Thursday, November 30, 2006

Summary of day 3 at work. Had an unpleasant encounter with an uncle early in the morning. He was drinking Baron strongbrew beer at like 11am and was toking alot of bullshit to me so I tried to escape by telling him that I had to do my work. Then he asked me to give him my handphone number and address so that he can get his friend to hire me for dunno what work also. Anyway while he was not aware I immediately went to hide and sun pian take a break. Can't understand why hougang has so many fucking nutcases around. And Hougang uncles have a very disgusting habit, they prick their nose in public.

Also, I met another one of my secondary school fren Fiona which makes me realise, if I want to find anyone from my secondary school, I think spending a week in Hougang mall will help me find half the class there. Another one spotted was Lta Dave from soa, he looks as if he has been sacked from the army, looking rather sloppy and run-downed.

I wonder what tommorrow brings.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Two days into work and my legs are feeling sore from standing long hours. Anyway the team is still the same, only some new faces. In fact the new faces are only two weeks into their job so by right I even more lao jiao than them. Met quite a few pple, my primary school fren who is now a regular in the navy, staff sergeant Jimmy who is now a csm in 46SAR. He stay near hougang(Aru beware). Also met my serangoon sec frenz, raymond poh who dropped out of poly half way and is now carving out a career in selling massage chairs. Met Chen Yee, still pretty as ever, she was one of the few success story together with me in my sec school having made it to JC. I guessed throughout the school history prob no fewer than 200 people went to JC.

Speaking of the Prudential team, they hired an ah beng and ah lian to replace the old staff. Take it from me folks, don't trust anything finacial consultants tell ya, they are as the name suggest finacial CONsultants. Besides the ah beng consultant looks more like someone who acts in gangster films. Some observations noted from working in hougang mall, people in hougang still walk and swing their arms the ah beng way, as if their arms had no joints to control them. And the mall is still filled with 13yr old small punks wtih purpled dyed hair, alien workshop shorts and spewing foul language picking up fights to impress the ah lians. Yet, the good thing about hougang is that there are many shops that sell things like soap, batteries, clothes for cheap cheap. Actually I think what I am writing today is incoherent, muz be the tireness, hehe...

Monday, November 27, 2006


I feel gutted for Man Utd, they should have beaten the blues last night. But then again we didn't lose so at least we stood our ground.

Exams are finally over. However my early morning wake up routine still continues as I report for work at Hougang Sing Post again tmr morning. I will be able to earn 250 bucks in 5 days so I can use it to enjoy life in dec without feeling too guilty. I shall go for a run later, gotta get back match fitness in two weeks time. Earlier also, I went to Serangoon interchange to eat my fav mee pok. Though the standard is still there, the portion has gone down so much, felt cheated paying 3 dollars for what I felt was 1.50 bucks worth. Had a hair cut which turned out a bit disatrous. I wanted a cut like Valencia's David Villa but end up I think the Aunty didn't really knew how I wanted it so she juz cut a crew cut for me. Now I feel like a army boy again. Think I shall try a mohawk next time.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Just woken up from my sleep. Gosh its been awhile since I took a nap without having to set the alarm clock. Anyway I just finished my semi-final match against Fluid mechanics earlier this morning, two days after a tough quarter final against mechanics of materials. Now I have five days to prep for the final against soil mechanics.

I have to write about my neighbours, got some stuff to say about them. My left door neighbours are wankers. i can't understand how they can keep their doors close 24hrs 7. Go brush teeth muz lock door, go piss also muz lock door, come out to take a breather also muz lock, I mean what the fuck is so valuable inside that one muz lock the door everytime. Its not as if your shoes are soooo COOOOl that u gotta keep it inside in case I steal them. U wankers! Shihao's french roomie is also a wanker. Just hearing the footsteps and I know its him. He pounds the floor loudly when he walks to the toilet. He used to walk real fast as in fast march pace to the toilet and lately he sprints, and I mean sprint to the toilet. He muz be pretty fit I guess. Loong's french dude isn't far better, heard from Loong that he eats Macdonalds three times a day for his meals. Guess chinese cuisine doesnt suit his taste buds.

And the vietnamese food in my hall canteen sucks big time. They should make an effort to learn English. A month ago I ordered set 1 and got on bowl off dung. Mins later I ordered another SAME set for my roomie and got a different bowl and asked her why, she simply said ya same. And when I said I DUN WAN chong, she nod her head say yes muz muz! Upon my pleas not to, she still put it in the end. So I have since condem that stall and hope everyday that it closes down. Vietnamese pricks...

Monday, November 13, 2006

With my first exam paper starting in two days, its doesn't get any better with mself falling sick today. Suffering from a minor cold and bad sore throat infected by my father and mother over the weekend. I hope the gallons of water I have drunk today cure me asap. With the exams looming, I realised that I am sleeping more and more. Perhaps that is how my body copes with stress. Different people have different methods I guess, like Kangli for eg, he relieves stress by downloading Japanese AV porn, so if anyone wants a sneak preview u can ask him.

Juz gotten a call from Captain Helmi, the team is back again but sadly I won't be able to play this weekend but at least there will be something to look forward to after exams. Furthermore, my dramas and movies are waiting in line in my laptop for me to view so dec will be a month to cherish.

Thats all folks, back to studying again.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Studying at Lee Wee Nam library has so far been fruitful. The air con is just alright and the environment is very conducive to study. Also not much choice la, can't be back at my room at certain timings. Have to be understanding towards my roomie. Hehehe. Kangli is one hell of a tiger I tell you folks.

Exam period is always a time where fitness level drops and fat level increases. It doesn't help very much when the only food available at 11pm plus is Macdonalds. Speaking of macdonalds,when I was a young boy, I fell in love with macdonalds at first sight. My fav burger was the cheeseburger. There came a time when i would only desire to eat burgers. My mother in a desperate attempt to change that fake me a story( my mom told me many lies last time). She claimed that burgers made all my elder cousins contract diabetes and told me I would suffer the same fate if I continued. But stubborn as I was, I couldn't. Once at dinner time at Hougang South Interchange hawker centre, I whined and whined about eating my cheeseburger and refused to eat the hawker food. My mother gave up and passed some money to my sister and told her to get my cheeseburger. That was where my father straightened me up. He gave me one tight slap and told me 'no more macdonalds for you'.

Fast forward to now, I can eat macdonalds anytime I want. Hahaha.