Saturday, February 17, 2007

Having watched finished hotel rwanda, I defintely aprreciate the comfort and safety that I have enjoyed so far. To me, the movie proves a couple of points, that every action brings about an impact, like the red cross lady who went the extra effort to locate the niece and re-unite them with their relatives. Crazy dictators can really screw up the whole country and the rest of the world can do their part to help the poor but in the interest of themselves choose not to. Of course, the western powers are not always obliged to save the world and have to protect their own soldiers, but selling weapons to rebels and militia doesn't really aid peace. At the start of the show, Don Cheadle pleads with the reporter to report the chaos to the world but sadly the reporter replys " so what if the Europeans see this? They will pause for a second and shake their heads in pity but after that second, they will continue eating their cereals and read newspaper".

I admit that I am guilty of that sometimes, reading about peoples' plight and think in my head why has the world come to this and after awhile, the thoughts vanish and I get back to chasing materialistic dreams. Why doesn't God help the people that really needs help, does he really want to test the rest of us to see if we will lend a hand to the needy? I am sure people in first world countries pray for peace but what about those people in third world countries who pray for peace? Where do their prayers fall on? Does God listen to prayers selectively? Is it more beneficial to pray for world peace every single night or is it better to get one's ass down to help out physically? If one's son is naughty the parent usually gets the blame for not taking him in hand. If the world is in chaos who gets the blame then?

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