Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Over the past week, I have killed a total of four lizards. Almost everyday I keep seeing new small lizards, guess I have to hunt down the mother soon. Ok now back to the main topic.

My legs are aching from standing and walking around Whampoa drive today distributing flyers for Prudential. Think I might need to do some warm up tomorrow. But anyway I threw away one whole stack of flyers in the dustbin at some HDB flat and hid in the town council to catch a nap under the air-con. The job is pretty boring but thankfully my partner Tiffany was quite entertaining especially with her fair share of ghost and sex stories. What to do, an Ah Lian from SIM mah.

Two more days to IPPT and if things goes well and I get my silver, I shall celebrate it at clarke quay. Time to get drunk and wasted again.

Time to sleep now, gotta catch the England vs Hungary match later this morning.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Out of boredom, I registered myself at myheritage.com and uploaded my pictures to see which celebrity I resembled most. Ok the results aren't encouraging, my first picture that I uploaded which was about three months after ORD showed that I had 62% resemblence to Stephen Chow, 60% to both Silvio Berloscuni and Pavarotti. My second picture taken at my cousin's wedding a few months back returned better. I had 63% link to Enrique Iglesias and jacky Cheung. My third picture made me flipped over my chair. I was 63% linked to Hu jingtao but thankfully 56% to Leon Lai. So I decided to post the latest picture taken about a month back, I had 72% resemblence to Leslie Cheung, 66% to Sammo Hung and 63% to Kim Jong II, damn the last two results has really made me depressed! After randomly choosing other photos, I realised most of them revealed that I resembled either Hu Jingtao or Stephen Chow. So I suppose my hopes of resembling Colin Farrell or Louis Khoo are kinda far fetched.

Thats all folks.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I give Schindler List two thumbs up and fully understand why it won so many awards back then.

On the way home today after my second game, I thought about it for a long while and finally came to this decision. I am gonna quit the team. Put it in another way, the boat is slowly but surely sinking. It is not an easy decision because I have made many wonderful friends in the team which would not have been possible if we didn't have passion and love for the game. But I hope they understand my decision.

On the other hand, I am excited about next week's league game with Helmi's team. I feel that we have a group of talented players and am confident of winning the prize money. Howerver, thinking back, I feel bad when I reflect on the incident just now in the last few minutes of the game where Helmi was being kicked in the stomach and on the head by 5 guys and most of us were quite slow to react. I admit that I was slow to rush in and protect him. Seeing the marks on his stomach and lips makes me feel guilty. It won't happen again dude, next time I confirm cheong in and help you. Somemore we got lawyer Zheng in our team, hahaha. Unfortunately our Thai imports can't do Muay Thai though.

Time to nap.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today was my first and also last day at work. I felt that working in the travel agency was not my cup of tea especially when a slight mistake could cost a few hundreds of dollars. There were many things to remember and worst of all, customers were forever flowing in to book packages to Malaysia. I had to control my laughter whenever suspicous looking 'Ah Peks' came in to enquire on trips to batam.

The Indonesian singer from channel u superstar also booked a ticket to somewhere and my PRC colleague was so excited about it. She was so enthusiastic about her work and when she tried to teach me new stuff to learn, it broke my heart to tell her that I was quitting today and there was no need to teach me. I must say that the staff there are very friendly and therefore my decision to quit was based on being zhi dong and not wanting to waste their time by bothering them and asking questions.

Despite their persistence that I will get the hang of it soon and giving it another few days of try, my heart tells me I am just not cut out for the travel industry.

But looking on the bright side, they still offered to pay me my day's work of 48 bucks so hey, at least it entitles me to a king bistro burger and two jugs of Irish red ale beer at brewerkz.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Today is officially my last day of being a bummer before I start work at transtar travel agency tomorrow. I foresee waking up early as the biggest problem I will face considering that for the past two months I have been sleeping around three plus.

Managed to watch Da Vinci code today, show was ok maybe spoilt by the fact that I had read the book before and so there wasn't really any suspense for me. Afterwhich was at Zara looking at clothes when I saw the hokkien mee seller near my house shopping inside too. That was a bit unexpected but hey dude, thats kool.
Although the match was lost 6-4 yesterday, I would say the goals conceded were kinda soft and nobody should really shoulder the blame. I enjoyed myself as being constantly attacked meant that the defence could get more of the action. And I am glad that I can show more composure on the ball and pass it around from the back, its been something that I had hope to train up more.

Its unbelievable how Christian Bale was so thin in the Machinist back in 2004. I had to watch it to believe it. He was so thin you could see his rib cage and now he is quite buffed up especially in Batman begins. But still its kinda of gross to see someone so skinny.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Having just watched the british reality drama about the nanny who sorts problem kids, it rewinds me back to when I used to create all sorts of problems for my parents.Here are some highlights of my wild childhood.

