Saturday, December 30, 2006

In a few hrs time, I will be out there in the field playing rugby, or is it ploughing the muddy field. At times I wonder why the fuck I am doing this. Is it really for the passion or for pride. Does it really outweigh the benefits of working or spending time with my family? It has kept me thinking this whole month. And boy am I sick again, really regretted playing the friendly on wed, it has left me with bad cuts on my left leg and a flu.

Year 2006 draws to an end and reflecting back on the year, it has been alright for me. Feeling pretty moody now becoz of a couple of things, a few incidents have made me pissed off this week. Hope that 2007 will be a much happier year for me.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Today I made my debut for sepak takraw. We won overall 2-1 and I also started my first fight in inter-hall. Ok la it was a small one and thinking about it, I also dunno what went in my head just now. Apparantly the opp leg had pivoted in the circle so the point went to us. Wengfai then went over to explain nicely to the hall 8 pple. Instead they rebutted a bit aggressively and I didn't like the body language of one of the vietnamese pricks so I ran over and pushed him. Immediately the hall 8 pple about 5 of them separated us and dragged me away, of course not without me swearing "u pu bor kia" at that arse first. Joel and the rest were juz laughing there, only hengkia bother to come backup. I think if Edwin was there it would have been a different story.

Yesterday's loss to Hall 5 was a bitter pill to swallow, we were so closed to winning en route to the quarters but a few lapses in concentration cost us a defeat. But the match did proved a thing, we are capable of matching the better halls. I believe we can beat hall 2. There was great support yesterday but we let them down, hopefully come next fri we can put a smile on everyones face.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Another point I have noticed, so far all the Popes have been white people. Will we ever get to see a black, Hispanic, Asian Pope at all? Is it a coincidence or racial related?

Also, according to movies like the exorcism, there have been incidents whereby people have been possessed by the devil and at the end of the day like all Hollywood movies, the good guys win, the priest sucessfully exorcised the devil out of the body. Of course the identity of the person is "conveniently" protected and withheld. Now my question is why does the church not videotaped the whole process and show it to the whole world. Surely if the world sees the tape, everyone would start praying to God. I mean if I were head of the Christian community and I have proof that God works to eliminate evil, I would surely present it to the whole world to prove his existence and increase the number of worshippers. Any marketing student can also testify to this strategy.Unless of course such a thing never happened in the first place. I can only SPECULATE that the movies is just a way to make money between Hollywood and the church or scare people to belive in God.

Also, the incident involving the Lady of Fatima appearing to the three sheperds in Portugal a few decades back is suspicious. Somehow only the "three" young sheperds can see the virgin Mary while the "rest" of the audience cannot see. Whether the sheperds were highly paid good actors I don't know. They are supposely told three secrets two of which has already happened, world war one and two. The last one is yet to happen and the secret is said to make every Pope who has ever read it turn pale white. Ok so it is a secret but come on surely God is not so selfish right? Only the Pope can know the secret? Fine. Some speculate it to be the end of world which brings me to ask why would God want to create the world in the first place if he knew he was gonna end it eventually unless of course he cannot predict the future which contridicts the theory that he is all powerful and almighty.

Furthermore, at the start of the bible, it is said that in the first seven days, God created light, darkness, the world, Adam and eve blah blah blah... But I noticed no mention of creating dinosaurs. Even if one were to read the whole bible, I do not recall any mention at all of dinosaurs. Now surely something as significant as dinosaurs derserves some mention? Surely humans muz have been eaten? Unless of course the bible is against the scientific evidence that dinosaurs exist way before time. Highly impossible becoz they wouldn't want to lose a significant number of worshippers who also believe in science. I know all these is rather confusing but give it a thought yea. And dun report me to any authorities. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ok I am bored again so I am gonna write about my fav subject God.

Some people say that since Evil is created by Satan and Satan is created by God, God is actually responsible for evil.

A simple analogy. If we were to put a toddler in a kitchen and the kitchen has three sharp knives. Suppose the toddler plays around and accidentally cuts himself with the knives, surely any adult would blame us for being ignorant by putting the toddler in the kitchen all by himself inspite of knowing the dangers the knives can impose. Of course one would argue that it is human error but lets say knives did not exist in the first place(assume that knives serves no purpose except killing), the accident would not have happened in the first place. Similarly, if God did not create evil feelings and emotions in humans, we would not be killing each other in the name of hate. My theory is simple, prevention is better than cure, if we do not impose the root factor in the beginning, nothing would take place. Without evil feelings like jealousy and hate in the first place, there would be zero percent success rate for many evil actions.

