Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tmr is ICT and I shall be gone for five days. Till now, I am still not mentally prepared and really dun give a shit about this whole reservist thingy, they better dun play punk with me.

My secondary school class gathering kinda flopped last night, could tell that we still have cliques among ourselves, I could see Annie wasn't comfortable talking to Chen Yee while Eleanor and Chee Keong just stared into blank space, is this what has become of us after leaving secondary school? But of course as the night progressed, we gradually broke the ice and it was nice to find out how each of us did after leaving school, would love to see more gatherings in future but I will definitely not be the one organising it.

My legs are about to cramp now after today's testimonial game, we won 2-1, a perfect ending. We were at full squad except for Joseph. This has to be my best game in months, haven't displayed such form for quite some time, if I were to rate myself I would give myself 10/10, no shit. I would like to attribute my display to my new inspiration, Nemanja Vidic! Full credit to the opponents, no sloughs themselves, coming straight at us right from the second half, fortunately thanks to me and Gab, we held firm. Ben Chen though disappointing, waste my time going up for corners. Chill dude, next time dun hero play earlier game la.

My mom is so sweet, knowing full well I will be eating shitty food for ICT, she cooked mee sua with sliced abalone for dinner, wonderful.

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