Saturday, October 07, 2006

One thing about NTU is that it always have to be on a higher ground than everyone else. Making my way to the NTU alumni building yesterday for the oct fest event prove daunting when I saw the slope I had to climb. But anyway it was an experience with the free flow of booze and food. The crowd were mainly ang mo pple, had a chat with a German exchange student who told me that it was his first oct fest as he came from the Northern part of Germany which does not celebrate it unlike the southern part. Btw my dad knew how to speak German in his younger days while my sis knows how to speak French. Seems like I have to learn Spanish to maintain the tradition.

I think last night will the last time I touch beer until I get at least a silver for IPPT. Beer is definitely making my fitness drop like crazy and not doing me favours to get the 400 dollar cash. I weigh a hefty 81.2 KG now and hopefully my year end can bring it down to 75. Shall request to Helmi to put me in right back postion to run more.

Darn it, hazy days are back again.

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