Its like a choice between putting a child through two schools. Say school one is a prestigious school with highly educated students and school two is a substandard school with students from dubious backgrounds, one would surely put a child in school one due to the fact that is has lesser risk of the child learning bad values from the other students. We cannot totally eliminate the possiblity of the child learning bad things in school one but for argument sake, we all know that the chances are substantially lower.

Therefore, my arugment is that since God has created hate, jealousy, greed in humans, the premium risk of us humans commiting sins is therefore gonna be there as compared to a world if he did not create any of these in the first place. Its like exposing the child to vulgar words, of course the child would pick them up as compared if we live in a world where everyone does not even swear at all. I know Christian pple out there would say that we as humans can make the choice between good and evil and that by doing the wrong thing it is a reflection of our morals but hey do think about my analogy of putting a kid in the school. If u guys got the balls, put ur kid in school two and teach him ur sets of values and see how he grows up, that is of course if one were to dare try it out in the first place if given a choice.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A narrow win it was today but nonetheless still a win. Could have been a draw if the ref had judged that I had handled the ball in the penalty area which I did. Lucky me otherwise I would have to take the blame. Hall 8 are whiners and wankers. Practically each time they go to ground they have to cry foul. I rem the fat ass midfielder no 28, in the last few mins of the game as he lined up to take a shot I threw my body to try and block it and caught his leg due to momentum. There he was saying I delibrately fouled him. End of game I still overheard him toking bout that foul. Eh if u not happy ask ur father come down la ah. He also said our hall machiam bo seh, only pump long balls to strikers and couldn't do much. Well how is this for stats, hall 8 shots on target ZERO. Cry father cry mother 100%.

Everyday rain rain rain and instead of sleeping I am out there playing, how wasted....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I finally tried out playing sepak takraw today, ok la its a bit fun but not as easy as I hoped it would be. I am stil trying to inspire myself for thurs soccer match against hall 8, somehow I have seem to lost the drive to play football. During the exams, I broke away from weekend soccer duties and lost the momentum eventually. Anyway Captain Helmi has organised a match this week, hopefully the match will take place, need to catch up on match fitness and technical positioning.

I need to psych myself up for this thurs, and yea I will practise my pre-match routine, drink teh c peng before the game!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Whoa, seems like google is buying over everything huh.
What a pulsating game, the Arsenal vs Chelsea game has got to be the best game I have watched so far this season.I admit chelsea were unlucky not to win in the final mins of the game.

I am still shackled by sat match. Totally no fitness and poor awareness of the ball. Morale and confidence a bit low in contrast to a few months back. It will be interesting to see how I fare on thurs. Anyway out of boredom, I have decided to name my dream team. Here goes. I have adopted a 4-3-1-2 formation.

Goalkeeper - Peter Schemichael

The great dane, I always fancy a keeper who shouts at you throughout the game thereby keeping you mentally alert.

Right Back - Gary Neville

A loyal servant and a hard working bloke who runs his heart out down the flank.

Right Centre Back - Rio Ferdinand

He may have been off-form sometimes but he hasn't let England down in major tournaments esp the world cup, he is fully focused and rarely loses a tackle.

Left Centre back - Tony Adams(Vice Captain)

A typical British old fashioned and no nonsense defender. Someone who can psych players up before a game and rally the troops when the chips are down definitely gets a slot in my starting lineup.

Left Back - Ashley Cole

The only person I feel who can stop Cristiano Ronaldo.

Right Centre Mid - Luis Figo

An extremely skillful winger who can play centre mid as well. At his peak, he was practically carrying Portugal on his own. My secondary school idol.

Centre Mid - Roy Keane(Captain)

Since I started watching EPL, I dun rem seeing anyone square up to him after any challenge. Week in week out players square up to challenges but no one has ever reacted to him after a challenge, he is that FEARSOME.

Left Centre Mid - Pavel Nedved

Many still say Juventus only lost to Milan in the 2003 champions league final because he was suspended. A talented player who also led Lazio to the scudetto. He can make mazy runs and pass a through ball.

Hole(In front of midfield and behind strikers) - Zinidine Zidane

How could this maestro not be in anyone's dream team. Practically the best player of our generation.

