Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Two days into work and my legs are feeling sore from standing long hours. Anyway the team is still the same, only some new faces. In fact the new faces are only two weeks into their job so by right I even more lao jiao than them. Met quite a few pple, my primary school fren who is now a regular in the navy, staff sergeant Jimmy who is now a csm in 46SAR. He stay near hougang(Aru beware). Also met my serangoon sec frenz, raymond poh who dropped out of poly half way and is now carving out a career in selling massage chairs. Met Chen Yee, still pretty as ever, she was one of the few success story together with me in my sec school having made it to JC. I guessed throughout the school history prob no fewer than 200 people went to JC.

Speaking of the Prudential team, they hired an ah beng and ah lian to replace the old staff. Take it from me folks, don't trust anything finacial consultants tell ya, they are as the name suggest finacial CONsultants. Besides the ah beng consultant looks more like someone who acts in gangster films. Some observations noted from working in hougang mall, people in hougang still walk and swing their arms the ah beng way, as if their arms had no joints to control them. And the mall is still filled with 13yr old small punks wtih purpled dyed hair, alien workshop shorts and spewing foul language picking up fights to impress the ah lians. Yet, the good thing about hougang is that there are many shops that sell things like soap, batteries, clothes for cheap cheap. Actually I think what I am writing today is incoherent, muz be the tireness, hehe...

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