Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Just woken up from my sleep. Gosh its been awhile since I took a nap without having to set the alarm clock. Anyway I just finished my semi-final match against Fluid mechanics earlier this morning, two days after a tough quarter final against mechanics of materials. Now I have five days to prep for the final against soil mechanics.

I have to write about my neighbours, got some stuff to say about them. My left door neighbours are wankers. i can't understand how they can keep their doors close 24hrs 7. Go brush teeth muz lock door, go piss also muz lock door, come out to take a breather also muz lock, I mean what the fuck is so valuable inside that one muz lock the door everytime. Its not as if your shoes are soooo COOOOl that u gotta keep it inside in case I steal them. U wankers! Shihao's french roomie is also a wanker. Just hearing the footsteps and I know its him. He pounds the floor loudly when he walks to the toilet. He used to walk real fast as in fast march pace to the toilet and lately he sprints, and I mean sprint to the toilet. He muz be pretty fit I guess. Loong's french dude isn't far better, heard from Loong that he eats Macdonalds three times a day for his meals. Guess chinese cuisine doesnt suit his taste buds.

And the vietnamese food in my hall canteen sucks big time. They should make an effort to learn English. A month ago I ordered set 1 and got on bowl off dung. Mins later I ordered another SAME set for my roomie and got a different bowl and asked her why, she simply said ya same. And when I said I DUN WAN chong, she nod her head say yes muz muz! Upon my pleas not to, she still put it in the end. So I have since condem that stall and hope everyday that it closes down. Vietnamese pricks...

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