Friday, June 02, 2006

Yippee got my IPPT silver at Maju camp yesterday. Finally I can booze without worries. Speaking of which, the 200 dollars for silver will come in handy for more beer. After running the 2.4km route, I believe it is possible to get gold at Maju if I were to train up harder because the terrain is more or less flat throughout and the route seems to be a bit shorter. I have no problems with the static stations and for only the second time in my life I ran under 11 minutes for 2.4km. I hope I can maintain this form.

Seeing the rest of the uncles doing RT or failing their IPPT gives me the chills that one day, I might be like one of them, giving pregnant moms a run for money. But I suppose its hard when you have a job and family commitments to carry out instead of training. I hope I can still be fit throughout my reservist stint. Hahah.

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