Saturday, February 10, 2007

It was a pretty close encounter today and sadly we had to be eliminated by penalty shootout. We took the lead first with a try by Adam but slack defending allowed them to equalise. Afterwhich we held on even till sudden death extra time. In the penalty shootout, only Adam managed to covert a goal. By the fifth kick, hall 2 led us by a goal so me being the fifth kicker had to covert it to keep the game alive. It is the first time I have ever taken a drop kick but when it left my foot I was confident it would go in. Sad to say, it hit the crossbar and we lost. Not that I felt like Roberto Baggio, in fact I was proud that my kick was the best after Adam, at least it was near on target. Andy missed by a bit while Harith also screwed up his kick. Hengkia better, miss the ball totally. Lucky ref give him one more chance which fell short off target again. Ok la, at least we held our heads up high.

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