Thursday, March 06, 2008

I am still distraught and coming to terms with what I encountered just a while ago. I was @ Lorong Lew Lian wanting to buy bak chor mee. What I got instead was a very mixed response from the aunty.

Me : Hi, 给我 bak chor mee, mee pok, hiam.

Aunty: 我不是卖wantan mee.

Me: 我知道,我要买 bak chor mee.

Aunty: (Raised Voice) 我不是跟你讲了吗! 我不是卖 wantan mee!

Me: ??? Ok lo, bye bye

I really dunno what the fuck happen to the aunty. Frankly speaking, her bak chor mee not bad, but since she become siao, no point in me forcing her.

My boss asked me today if I plan to join the department after I grad. Tricky. Since he is the one partially giving me a grade, of course I lied under my breath and said yes. Everyone has been secretly telling me not to re-join. I am still undecided. Honestly I like everyone here, all the gor gors help me alot, all the jie jies shower me alot of sisterly love, esp biscuits and kueh. But work wise, can see them suffering. Maybe I might join other department next time. What I like best about LTA is that it is 4 Mrt stops away from my house.

Time for a jog!

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