Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Yet another one of my section man has passed away though this time it was suicide. Its been like eight months since Fabrian passed away and recently my instructor and now Kuan. At times I wonder if I should show more concern to the men or at least tell them to approach me should there be any problems and try my best to help them as death should never be an option. Probably have a talk with them soon together with Zhan Ming to work things out.

Rest in peace Kuan Chin Jian.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I think I may have suffered a metatarsal injury in my toe after playing for Tim's team yesterday. My big toe can't seem to bend fully and it hurts. Shouldn't have been so garang yesterday. Anyway I have come to realise that playing beside crap players brings out the best from me considering that I have to step up my game instead of sitting back and relax.

I also attended my block party at my house last night. Bo bian actually coz my daddy is a main com secretary for the residents commitee so I have to support him. The block party was to welcome my district PAP MP MR Seah and create cohesiveness among other block residents. There were many food provided by my neighbours. My mom provided her Foo Chow traditional red wine chicken while my neighbour provided some traditional rice cake which was delicious. However the flavour was spoilt when my neighbour insisted that he pour his indian curry on my food. Not trying to be racist but hey Tau Hoo and Hokkien Mee don't go well with curry ok, get it? Actually to me the cohesiveness and crime prevention awareness were just an excuse for the party. The main thing was to allow them to turn the badmintion court into a mass open air karaoke session. The aunties were happily belting away hokkien and cantonese songs and dancing away. Even my dad joined in to sing his favourite Chen Lei xim mai eh mai kao song which without fail wakes me up on saturday mornings when he sings it.

I wonder what my good fren Captain Mike will do for social activity in hall. I will probably expect weekend trips organised by him to Batam, Macau or Genting, free shuttle bus service from Hall 12 to Joo Chiat or maybe discount vouchers to massage parlours. Ah Captain Mike when is our first event?

Lastly I am still considering whether to join any sub com anot. Coz being a sub com got many sai kang to do. Furthermore the points system is so cocked up, play inter hall games no points. But hopefully soccer will make it to semi finals this year so I can threaten the hall to give me Bruno's room otherwise I wll quit the hall and on top of that pull kannan and his frenz out from the soccer team. See what they play then. If that ploy doesn't work then I will have to execute backup plan B which I will keep it as a secret first. Hahaha,I juzz luvvvvv threatening people.

Kopi out

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Just a while ago, my first semester friend spoke to me on msn. He is an India scholar who doesn't talk much to me and the words we exchange can hardly reach past a hundred. But his agenda was short and sweet, help him gather votes for him in the coming EEE elections. All these campaigning be it hall or school brings out the wayanging in people, where people suddenly lick your balls, pretend to be your good friend, offer you goodies, promise you the moon, but after being elected, poof..... No news or either that life still remains the same.

I think winning an election is all about strategy. Take Hougang and Potong Pasir for example, offers to upgrade the housing estate and free abalone porriage didn't sway votes. If I were to run for election, my strategy would be simple. Free Kopi O for residents every saturday morning and lower the tax on beer. Screw whatever moral principles or bad effects it will have on the young, I mean c'mon the young will eventually grow up and see the dark side of life anyway.

To Captain Mike, I hope after you get elected, you will run the social life of Hall 12 well and plz don't make it become the Joo Chiat of NTU hostels.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I feel so proud today becoz for the first time in NTU, I have posted something on the forum board. Mine is the one that says 'Why Ntu never sell Hokkien mee and Kway Chap'. I hope the student union takes the issue seriously and do something about it real soon.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Singapore

I thought about what made me feel Singaporean for a couple of minutes and realised that apart from family and friends, the things that keep me attached to Singapore are food and drinks. So I have decided to list out my favourite food and drinks in order of merit.

Fav food
1) Hokkien Mee
2) Kway Chap
3) Roti Prata
4) Chicken Rice
5) Mee Pok da
6) Beef Hor Fun
7) Char Kway Tiao

Fav drinks
1) Teh c peng
2) Kopi
3) Sugar cane
4) Chin Chow
5) Ribena
6) Tau Hui jui
7) Milo

Ok as I am typing this I am definitely salivating a bit and regretting not buying back roti prata just now. Thus this post shall end here before I develop more regrets.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I got a shock after reading today's papers when I found out that my Taekwondo instructor passed away on mon following complications after lap band surgery. Didn't know that the news was on wed front page of home section as I was in f.o.c.

Training under him was no doubt tough but fun at the same time. He would have supper with us at Toa Payoh after training and share laughters with each other. He was never interested in the belt level system and would only train us rigorously in sparring. He put me in a green belt competition when I was only a white belt and put me in a black belt competition when I was a green belt. His advice to me in competitions was simple but effective. The words were 'if you don't kick ur opponent, they will kick you, so choose'. In any case, I hope that the fraternity will give him a deserving tribute for his service to the sport.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Working at AMK Singpost for the past two days is physically draining esp when I had F.O.C earlier in the week. The only good thing about the job is that at the end of the day I can eat free ice cream provided by Prudential as part of the promotion.

After the job I had to rush down for soccer and today was probably my best game for the team so far, timing my tackles well and almost getting on the score sheet after some neat passing with Nas and Sharul. Could have dribbled the ball into the penalty box but opted for the spectacular instead outside the big box only to see my top right corner shot denied with a fine save by the keeper. So my first goal is still waiting.

It was nice to have the last shot of the game and to shake hands with the ref, Yaya Mahdon, ex-international player in the 90s. Too bad we couldn't take his offer of a friendly next wed because the clowns in the team said they were 'patriotic' or they would only play if the match was at national stadium.

A lot of players have pre-match routines. Ferdinand likes to listen to hip hop before a game, Paul Ince would only put on his shirt after he emerges from a dug out and most players like to touch the pitch and make the sign of the cross etc. As for myself, I have finally found my own routine, that is drinking teh c peng before a match. For the last two weeks including today, I felt that after drinking teh c peng, it somehow kept me focused,steady and at my optimum during the game. I am not exactly superstitious but I believe in the saying 'if it ain't broken, don't fix it'. Probably follow the routine next week.

After two weeks of work and saikang, finally I get my off day tomorrow.