Saturday, December 31, 2005

My neck hurts, shoulder hurts and thighs defintely aching. All these as a result of yesterday's inter hall rugby. Amazingly, my hall created another history by entering the quarters for the first time.

But it wasn't really a smooth one though. The night before Andy was feeling pissed off that we didn't have any structured training and was certain that we were gonna lose. However with Clemence showing such gusto and tenacity, we were all psyched up for the win against hall four. Well, the night before we had a bet that whoever scored the first try would get a free lunch from Colin, so it could explain why Clemece was so 'hungry'. The next match against hall two was tough and many admitted afterwards that they were intimidated by them. It was an evenly contested match, eventually Adam proving to be the deciding factor with his winning touch. I love his inspiring pre-match speech too. There were ugly scenes with the opponents throwing punches at Colin resulting in him having a nosebleed. From then all every ruck was like wrestling.

I didn't actually get to touch the ball , but I was involved in every tackle and every maul and scrum. Tackling is fun, locking your eyes on the fucker charging to you and bang bring that son of a bitch crashing down. But take it from me, being piled on is not fun, smelling everybody's sweat. In fact, no one manage to get pass me. But the price to pay is a bleeding ear and injured cheekbone.

Till then, Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The past two days have been moody and solemn for me upon receiving news that my section M203 guuner died in an accident on christmas day.

The first things that comes to mind is the optimistic nature of Fabian, ever confident and curious in many various things, like how the bronco operated, how the GPMG functioned. He was of great help in mounting camouflage net, mounting side skirts and signal sets. He was intelligent, giving me his motorcycle spray to wipe away grease from the bronco. At my shackest moment in climbing mount biang, he offered to lessen my load by carrying the mg rounds.

Its sad to think that everyone gathered under this circumstance instead of meeting up to do reservist in camp training. Its hard to accept that someone I know is actually lying in that coffin, the gut really hurts when reality sinks. I hope that no one else has to suffer again.

Thanks for being of great help and for the everlasting memories, cause thats how I will remember you. Rest in peace.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tomorrow was supposed to be the day where I was gonna meet up with my primary school frenz for lunch. Apparantly I was tasked to organise and god knows what went through my mind at that time, I blatantly said ok. Initial response was good until sms kept coming, ooh I got appointment with my fren, ooh my braces hurt, sorry dude. So damn it I don't give a fuck too, rather have outing with my warsteiner beer.

Tv is boring and I am a bit sick of re-watching my dvds. The afternoon sleep was spoilt by the loud music from a malay wedding and I can't decide which day to book my ippt. I personally feel that Singapore needs more controversies to spice up the newspaper, something like director of MOE caught with pants down with secretary in pantry room, principle of ACJC caught sleeping with 2 JC one girls, chief of army caught documanting SAF funds, something like that.

My great grand-father should have stayed in Taiwan instead of coming here.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

With some controversy, the hall caused an upset by beating hall one by a single goal courtesy of vincent. Lots of protest by hall one players but the decision stood and we prevailed. Clemence was simply outstanding today in goal pulling off a fantastic save from the corner of the post.

Dead tired now and I just want to rest my legs from all the training.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The miracle that I was hoping for never came, that is to pass computing. Gotta work harder to pass it next semester.

This is probably my last month of slacking before I start working my socks off for next sem.

Christmas has come too early.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The hall managed to salvage some hope with a 4-0 win over hall 13 today which means thurs we have to play again. I was expecting to lose so that I could stay at home and watch dvds. Other than that the econs results were out. I got a c+, was expecting a B actually, but my worst fear is still computing, really hoping for a miracle now.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tonight I shall give my stomach a rest. For the past three days, I have been sampling different brands of beer, hoegarden, stella, becks,sapporro, carlsberg, warsteiner, everything taste the same to me now. Last check, I've still got 7 more bottles off my shelf.

With the new year approaching, I did a reflection of the past year. So far 2005 has been a great year, lots of ups and downs. I know next year will even be better. My new year resolution is to be more forgiving, forget past feuds and sample more brands of beer.

