Sunday, February 26, 2006

My new relative Posted by Picasa
Yesterday marked the first time in 10years that I stepped into a church. Of course it was for a wedding purpose.I almost overslept in the morning, guess I shouldn't have drunk the beer my sister bought for me the night before. After the tea ceremony, I even managed to squeeze in time for the 'revenge game' against Helmi. This time around we lost 2-1. I supposed the diffence was the inclusion of Terence who played superbly in midfield. Their passing were much better and they seem more confident than us on holding to the ball and giving each other angles, something we need to learn more.

Afterwhich I went home and took a nap before heading down to Swiss hotel for the dinner. Food was fantastic no doubt about it. I met my cousin's cousins who were my childhood playmates. They are now in their late 20s closing 30. Age is finally catching up. Seeing my nieces hopping up and down made me feel old, damn something not really good to know. But the shite feeling was made worst when I couldn't join my cousins to go MOS as I needed to prep for my physics quiz on tues.
My uncle Posted by Picasa
Song bo Posted by Picasa
food food food Posted by Picasa
Nieces Posted by Picasa
Dinner Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Two more days to go to my cousin's wedding and I haven't gotten my leather shoes and new shirt. Guess its last minute shopping tomorrow.

I took bus 100 today and was surprised to be greeted by the bus driver. Its kinda unusual to get be greeted but he was rather sincere about it. He even thank every passenger who alighted at the interchange and for that he gets my salute. The service line can get really shite especially with so many Singaporeans being grumpy and cold towards those in service line so I respect what the bus driver did.

The match between Chelsea and Barcelona was not as exciting as I expected, anyway Chelsea lost with Del Horno sent off. It is disgusting to see players like Arjen Robben grab their face and fall to the ground at the simplest push by opponents and even more sickening when they whine and cry on the ground as if their balls were kicked. It is a total lack of respect to players like Alan Smith who give their all for the game, who didn't even bat an eyelid when he twisted his ankle and knee last week against Liverpool. Sure the pain was hell but instead of crying like a fucking baby like Robben, he simply tried to get up and when he couldn't, he gritted his teeth through the pain and took it like a real man. The applause for him by the Liverpool fans as he was stretchered off speaks volume for itself.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"If man can land on the moon, we can beat Chelsea" By Gareth Southgate on the eve on the match. True enough, they trashed a team of mercenaries 3-0. Good spirit and determination prevailed that day.

Just woke up from a nightmare, pretty gruesome, dreamt of some people turning into monsters, something like the resident evil kind.

Anyway, my cousin's wedding is next saturday and my mother together with her sisters have gone on a frenzy this past week shopping for their dresses, altering the dress and etc. Even my dad has a batik shirt ready for that day. As for me, I haven't gotten any shirt yet, not forgetting I need to borrow leather shoes. It is actually a good excuse for me to purchase new clothings but I suppose buying new jeans won't make perfect sense either. Probably buy a U2 shirt during recess week. I am too lazy to even get a haircut, hopefully he wont be offended by my long kim mo.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind me that I am 22 years old, deep down in me I still feel like the 14 year old boy that I was.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

It feels strange playing against people whom I have been playing with side by side each other for one year. Nevertheless the 4-3 win was really through sweat and grit especially with my partner in defence absent today.

Oasis are coming to Singapore again after they cancelled their tour last time around for security reasons. Don't look back in anger guys.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human

What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this.

You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

I sometimes wake up and think that my life is being controlled by the Matrix. Yea the show was a few years back but the philosophy of the whole show still strikes deep with my beliefs. My parents must have given me the blue pill when I was young and deceived me till today.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Today seems like a long day especially when I have been feeling drowsy the whole day.
Yet I managed to stay awake for desperate housewives, a good drama which never fails to crack me up. Had unexpected visitors from hall 5 who were trying sell tickets for some carnival,upon seeing my old nemisis face Chua YiTian, my answer was a straight no, even manage to sell him the story that me and Alvin and all had been called up for reservist. Obviously he started babbling in his stupid voice of his, a grave mistake on my part.

I am a bit disillusioned about everyday life, I seriously think people are full of horseshit. I still haven't figured out the purpose of my existence, perhaps to entertain the higher beings who are probably enjoying the very comical sideshow of all of us. I remembered back in CJC when the priest lament about how all of us would find a religion when we get old. I still think that its just a bad excuse to reassure us of our existence and securing a place in the afterlife.

My lying has improved over the few months, I am now able to come out with an excuse not to buy this or attend that with a snap of a finger. I should probably publish a book of excuses, I remembered that Aru once borrowed one, unfortunately his excuses were still worst than cow dung. Sorry bro.

Ya I know my life is probably full of shit too, but once I find the equation to snap out of the Matrix, I shall keep it a secret.

Something positive to look forward to, Grammys coming soon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

My debut for Helmi's newly formed team was great, good to be back playing along side with Ah bu, the Thais and some new guys, Terence and Chang, who were outstanding in midfield. Shyam ever tireless in midfield is our captain and prospects look good for the start. Managed to do a Rio Ferdinand move today, after observing for a few months, faking the strikers who were expecting me to pass back to the keeper only for me to turn around and bring the ball up. The move is risky but I reckon with Ferdinand doing it every game, I gotta at least try it once.

Time for a nap.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Today's 8-1 win was in actual fact a walk over for us, leading 7-1 by half time and the last goal scored by me, my first for the team courtesy of a cross from conrad. I was guilty of missing a chance earlier from a neat one touch passing with conrad and timonty, only to fire a weak shot at the keeper when I could have smacked it in.

My shin is a bit swollen now, hopefully it can recover in time for the game tomorrow.
Gotta do tutorials now, prepare for my maths and material science quiz next week coupled with saikang for the hall icg events.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Chinese New Year visiting made me realise a couple of things. My grandmother is definitely getting more and more frail, my cousins are starting to give me ang pows, my nieces are in primary school, which means I am growing old. It used to be that I wished to grow up faster so that I could have more freedom, money and free-will. But as the years go by, I realise that my thinking has started to change, I now wish that I could be a kid, all innocent and care-free, no worries about adult life, no worrying about paying bills, no relationship problems that many adults face. Watching cartoons and sleeping after which sums up a kid's day.

I now fully understand why Peter Pan is such a favourite childhood show.It is not just a show, it is the show for everyone deep down in us.