Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ten years ago, I was in shorts sitting in a classroom with 40 other kids conforming to the Singaporean way of life. Playing soccer, hanging out at arcades playing marvel superheroes and wearing Alien workshop attire.

Ten years from now, I just cannot paint a picture.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My back hurts and its due to bad sleeping posture. The recess week begins and it is another stark reminder that exams are gonna be near soon. I hate this sem big time because of tech com. Project meetings are a waste of time and the project is more time consuming than my core modules. I still haven't decided what to do next week apart from playing catch up with my tutorials. And while I thought I could get some peace at home, my mother invited my relatives to our house for dinner later, which means I have to entertain my Aunts and Uncle who try to engage in "young generation" talk which they have no oblivious idea about. Sometimes I feel that my relatives ask questions and generate talk for the sake of creating some buzz and noise. And it always ends up in asking me to go to church and pray to God. I don't know what I have to do to get the idea across their heads that I will NEVER EVER convert to being a wanker. It has been over ten years and they never get tired of trying to brainwash me. They think that they are my saviour and will liberate me from my shell. I think that they are just trying to score points only. Bunch of wankers!

Anyway Happy Lunar New Year nonetheless.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Having watched finished hotel rwanda, I defintely aprreciate the comfort and safety that I have enjoyed so far. To me, the movie proves a couple of points, that every action brings about an impact, like the red cross lady who went the extra effort to locate the niece and re-unite them with their relatives. Crazy dictators can really screw up the whole country and the rest of the world can do their part to help the poor but in the interest of themselves choose not to. Of course, the western powers are not always obliged to save the world and have to protect their own soldiers, but selling weapons to rebels and militia doesn't really aid peace. At the start of the show, Don Cheadle pleads with the reporter to report the chaos to the world but sadly the reporter replys " so what if the Europeans see this? They will pause for a second and shake their heads in pity but after that second, they will continue eating their cereals and read newspaper".

I admit that I am guilty of that sometimes, reading about peoples' plight and think in my head why has the world come to this and after awhile, the thoughts vanish and I get back to chasing materialistic dreams. Why doesn't God help the people that really needs help, does he really want to test the rest of us to see if we will lend a hand to the needy? I am sure people in first world countries pray for peace but what about those people in third world countries who pray for peace? Where do their prayers fall on? Does God listen to prayers selectively? Is it more beneficial to pray for world peace every single night or is it better to get one's ass down to help out physically? If one's son is naughty the parent usually gets the blame for not taking him in hand. If the world is in chaos who gets the blame then?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

It was a pretty close encounter today and sadly we had to be eliminated by penalty shootout. We took the lead first with a try by Adam but slack defending allowed them to equalise. Afterwhich we held on even till sudden death extra time. In the penalty shootout, only Adam managed to covert a goal. By the fifth kick, hall 2 led us by a goal so me being the fifth kicker had to covert it to keep the game alive. It is the first time I have ever taken a drop kick but when it left my foot I was confident it would go in. Sad to say, it hit the crossbar and we lost. Not that I felt like Roberto Baggio, in fact I was proud that my kick was the best after Adam, at least it was near on target. Andy missed by a bit while Harith also screwed up his kick. Hengkia better, miss the ball totally. Lucky ref give him one more chance which fell short off target again. Ok la, at least we held our heads up high.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I hate it when every module decides to hold their respective quiz on the same week and worst of all the same day. So far 4 quizzes have been confirmed and others still pending. Totally spoils my chinese new year mood. Anyway my sister will be back for reunion dinner and hopefully she brings back some goodies from Hong Kong for me to munch.

Also I have decided not to take anymore ang pow from my cousins who are already married. Feels kinda of weird that we are of the same 'rank' and yet still receiving ang pow from them. Wasn't it not too long ago when we still played catching and silly stuff together? Damn it looking at my niece makes me feel old oreadi. Shit!

I still haven't really warmed up to this semester yet, yes I know its week 5 liao but honestly I am still in dec holidays withdrawal mode, totally miss those heck care days. My time-table sucks big time with tues, weds and fri having lessons at 830am. Somemore with tech-com involving project work and idiots not contributing and on the other hand EID project so simple yet made so complicated by the china guy, I can't help but feel sick of this sem, hope this sem finishes soon.