Monday, November 27, 2006


I feel gutted for Man Utd, they should have beaten the blues last night. But then again we didn't lose so at least we stood our ground.

Exams are finally over. However my early morning wake up routine still continues as I report for work at Hougang Sing Post again tmr morning. I will be able to earn 250 bucks in 5 days so I can use it to enjoy life in dec without feeling too guilty. I shall go for a run later, gotta get back match fitness in two weeks time. Earlier also, I went to Serangoon interchange to eat my fav mee pok. Though the standard is still there, the portion has gone down so much, felt cheated paying 3 dollars for what I felt was 1.50 bucks worth. Had a hair cut which turned out a bit disatrous. I wanted a cut like Valencia's David Villa but end up I think the Aunty didn't really knew how I wanted it so she juz cut a crew cut for me. Now I feel like a army boy again. Think I shall try a mohawk next time.

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