Saturday, September 23, 2006

Last night was smashing. I had a drinking session with my NTU bruddas not to mention heavy drinkers too. Initially the two jugs of beer seem harmless until out came the Chivas Regal bottle. The good thing about Chivas is that it is so neat you don't feel the kick. After we left Brewertz, I wasn't walking straight and so was Phil who looked like he was gonna puke any moment. He went into MOS while me and Junxian left for home.
I took the night rider back and with two more stops to go, I had to alight to puke the beer out. After walking for another 100m, I vomitted again. While I thought that was the end of it, in the middle of my sleep I had to puke again, thankfully I managed to rush to the toilet bowl in time. One thing good about Chivas is that even when puking, the process is smoother than say if I had drunk Black Cat instead. Anyway that summed up yesterday night, wasted my money eating the burgers which eventually ended out in my vomit.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am gonna be broke soon starting with this friday, heading down to clarke quay to have a few pints of beer with Phil and Junxian. Next week probably eat some buffet with my roomie and Jianming. Not forgetting watching the movie Miami Vice. I also spent 18bucks on tickets to the octoberfest event held by the NTU German society whereby there will be free flow of Paulenars beer, dunno whether true anot in the sense sure make a loss if give free flow mah.

The recess week is also a week whereby I have to pia all my lagging tutorials and get my fitness back. Gym, swimming and soccer all planned liao and hopefully can faithfully stick to it. Been trying to motivate myself to get IPPT gold so that I can use the 400 bucks to go overseas. I know easier said than done but hey, if the Italian wankers can win the world cup, anything is possible.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just finished watching the office, a British comedy which made me laugh my balls off. I laughed till my throat went dry and I seriously recommend it to anyone who is bored or stressed.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Yesterday was a sinful day. While watching the two big games, I was indulging myself in mee goreng, snickers, cookies and cream ice cream and chivas regal. Man Utd lost and that was when Chivas came in to console me.

This week is another quiz week before I get to enjoy the recess break. Finally Miami Vice will be opening, have been waiting for that show quite a while.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Channel 5 sux big time. They do not show champions league soccer and on top of that have only decided to air prison break now. Thankfully I have watched season two due to the network system in NTU. First world country my ass. Besides I wonder wats up with NTU professors nowadays, getting involved in so many raunchy affairs. I won't be surprised to see my lecturers in the Newpaper one day.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In loving memory of my cousin : Selena Low

It has been an emotionally wrecking week for me with today being the worst day of it. Standing next to the coffin with everyone saying their last prayers for my cousin was a painstaking event to experience till the part when the top part of the coffin showing her face was covered. That was the last time anyone of us would have gotten to see her face again.

Proceeding to the viewing hall to see the coffin being slowly transported before it gets cremated is a heart-breaking process. It makes myself feel powerless standing behind the glass door and watch someone of my kin being 'sent off' in this manner. My mom and aunt took it all rather badly. It is a very sad and painful event to experience, much worst for my uncle and cousin and the scene keeps replaying in my head whenever my mind idles. Hopefully as time passes I should be able to get over it soon.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I am beginning to feel like William Gallas, playing centre back then left back then right back then left back again, though it can be quite fun. Everyone was tired yesterday. I was totally shacked. Great to welcome Indra back also, the man I look and pass to whenever I run out of options. It was weird playing against Terence, no one was able to get the ball away from him as usual.

As wednesday draws nearer, my mood is getting more solemn. My cousin's crementation will be a hard one to swallow. Everyone is worried about my grandmother and whether she will be able to take it. Seeing my uncle's teary eyes and sad face last saturday also sank my heart. I really feel for the whole family and wish that they can get over it soon.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Just back from my cousin's wake. She has left this world as of today afternoon after 5years of suffering from her condition. Shall not discuss the matter anymore. Bad news one after another has messed up my head. This has been a bad week for me, beginning to fear the word death. I realised that I can't accept the reality of people around me leaving this world. I just hope that things can brighten up soon.

Pardon me if I am moody.