insensitive selfish people tend to act in their own self interest, basically ignoring the people around them. They start to take things lightly and for granted. People around them are non existant, what people speak or say only fall on deaf ears. They assume the earth resolves among them and continue living in their own kingdom.

Its strange how much power a girl can have. When a girls speaks, she is able to capture the attention of a guy, but when a guys speaks, the other guy simply bo chups what he says.

All is not lost, to counteract this problem, I have come out with theorem number two namely "Parry's way". For the theorem to work, one must adopt the "hao ren mei you hao bao" mentality, basically meaning that helping others reap no benefits for oneself, instead coming off worse, so think only of yourself and fuck others in their back. Hope you guys out there are fortunate enough not to have to apply my two theorys

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