Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I hate it when every module decides to hold their respective quiz on the same week and worst of all the same day. So far 4 quizzes have been confirmed and others still pending. Totally spoils my chinese new year mood. Anyway my sister will be back for reunion dinner and hopefully she brings back some goodies from Hong Kong for me to munch.

Also I have decided not to take anymore ang pow from my cousins who are already married. Feels kinda of weird that we are of the same 'rank' and yet still receiving ang pow from them. Wasn't it not too long ago when we still played catching and silly stuff together? Damn it looking at my niece makes me feel old oreadi. Shit!

I still haven't really warmed up to this semester yet, yes I know its week 5 liao but honestly I am still in dec holidays withdrawal mode, totally miss those heck care days. My time-table sucks big time with tues, weds and fri having lessons at 830am. Somemore with tech-com involving project work and idiots not contributing and on the other hand EID project so simple yet made so complicated by the china guy, I can't help but feel sick of this sem, hope this sem finishes soon.

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