Friday, March 31, 2006

Lessons learnt from this week

1) Being nice doesn't pay
2) People take advantage of your good will
3) Nice guys finish last
4) Never talk about eating meat in front of Yizhi
5) Pretending that you didn't see someone you know when walking pass by in school
6) One moment of rashness can fuck your life up forever
7) Life is not fair
8) Yizhi is gay

What this means is that I shall be applying my 2nd theorem which is to assume "fuck others before they fuck you". Basically everybody is a fucker until proven otherwise. Till then, Kopi out.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So apparantly people are getting curious about who is the person who slashed his wrist. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't do it out of examination stress. According to Mr Brown(once again names changed to protect identity), Mr Blue slashed his wrist due to problems involving Miss Pink( as always the usual scenario). Ok for those really that curious, he wasn't in FOC. Somehow he seems cheerful and jovial but at times he displays a depressing side of himself. Hope Miss Pink can do something to help allieviate the situation as I feel that part of it can be blamed on her. Acting blur and innocent about the whole situation aint' gonna do both parties any good.

Damn, once again I have blurred out too much. Back to life science studying.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Dollars and cents is the team's new motto, meaning to make every dollar and cent count, we gotta put in our best and play the match well. For a start, our opponent today were an all sikh team who were a strong challenge, some of them being division one and prime league players. The game was played in high tempo and playing as a right back, I had to sub out twice to catch my breath. It was physically rough but played in good spirit. An even match in which we took our chances to win 3-2. There are no room for mistakes now as Helmi has decided to make players who cost the goal or miss an open goal pay extra. On top of that, lest the strikers, there are at least 2 players fighting for the same position, so as Stuart Pearce once said, "each time you play, you are playing two games, your current and for your next".

Friday, March 24, 2006

So the rumour has been confirmed, that a gal from hall 8 has indeed been raped by a bangladeshi while she was jogging a few nights ago. The whole issue is on the low for now for fear that the incident will affect the university application.

But just as I thought the worst was over, I witnessed another incident in the wee hours of the early morning just befored I was about to sleep. Aparently a year one student(shall not reveal his name to protect his identity) had slashed himself in the toilet and was being talked out of it further by the security guard, after he calmed down he dropped the penknife and cried for a while before the security guard ushered him back to his room. I was shocked and petrified at what happened. Is the stress really affecting people till that extent?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Five episodes into season two and I have to say Lost is a damn good drama. I aint' gonna reveal anything much further but just having to say WATCH IT.

Monday, March 20, 2006

According to popular belief, a person's soul upon death will go to St Peter's gate to await judgement. If i ever get to see the gate, basically I'm screwed because it means that my theory was wrong but anyway, I hope that God would grant me the grace to answer a couple of burning questions I have before he passes the sentence on me. I have listed them in point form.

1) Who was the moron who stole my lao fu zi comic in primary one
2) Who stole my Christopher pike book in primary four
3) Who stole my pilot shaker in primary 3
4) Do UFOs really exist
5) Did the chicken or egg come first
6) Did dinosaurs exist first or Adam and Eve
7) Was there really such a creature as Loch Ness monster
8) Who shot J.F Kennedy and why
9) Are there any other civilisations besides humans in the universe
10)Was the Atlantis a fact or myth
11)Was the cia behind the murder of Pope John Paul 1
12)Where was the Ark of Covanent last placed
13)Where was Noah's Ark last placed
14)Was the 1969 moon landing fake as speculated by conspiracy theorists
15)How is deja vu explained
16)Last but not least who shouted 'clean arms until morning la' during my SOA dayz

I mean God has gonna know the answers, after all he should have seen it all, otherwise who is he to judge a person. Would God score a perfect score for GCE A Level physics and chemistry in an hour? He created the world so I guess he probably knows the theory and mechanics behind every phenomenom. It should be a piece of cake for him. Then again......

Saturday, March 18, 2006

For the first time in my soccer career I came out of this morning's match without breaking a sweat, didnt even need to change my shirt or shorts or use my towel. I had the last kick of the game with a volley which deflected off Parkin into the goal so technically that arsehole took the credit. It was a playground for us as highlighted by our keeper dribbling up, own players tackling each other( I was amused that the opponent shouted for foul ). The hilarious moment came when the opponent all pushed up pass the half way line and expected an offside. But other than that we played a nice passing game among ourselves.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The week in hall is probably best marked on tuesday following the biggest argument between gazzali and Bruno. The plot was simple with Bruno falsely accusing gazzali of being the culprit shitting in the shower. This led to heavy weight champion Mohamad Gazzali shoving a tight slap on Bruno's face and saying the famous lines "You know my uncle who anot, he Minister of Environment, I will sue you for defamation". I must say the whole scene was fucking hilarious. Gazzali became a famous household celebrity overnight in hall.

The next day during appreciation night, Bruno was teased continously 'hey Bruno put shit in the time capsule lei'. Its amazing how one incident can change a person's life totally.

So apparantly somebody in my hall created a blog to bitch about her roomie. Hhmm it seems that many bitching and backstabbing have been goign around, gotta watch my back from now on.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

To sum the week up, I have been experiencing bad luck. Sprained my ankle on tuesday, fell down the stairs yesterday, splitting my slippers in the process. On top of that meeting report dead lines for my elective. Next week had better be good.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I always wanted to be an archaelogist when I was young after watching the Indiana Jones chornology. Being able to travel around the world in search of artifacts completes a illustrious life on earth.

But slowly the reality sinks in, I find myself conforming like the true Singaporean, climbing up the education map, enlisting for NS blah blah. Somehow my dream changed to being a boss of a nice cafe, brewing aromatic coffee with buddha bar music in the background. I think that life unfolds itself when you get to listen to what people talk about at a fixed point. If I were to sit at one place for eternity, I would see all walks of life sail pass time.

I am suffering from withdrawal systoms of my regular fix of Paulo Coelho novels.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The thought of Helmi planning to register the team for NFL division 4 next year excites me. I respect the work he has been doing for the team. Making calls, arranging matches, washing jerseys for everyone and bringing them for the next game proves how much passion he has for the game, mind him he doesn't draw a salary like a professional player. I would like to pay tribute to him, for keeping faith with me even though my first few games for Chong's team didn't go really well. I was a fringe player who only knew how to pump balls. Along the way, Raymond and Joseph taught me much to make me a better player. Thanks dudes. And of course Helmi and Shyam for encouraging me even after a poor match. Thanks guys, without ya all I wouldn't be at this level. I would definitely support Helmi for the NFL division.

I decided to give the team a name, Team Cantona United FC.