Sunday, November 30, 2008

you see an expanse of dry leaves glimmering in the sun

Friday, November 28, 2008

you are the earth dried by the hot sun, a tree abandoned by its soil

Thursday, November 27, 2008

you are a bird's skeleton drifting on the cold wind

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

you are a fish that has been tossed onto a river bank, a bird that has been plunged into the sea

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

you lie hidden inside your body, like a stowaway concealing himself in the hold of a ship

Friday, November 21, 2008

While watching the news today, I found out that it was the release of the PSLE results. Its been 12 years since I got mine. That was just the start of the 50m mark then. I fuck up my PSLE then and didn't really got bothered by it though. But somehow I managed to wake up for the O's and kept pace in the race to the 200m mark. Well, right now I am at the 350 mark and when next sems starts, I'll reach the 375m mark before crossing the finishing line.

What a journey it has been.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I finally see some sunlight

Since Sunday, I haven't really got much sleep. Having a paper consecutively for the past three days caused me a headache especially when there is so much memorizing for CE management. Glad the worst is over too. My eyes were hurting so much from lack of sleep that after the paper today, I just collapsed on my bed when I reached home. But even falling into a coma, I still managed to squeeze in a dream, not a good one though. I dreamt that my FYP Prof was fucking me, not proper fucking in that sense but screwing me for some problems with the project. Which reminds me that after my last paper next thurs, my december hols are gonna be immersed with my FYP project. Life just gets more boring.

The current HK drama Forensic heroes on channel U 10pm is very interesting. I have to admit I still managed to watch the drama everyday despite the stress. Can't be studying the whole time anyway. Oh ya cashmere mafia looks good too, abit like desperate housewives.

Well I am a TV junkie afterall.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just a couple of hours ago, I took my first paper in a year. Dunno why but I felt nervous and jitters. When I was in primary school, I used to pray to Jesus before a paper. In O Levels, I was so nervous I had to take sleeping pills the night before to sleep. As for the A's, I had to drink Brandy in the night to sleep. Well before yesterday's paper, I was watching Family guy and Simpsons to calm down.

Is Barack Obama the new black hero? Well older generation pple will prob argue that Jesse Owens was the first black hero for winning 3 Olympic gold medals in front of Hitler and his so called Aryan theory supporters. Some say Joe Louis for being the first black heavy weight boxing champion. Then there is Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and now Lewis Hamilton.

The critics can say what they want, but in my opinion, there is only one true black hero and he is Wally Amos. Just for creating the Famous Amos cookies, he gets my vote.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

It sucks going to sleep knowing full well that you will only wake up the next day just to do past year papers the whole day. It made me think back to the times when I was on attachment, waking up to the nice sunny weather and a hot cuppa of coffee.

Oh well.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Personally I feel the US presidential contest is nothing more than an American Idol contest. I don't get what the fuss is up with everyone cheering the Obama win. Ya just because change is good, because he is black, because it is cool and hip to be voting for Obama. Ask the average African American on the street what economic policies Mr Obama is pushing for, I bet their bollocks they stand a better chance of guessing the correct NBA score. In my opinion, no matter who helms the post, that person is bound to fuck up at some point. Why? Because at the end of the day, no one likes the Yankees.

Anyway congrats to Mr Obama for being the 44th US President. What an auspicious number. Good luck to him. It has been forty years since Martin Luther King's assassination. Lets just hope that change is good and not just a dream.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Maybe its from the stress building up because recently, I seem to be hallucinating. I seem to see certain things but after a second look, its gone. No its not like Ghost Whisperer thank god. And no I am not on weed or LSD.

Maybe I am just estranged.