Monday, June 30, 2008

Recently I have been on an unhealthy diet. Almost every other day I am eating either hokien mee or bak chor mee. Although I know its pretty unhealthy, I can't seem to do without it. I seriously cannot remember the last time I went a week without the two dishes. Having said that, I need to go on a yong tao foo diet soon.

Now I don't know about what everyone thinks but somehow, I feel that the standard of Coffee Bean or Starbucks coffee is seriously dropping. I used to pamper myself with their coffee on weekends but nowadays, the coffee is either too diluted or simply not to my liking. Ok I am fussy when it comes to coffee. Likewise 3 in 1 coffee is not up to my standard. For the past two months, I have taken to buying my own coffee beans, adding my own condensed milk with the amount I desire. Initially my coffee was diluted, but now I dare say my coffee tastes as good as coffee shop kopi.

Batman is opening soon!! I can't wait to catch the movie. Batman is one of my childhood superhero. Why because of the dark suit and batmobile. Just a few more weeks to go.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here is a summary of my Genting trip which I went with my 2 elder cousins over the weekend.

Day 1

Basically my eldest cousin gave an orientation of Genting, the food places and the casinos. I tried my hand at the first world casino but lost quite abit there on the blackjack. Afterwhich I decided to stop and ration for the next two days lest I run out of money. So for most of the day we had coffee and dinner at the 'every gambler must eat' dim sum restaurant.

Day 2

The second day was mainly a learning day for me, learning to play 3 pictures and 3 poker and casino texas hold'em. I tried my hand at casino war, basically drawing a card to see who has the bigger hand. As I didn't want to spend too much money, I was piggybacking on other peoples hand. I won abit on casino war. But I had more fun on 3 pictures because I could hold and see my cards.

Day 3

I became more superstitious on the third day. For example when I was on a winning streak and realised that my zip was half done, I refused to zip it up. I entered the same toilet, entering and exiting from the same side. Me and Bryan even stacked up the chips in a certain order so as not to spoil the luck. But it worked in the end cos I managed to win quite abit. In the early wee morning, I made quite a couple of frenz at the 3 picture table with a few Malaysians and Ah Tiongs. We ganged up our luck and 'fought together' against the dealer. We even called ourselves the 4 heavenly kings. But luck wasn't on our side as we lost to the dealer eventually.

Finally before I left the casino for good, I teamed up with bryan again to play Caribbean stud 5 card poker. We taught an uncle how to play. The uncle was sniffing 'fong you' aka axe oil so as to get the 'wind'. Somehow the wind blew to us because we manage to get a flush, winning 5 times our bet and 100 ringgit from the jackpot. Thanks to the flush, I managed to win some money from the whole trip. As there was an extra 25 dollar chip, we decided to play blackjack. One uncle was telling us that his table was very good so we tried out luck. True to his word, our first cards was two aces, meaning we could split. We were delibrarating on how much to whack, then the uncle gave us a piece of valuable advice. '不要担心,要放就敢敢放,把石头变黄金! '
Thanks to his advice, we got two blackjacks and left the table with money again. Finally I thought about what my dad told me, to leave the table when one has won. So that summed up my Genting trip. It was pretty relaxing partially because of the cool weather. Hope to be there again sometime this year.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I have been sleep deprived for the past two weeks thanks to the Euro 08 fever. I am managing only 5hrs of sleep or less everyday and only able to keep awake with the help of coffee. So far so good, the Dutch have impressed me very much. Their brand of attacking football have pleased my eye and I really hope for their sake that they do win it this time.

The other question dominating the football press is whether Cristiano Ronaldo will be leaving Manchester United for Real Madrid. I always believed that he will leave Man Utd, it is only a matter of when. Therefore at the start of the season, I decided to print Rooney on my United jersey instead of Ronaldo which everyone argued I should have. In terms of debt, well he has paid his dues and arguably can be said that he singly handedly won Man Utd the premier league title this season. I suppose if the boy wants to go to Madrid, we shouldn't stop him. People say that Man Utd cannot win without Cristiano Ronaldo. Well, the same was said of Bryan Robson, Eric Cantona and David Beckham when they left. No doubt there were turbulent times in the transition period, but the void only meant that new heroes were created. The club still won trophies. I dun expect Ronaldo to be a loyal servant, but he will never be in the same class as Scholes, Giggs, Maldini, Tony Adams who may not have been as great as Ronaldo but still won the respect of the club fans. Furthermore, Ronaldo is a Portuguese and we know how mercenary Portuguese people are. I rest my case.

Moving on, at the recent PC show, I bought a new MP3 player and portable HDD. The purchase though a bargain has still left me poorer. Hopefully, I can make it up by winning big on my Genting trip this weekend. Huat ah!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Well tmr is supposedly the last day of industrial attachment for everyone. Well not for me as I've extended it till the end of July. I've been enjoying myself so far especially since I handed up my final report two weeks ago. I am given lots of freedom and trust in my department. Once in a while people occasionally give me work to help out. I am currently on a "if I want work I'll go find people and ask, otherwise I'll just drink my coffee and munch my cookies" mode. I wasn't expecting this when I first started out my attachment. My boss and colleagues have really been nice to me, my wing is pretty hilarious and always having a laugh. The joy has no doubt rubbed onto me too. Yea so that kinda of explains why I wanted to extend my stay.

I was compiling some work document today in the late afternoon. I decided to take a break and made some coffee. To my horror, when I returned to my desk I discovered that the power had tripped and all my work was lost since I did not saved it. Anyway I decided to have some fun taking photos posing with my aviator shades.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

If I knew the opponents today were gonna be Ang Mos and Africans, I would have brought my shin pads I swear. Well naturally we got a physical game. In terms of physique we lost out to them, but we didn't make it easy for them. They had an African winger who according to the referee used to play for Sengkang Puggol team. He was fast and naturally burned me since he was playing at my side. In the second half I decided to stick close to him and bodycheck him before he could turn. In some sense I copied what Gabriel Heinze always do when he meets a pacy winger. I put my leg on the line at times and my shin is still bruised from the tackles.

I have to admit during the game, the Ang mos were very rough and physical but at least after the game they didn't take what happened to heart and displayed sportsmanship. As for the African, he was a Dorgba wannabe, forever whining when he got tackled or a decision went against him. I knew he was pissed at me because I elbowed him in the head when we challenged for a high ball. Another time I tried to clear the ball but he ran into me so I zham his shin instead. Yup but surprising while he was making alot of noise during the game, he didn't make an issue after the game.

Nevertheless, this match still makes me hate Africans even more. So much so for their physical build, they fall like feathers upon contact. Drogba is not setting a good example. Well I enjoyed the tough game today but oh man, my shin is still battered. Ok, need to search for my shin pads soon.