Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am so glad Argentina won today. No I didn't bet on them considering I lost 400bucks on them the last time they played against Mexico. I felt happy because Argentina is a nation that plays attacking football which never fails to entertain me. Italy may have won the world cup but they are so technical and defensive, I rather watch Tampines Rovers play. The lads did well today especially Messi, his second goal was a beauty. Javier Mascherano did a marvelous job in midfield, I was observing how he played, bearing in mind that I will most probably be doing that job when I eventually join Melvin's team. I really hope they beat Brazil in the finals.

I manged to borrow the book "The rape of Nanking" at AMK library today. I had previously been warned that it will stir up anti Japanese sentiments. Before hand, I already hated Japan, no thanks to the influence of Bruce Lee movies. He is still my hero. Furthermore they lost me money in the World cup. I plan to read it on my plane trip to Hong Kong next week but after rummaging through a few pages especially seeing the pics, it comes as no surprise why people till now are still disgusted at the Japanese people for the past atrocities. Chinese people being used for bayonet practice drills, prostitution, competition among the Jap soldiers to see who can massacre 100 Chinese first. I believe the same can be said for the Filipinos should they produce any books abt them. Thus I always rejoice when natural disasters strike Japan, hey hows that for karma, let me spell it for ya Jap skanks K-A-R-M-A.

Alright enough said, I dun intend to invite the Internal security act to my doorstep. The sky is grey, the wind is breezy, it is a signal for my afternoon nap.

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