Thursday, March 29, 2007

A few months back, Kangli read an article that highlighted the health benefits of eating pineapples. Ever since then he has been acting strange. He behaves like a monkey and a retard at times and I think his crankiness can be attributed to the pineapples. So people pls abstain from it.

On my way up to my room, I saw Wilfred and he was wet all over. I thought he went for a run but it turned out that he was 'pon' at the nie pond and it wasn't his birthday, the reason was because in his four years here he had never been 'pon' so today was his day. Well done mate!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today at tea-break, Kangli went to be a hero and ordered noodles from the vietnamese stall and he was whining when he found out that the aunty put ketchup in his soup. Seriously, who in the right frame of mind puts ketchup in soup? I really feel that the vietnamese pricks have a break down in their logical thinking. Last time I told them not to put chong they defied me and say must must, good! I can't wait for them to close down.

Afterwhich I went to play soccer and I am now regretting that decision for I made my hamstring injury worst. Thinking back, my mother was right when she discouraged me from playing soccer in primary school. To her soccer is a game where boys run around aimlessly, get themselves injured and dirty. But deep down, I knew she didn't like the idea of me mixing with Malays. My mother and relatives have this assumption that soccer=Malay=Never study=EM3.
To a certain extent, she was right about that. As they say, Mommy knows best. As for now, I am in pain right now, wish I could have a beer and numb the pain.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yes, I decided to give my blog a face-lift, he deserves it anyway. Also, I created a brother blog for him. His brother will contain only juicy details, scandals and bad-mouthing while this blog will continue to remain family orientated. I know the layout of this blog is similar to Kangli's and I admit it is a bit gay but that monkey refuses to change it. I guess nothing comes without a price.

The past few days have been so humid I am practically sweating everyday. Now, my decision to go over to hall 16 for the air-con is made simpler. I think I shall cut my hair this friday, at least it will make my head cooler. Was thinking of leaving it long like the Italian midfielder Andrea Pirlo but I have to admit I look like a cock with long hair. I kinda like my current armani spike crop.

I am hungry. A hungry Parry is not a happy Parry.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I should have seize the opportunity today,
but I didn't,
instead I let my pride rule over my head,
and I know that one day,
I will live to regret it

I hate to live life with regrets. I have been thinking for a long time about what would happen if one day should the higher beings come and tell me that tomorrow will be my last day on Earth. What should I do for my last day then?

One thing for sure, I would defintely say goodbye to my friends and parents, probably throw a party and have some booze. I will make a trip down to a chinese restaurant and wolf down abalone, crabs and shark's fin soup.

My only regret would be that I was never able to see the seven natural wonders of the world. I certainly wouldn't want to depart from this world without travelling around the world to experience the cultures and see our beautiful Earth.

I need money!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I don't know why but I have this sudden urge to go clubbing. On a positive note, I am proud to say I have abstained from alcohol for a month plus.

Looking through my cupboard earlier today, I realised that I have alot of clothes bought but have yet to wear. I think I am an implusive buyer, buying stuff that I like on the spot but not in need of.

Well whatever.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Today is the official last day of playing poker in hall for this sem. Bo bian, exams coming muz study. Overall I think i might have won a few bucks. I was so happy last night as I finally got my first straight flush of my poker career. My roomie Yip Kangli aka Monkey probably lost 40 over bucks. Sorry man for dragging u to play with us but hey juz remember, Winners don't quit, quitters don't win. Even Yan Fei lost before until he strip naked, haha.

Went to catch the movie 300 today and it was pretty alright, admire the guts these people have in the face of adversity.

Recently my morale is a bit down. I was chatting with Magdalene last night and she thought I was in year 3. A few weeks back, someone also thought I was in year 3. Another person last year thought I was in year 4. Damn it, I can't be looking that old right? I asked my good friend from Army to tell me the truth and he said I look a bit old too. Shit! Let me officially declare it, I am a YEAR 2 student, still young and sweet.

Next week is gonna be a mugging week to prepare for the quiz, I hope I can pull throught. Tech comm presentation is also next monday, I really pray that Mr A as Kangli calls him don't fuck up his part or I might bring him to the crocodile farm near my house and throw him in.

Till then Kopi Siew Dai out.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Another reason why racism still exists today. Muz be the Indians again.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The sub-com appreciation dinner last night was fantastic especially since the food was delicious and free! It was also a night to honour residents who performed well in the inter hall recreational and sports games. For the final year students, it was also a farewell to them. I think John gave a very good and inspirational speech. And of course cheers to the unofficial sportsman of the year, Ow Yong Wengfai!

The past few days have been really humid for me, as I lie in bed trying to sleep everynight, I am really tempted to apply for hall 16 next sem to enjoy the air-con. Then again its really hard to change hall after knowing great people around.

As for Kangli, getting scandalous ah, wish you good luck in chasing dumb blonde.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The saying shit happens rang so true to me today when I went for the west side selection. Playing only ten mins and barely touching the ball much, I pulled my hamstring while running back from a corner. Ok la my fault for not warming up before hand, was playing poker in my room before that and won 10 bucks! Anyway the standard for the west side is kinda of poor in my opinion, a lot of players whom I thought were very deserving of a place in the squad didn't turn up, which should have made my stake for a place even easier until that injury. Watching the whole match, I have no doubt I would have made it inside if shit didn't happen. No sour grapes though, I guess what comes around goes around.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

After two weeks of playing poker, I have begun to believe that what I have watched on Tv is in fact really possible. I used to think that the straight flushes and Full house that Chow Yun Fatt or Li Nanxing got was all make believe, but after getting full house myself for a total of three times, I declare that it is a reality. Also after seeing Kay Wee win 28 dollars in his first two games, I also believe in beginner's luck.

Oh no I am getting addicted. Fuck.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I can't explain why my performance today was so shaky. By my standards, I should have been more composed. Thankfully the team isn't those that make so much noise whenever one makes a mistake. I think that is why I have begun to love this team, great team spirit around and esp great fighters. Uncle Joey last week knocked a teeth out from a opponent when the opponent tackled him from behind and give the guai lan bin after that. Lucky Uncle Joey is my team mate and not my opponent.

My lack of fitness really showed today and I am now considering whether I should still go for the inter-hall soccer east vs west selection this friday. I wouldn't want to embarass the hall and furthermore the trainings should be quite shag. Tohari Paijan is supposely conducting the trainings and liasing a session for those selected to train together with the Gombak team. I suppose for our area the standard should be easier as compared to the other side comprising of hall 6, 7 , both finalist. Whatever the case, there should be at least two matches to play so I suppose I'll just take it as playing two free matches. Good luck to myself for this friday!

Friday, March 02, 2007

At this moment, I am kinda of pissed off because of one group member in my tech comm project. In short, he is a son of a bitch. I can't see how someone can be so bo chap in project discussions. He can keep silent throughout the whole meeting and unless prompted, he will not say a single word. He does not take a single initiative to even organise anything and doesn't seem worried about deadlines. It pisses me after even further when we give him simple tasks and without even checking, he can straight away reply dunno. Well done la bro, i wish u good luck la. I just send an email to our tutor to shoot u liao, I will fucking bring u down.

Lucky for the past three nights, I won 20 over bucks from black jack and poker so at least my mood isn't that bad yet.