Left Forward - Rivaldo

Another skillful player full of tricks. He can dribble and most importantly score.

Right Forward - Fat ronaldo

He may be slow now but surely a few years back he was the best clinical finisher of the game. Able to do dummies and crossovers as well.


Keeper - Buffon/ Oliver Kahn

It was difficult to choose between them so I decided to include both.

Sweeper/Left Back -Paolo Maldini

A world class defender who reads the game and tackles well.

Midfield- Michael Essien

A player who can slot in at any postion and excel. A physically powerful lad, almost a complete player, one to watch out for the future.

Attacking Mid - Paul Scholes

A technical and crafty player who has great vision and passing ability. Though quiet by nature, he stands shoulder to shoulder with the best players in the world. He is the most underated player who should deserve more recognition.

Hole - Wayne Rooney

Though he is not as skillful as henry or a finisher like Van Nisterooyl, he plays with his heart on his sleeve. Only 21 and still not the finished product yet. How could anyone ever leave him out.

Striker - Eric Cantona

My idol and also the reason why I supported Leeds Utd then and later Manchester United. He has a great footballing brain and is also a charismatic entertainer.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I am sick of playing all these mind games. I tried to be diplomatic about it but since you don't get it, then don't blame me for being nasty. I don't even own u anything for a start. I can play mind games also.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Have been enjoying life for the past few days. Just came back from drinking with Phil, Junxian and the baba Nicolas. It felt like good old times, sitting down to drink and talk cock. Earlier in the day, went to Singapore swimming club to get a tan and relax in the jacuzzi and sauna. One word to describe today, SHIOK!

The day before I also met up with my secondary school frenz to catch up on times. Found out a couple of gals got married and already with kids. A few of my juniors according to my police fren are in jail. Seems like I haven't been in contact with a lot of pple for a while.

However the past few days have also been torried at times. A gal I got to know while working at Sing Post has been pestering me to go out with her. I should have known better when she asked me for my number. The branch manager also played a part when she kept persuading me to tackle her. Sing Post is a fucking match making agency, the last place I worked, the aunties also asked me to date their daughters. WTF... Anyway I have decided to make things clear to her after her 21st birthday this fri, dun wanna be a bastard also. Vincent the weirdo also took my number. I really regret being too friendly with pple. Tomorrow at Bedok I shall project a jerk attitude. If only Jenny could be more friendly, hhmm maybe things might be in a different state, haha.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Day 4 summary

In total, I have been called an uncle three times. Also whenever young kids misbehave, their parents will go 'see that man there, u naughty he will come take u and sell u away'. Since when did I became the convenient bad guy, i so friendly.

Gonna miss the ah beng tomorrow, he took the day off. For the past few days, he has been my constant supply of free cigerettes. But I did help him by pushing every customer to him. But that means I will be stuck with vincent tomorrow. Now vincent is no ordinary person, vincent is a fucking weirdo. He walks as if there is a vibrator stuck in his body. I had the unfortunate luck when he came over to tok cock with me today.

Vincent: What do u think of the girl in the handphone shop?

Me: I think she has a great figure.

Vincent: I luuvv her ass.

Me: Ok, ic

Vincent: Have u ever done it in geylang before?

Me: Err no

Vincent: The girls there are fantastic! Do u watch porn?

Me: Which guy hasn't?

Vincent: I love ang mo porn, they are hardcore!

Me: Oh ok

Vincent: Can u share with me any dvds?

Me: Err why dont u download from internet?

Vincent: Too slow la, it will take days.

Me: Oh then go Johor buy lor

Vincent: Where, where?

Me: Holiday plaza

Vincent: Ok, I call my fren now

And with that he really called his fren to arrange a trip together to go Johor. Well done to him. Even when I knocked off to go home, I was stopped in my tracks by other loonie.

Loonie: Hi, i need to ask a favor from u

Me: What?

Loonie: I need money to buy dinner, can u spare me 2 dollars?

Me: No

I mean, do I look like some welfare organisation called sharity? No! Do I look like I print money? No! Waz up with these fucking loonies I wonder.

But overall it has been fun so far in Singpost. The staff there are tok cock people. The ezy cash lady is very cute and friendly. The guys got so bored we started asking each other questions like who would we prefer to have for a gf between serene(ah lian) and Jenny the ezy cash lady. No one voted for serene, haha.