Friday, December 01, 2006

Day 4 summary

In total, I have been called an uncle three times. Also whenever young kids misbehave, their parents will go 'see that man there, u naughty he will come take u and sell u away'. Since when did I became the convenient bad guy, i so friendly.

Gonna miss the ah beng tomorrow, he took the day off. For the past few days, he has been my constant supply of free cigerettes. But I did help him by pushing every customer to him. But that means I will be stuck with vincent tomorrow. Now vincent is no ordinary person, vincent is a fucking weirdo. He walks as if there is a vibrator stuck in his body. I had the unfortunate luck when he came over to tok cock with me today.

Vincent: What do u think of the girl in the handphone shop?

Me: I think she has a great figure.

Vincent: I luuvv her ass.

Me: Ok, ic

Vincent: Have u ever done it in geylang before?

Me: Err no

Vincent: The girls there are fantastic! Do u watch porn?

Me: Which guy hasn't?

Vincent: I love ang mo porn, they are hardcore!

Me: Oh ok

Vincent: Can u share with me any dvds?

Me: Err why dont u download from internet?

Vincent: Too slow la, it will take days.

Me: Oh then go Johor buy lor

Vincent: Where, where?

Me: Holiday plaza

Vincent: Ok, I call my fren now

And with that he really called his fren to arrange a trip together to go Johor. Well done to him. Even when I knocked off to go home, I was stopped in my tracks by other loonie.

Loonie: Hi, i need to ask a favor from u

Me: What?

Loonie: I need money to buy dinner, can u spare me 2 dollars?

Me: No

I mean, do I look like some welfare organisation called sharity? No! Do I look like I print money? No! Waz up with these fucking loonies I wonder.

But overall it has been fun so far in Singpost. The staff there are tok cock people. The ezy cash lady is very cute and friendly. The guys got so bored we started asking each other questions like who would we prefer to have for a gf between serene(ah lian) and Jenny the ezy cash lady. No one voted for serene, haha.

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