Sunday, October 01, 2006

The recess week has come to an end and its back to another hectic time table in the next couple of weeks. This routine is becoming pretty mundane to me now. Sometimes I wished that time can stop for me to enjoy life better.

I spent a few days in hall over the recess week trying to study finish my lagging tutorials and till now some of them are still lagging behind. I can probably blame it on watching back to the future and some other movies when I should have completed the tutorials first. On a positive note, I finally found the Guns and Roses live in tokyo concert on sharescan network, ending a 6yr search. The performance was superb especially when you have slash and Axl Rose downing whiskey and smoking what I presume is marijuana during the concert getting really high.

I also swam quite a bit this week especially on fri at the singapore swimming club courtesy of guest entry by Junxian. It was good to relax in the jacuzzi and steam room. But after that going to old airport road to eat hokkien mee didn't really do my body favours.

Today also played soccer for wengfai team, dunno what is happening to Helmi' team so meanwhile just play for him loh. Dunno why he play 3-5-2 formation meaning our defence really had to be on our toes but overall the opponents were easy meat. Sometimes I don't understand why people fight in friendly games, its not as if it is a competitive game where money is at stake. The left winger who pushed Ray to the ground after being tackled was a fucker and I couldn't help it but rushed in and shove him away demanding an explanation. Ben Chen u faggot u purposely take ur time jog over and help right think I dunno. Next time u kanna whack I will pretend leg cramp, haha. Speaking of which my knees are beginning to feel the wear and tear from football. I suppose I will probably not take up Muay Thai this friday after all then.

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