Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm back from my reservist training and also sick at the same time, guess my body is not used to the dust and smoke from outfield training. It was good to see that almost of my platoon men came back. The first day many of us including myself were caught by the rsm for long hair and so had to spend 5 bucks just to zip off the back of my hair. But other than that, being a reservist has its privileges, we could walk around camp without head dress, unbutton clothes, cut the parade square. For the VCs, we even drove and guided the broncos without helmets.

Most of definitely put on weight since leaving the army, many had to unbutton the side buttons on their trousers. I also know why I was called up for the armour road relay run, while I thought running 11min was slow, it seems that after Zhan Rui and Ben, my timing is the next fastest. It was a shocker to see so many people who used to get gold timings last time flunk their 2.4km run now. But looking back on the past week, I would still say this ICT was pretty alright, at least no one shouted at us or threaten us with signing extras.

I am so disappointed that I am sick, my dad bough bak kwa yesterday and I can only see it and not touch it. Hope my cough recovers soon.

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