Santa I have been good this year.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Today's rugby training was fruitful, with Thai Hoe teaching me passing and Darren helping out with training. Had a mini celebration, Andy cooked mee goreng and we drank vodka with orange juice and my hoegarden beer. My head is kinda spinning as I am writing this. Gotta sleep now to go gym tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My legs are again officially numb from today's rugby training, really hate those lunges. We were just at the right time at SRC to celebrate the men's basketball team win hall 3 by one point, some respite at least considering the female team lost 72 nil yesterday, don't ask me how that is possible.

I was so thrilled that Danni won the million dollars instead of stephanie. How could everybody not vote stephanie out in the earlier rounds, she already had her chance last season, she is a threat in immunity challenges, she always gets chosen to accompany the winner on rewards, she practically pulls the string in the alliance. Danni on the contrary is such a clean and sexy gal, all the more deserving. My personal favourite though was Judd.

Fuck, as I am writing this, my father has just returned back and informed me that my bicycle outside has been stolen. I know its a cheap and lousy bike, but surely that doesn't warrant others to steal, c'mon where is the integrity in the world nowadays. I have my reservations as to who might steal it but I shall refrain from writing who, lest people accuse me of being racist.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

I am officially in nua mood now, fixing my ass on the sofa everyday, probably clocking at least 7 hrs watching tv or dvds.

My legs feel damn nua too, although there wasn't much running done in today's 5-1 win, there was the occasional covering up for chong and tiong, those dudes really make my life horror with their slips up. Otherwise Eugene aka street fighter was back, missing three glorious chances and provoking the opponents to fight with his usual bust ups. There isn't one match where he doesn't try to wind people up. Ah Bu was magnificent, scored a piledriver. Mr Chen Deyi played us out, saying he would be there after church for the second half, but pulled out his usual david copperfield disappearing act.

I don't think I am gonna be ready for next sem.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I had a great laugh watching kingdom of heaven today, the part especially when the priest says 'convert to islam, repent later'. Even better, last night I watched a few good men with my sister. For two hours, we were seated motionless, though she did not mention it, we both knew that we were just waiting for that part.

Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): You want answers?
Tom Cruise (Kaffee): I think I'm entitled.
Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): You want answers?
Tom Cruise (Kaffee): I want the truth!
Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): You can't handle the truth!

And there many more dvds to be watched.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Now I know why Eric cantona retired at his peak. People should go out on a high instead of living past their sell by date. Take Madonna for example, I mean don't get me wrong, I liked her music but perhaps for her age, she should dress in something more decent. Her video hung up really exposes her flabby thighs, not really a great appetizer if you are about to have lunch. Not forgetting Mariah Carey, somehow she doesn't seem to age at all from the first time I saw her on MTV in primary school till now. Her dresses all always the same, seams spltting at the thighs. She should really cover it up, those thighs can really give the chickens in Kenny Rogers a run for their money.

Watched super size me a couple of hours ago, well it is gonna put me off fast food for a while I suppose. The servings are really enormous so that explains it. I wonder what would happen if say a Singaporean embarked on a one month eat nothing but roti prata, char kway tiao, kway chap, or lua and drink teh c peng. I think the results will defintely beat super size me.

Can't wait for hollywood clicks to send me saw. My patience is running thin nowadays.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Reflecting on the past few hall matches, I feel that I have finally understood something. For the past one year, I have been pumping balls to the midfield from the defence. Whenever the wingbacks got the ball, I used to maintain a straight line with them, giving them no angle to pass back to me. From the past two matches however, Li Chang has taught me where to fall back to let the wingbacks have a good angle to pass back the ball, we even played a bit of ball distribution in our own penalty half, something like what we get to see in the premiership, passing from one end to the other within the defence. I feel that it allows the team to hold better possession. Well at least something positive to think about.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I hate losing. Especially by a score of 4-0. I felt that I put in a credible performance, juz that I don't really get the team tactics. My legs badly need a rest.

I managed to find a book by Neil Gaiman in the library over the weekend. Smoke and mirrors. The concept though simple but really brings out the gist of the whole book. I am running out of cash, damn wish I could work instead of taking part in hall activities.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

So finally as the week comes to an end, my legs get to rest. Basically I have been playing full match soccer since sunday, monday, wednesday and friday. Beat that lampard. My leg muscles are starting to feel tight now especially just a few hours ago when I had rugby training. Injured my shoulder and toe, well it is a very physical game but scoring a touchdown really ups the adrenaline rush. Hope I can recover in time for monday's ganme.