I couldn't sit still to have my meals, after a mouthful, I would run off to my room to continue playing with my toys inspite of my mom shouting at me to get back to the dinner table to finish my meal. Speaking of meals, I would have to highlight that being the younger sibling, my parents would let me choose where i want to have dinner on sundays. As I liked the bak chor at Ah Seah, a eatery near upper serangoon shopping centre, we often ate there. Of course my sister who wasn't really fond of the food, expressed her dislike, but what to do, I was the younger one so daddy and mommy let me win. Even if there was one fishball left and my sister took it, I would whine until my mom tell my sister to give it to me.

Of course there came a time when my sister couldn't take it, she started throwing her temper when my mom didn't let her watch melrose place. One day, she even told my dad that it was not fair for her to vacuum the floor and fold clothes while I did nothing. So to make it fair, she supposely 'retired' while I took over. Little did I know that her retirement continues till today while I still vacuum the floor. Jokingly, she remarks that I am a sensitive new age guy. Nice try.

I can't believe that my mom could tolerate me last time after all the shit that I put her through. As for my dad, he couldn't really be bothered with me unless my results were bad. Especially when my ting xie scored below 60, boy was i scared to death cause it required his signature. His mode of punishment were more brutal, with his favourite weapon ruler. Thankfully he didn't use methods like grounding.

Most of the time, I would be quarelling with my sister. And most of the time, I had to beat her in games. If there was any game where she won me, I would accuse her of cheating and bullying me and then the screaming and yelling would start. The best part was when we called our mother to settle the matter, my mom would tell my sister to give in to me. Hooray!

So there it is, for those of you reading this and being the eldest, maybe you can agree that being the elder one sucks and the youngest one get all the attention and favouritism. Of course, before I end, I have to declare that I am a changed person, no longer the spoilt brat i used to be, I am now a very understanding, sensitive, giving and caring person. I am sure you people agree with me :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Seeing primary school kids eating ice cream and playing catching reminds me of the innocent, ignorant and playful boy I used to be.

Seeing JC students at bus stops and mrt remind me of myself when i was still a student, shirt tucked out, carefree and full of joy.

Seeing tanned guys, collar shirt tucked in, sling bags and new balance shoes reminds me when I was still serving in the army.

Seeing young adults with textbooks, files, berms and slippers reminds me of university mugging for exams.

Seeing my sister come back from work late in the night reflects what I will be experiencing in a few years time.

Seeing my father shows me what I can expect to look like when I reach his age.

Damn, life is too short to experience all the wonderful things in the world, like understanding different cultures and visiting countries especially Europe. Suddenly, I fear turning 22 in a few months time, I wish that time would stop for me.

I need a new inspiration and goal to look forward to. More like somemone to slap me and wake my idea up.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

People of 42SAR, check this link out, http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/forum/story/0,5562,392576,00.html?

What can I say, Lucas Ho has done foxtrot and 42SAR proud again. Before I forget, congrats Xiaopei, will definely be at your ROM reception though the news is still a bit of a shock to me.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Been training for the past couple of days for the coming IPPT and so far so good, just a bit worried about my knee starting to feel pain from the running. After the money comes in, I promise myself I am gonna reward myself with a nice meal and cold beer.

I have watched 4 episodes of prison break so far and am pretty impressed. It reminds me a bit of The Shawshank redepmtion and Hong Kong prison movies, where the hero is forever bullied by the gangs in there and prison wardens are usually corrupted including the head of the prison. But prison break is far more complicated, especially the consiparcy involving the hero's brother and how the hero goes about planning the escape. Well, guess it will keep me occupied for the next couple of days.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The trip to the national library prove fruitful today as I manage to borrow American Gods and The Fifth Mountain by Neil Gaiman and Paulo Coelho. Thought that I might prefer to spend my free time reading instead of watching movies all day long. Watching episode 15 of Lost last night, I get this feeling that there won't be an answer to the mystery on the island by the end of the season and I won't be surprised if the drama goes on for another few seasons.

Been enjoying myself watching the Simpsons for the past couple of days. Suddenly have this urge to watching Scooby Doo cartoons again after watching the movie today. These are classic cartoons and always a joy to watch. Then again I hope my ex job agency calls me soon, wouldn't want to bum around too long in the house.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I think playing one half first before another game helps me in the sense of warming up properly. After last week's dismal performance, my touches and passing is slowly but surely getting there. Ok maybe the opponents didn't really pressure the defence much anyway. Its easy especially when receiving the ball and looking up for people to pass to, there are options like Helmi, Remy, Indra or Terence. Yea, ben and Joe, next time shout early like today, then I can send in the long balls again, provided we use the Champions League ball like Kye said. Haha... ..and Teck is a fantastic keeper no doubt he is old, fantastic one on one saves. Looking forward to next week again.

Can't wait for elections results to start. General elections are just like the world cup, coming only every 5yrs. Will there be an upset in Aljunied GRC?

Friday, May 05, 2006

The worker's party rally today was quite exciting as Mr Low Thia Kiang and Ms Slyvia Lim 'shoot' the PAP for certain words they had used yesterday against them. I give credit to both of them because their words makes logical sense unlike some Chee Cheong fun guy.

The last rally tomorrow at serangoon stadium should be the climax and I shall make a trip down.

Diet for the past two days have been nothing but beer, burgers, or lua, chai dao kueik and beer again. Next week die die shall be fruit week.