Friday, September 28, 2007

Over the course of the last two days, I've managed to catch up with alot of work. Still lots more to go but I know I am getting there.

I finally caught the bourne ultimatum, yea probably pretty late but nonetheless it was a good show and good movies has no time boundaries no matter when u watch it. Now for Stephen King fans, if u liked The Shining, u gotta catch the latest movie 1408. The reason why I like Stephen King movies is that it is not really about horror but more on the supernatural and unexplained. In some sense the style is unique and different from the mainstream movies so for me 1408 was a break from the normal shows that I watch.

Its 4am and I am still feeling fresh. Can't sleep. My bio clock is pretty screwed up.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I am so happy cos United beat Chelsea 2-0. Not the best performance by Man Utd but who cares. Michael Carrick had a superb game shackling those blue boys. Disappointed with Ashley cole. I used to like him coz he was a tough tackler but seems that nowadays he has learnt to only talk alot and fall down like a wanker. Must have been the Drogba influence.

I was checking out a few Man Utd chants on the net and found a website.

I kinda like the chants aimed at the Liverpool team. Here are a few samples.

You Are A Scouser - (to the tune of 'You Are My Sunshine')

You're a scouser,
A ugly* scouser,
You're only happy on giro day
When your dad's out stealing,
Your mum's drug-dealing,
But please don't take my scouser away.

You'll Never Get A Job... - (to the tune of 'You'll Never Walk Alone')

Sign on, sign on, with hope in your heart,
cause you'll never get a job,
you'll never get a job,
sign on, sign on, with hope in your heart....

Steve Gerrard, Gerrard (to the tune of 'Que Sera Sera')

Steeeeeve Gerrard, Gerrard,
He kisses the badge on his chest,
Then hands in a transfer request,
Steve Gerrard, Gerrard...!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A few days ago, a few of my frenz were remarking at how slack the quiz in the module Are U ok? was. The lecturer had announced prior to the start of the quiz that the questions were in the same order and not jumbled up so as not to confused those who wanted to copy their neighbour's answers. I enjoyed his lectures when I was taking it a few sems back, he had that canny ability to make the lecture enjoyable and relaxing. Wished NTU could have more modules such as his.

I borrowed Omerta from the orchard lib yesterday. Its about the Mafia code of honour being broken and the consequences. The book which is written by Mario Puzo looks promising judging from the preface. Also, I got hold of the book Invisible Trade by Gerrie Lim. The latter is about the sex industry in Singapore as related by some escorts experience. I gotta say it was pretty hilarious. Lets just say I didn't know people holding top managerial positions had such weird fantasies.

Tonight is the big match between Man Utd and Chelsea. Two of my best mates from my JC days are coming over my house no doubt to root for our fav team. Which means I have to buy more beer later.

Finally the morning rain has alleviated the humid weather.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I managed to catch the repeat of the Real Madrid vs Werder Bremen match and for once I gotta say Madrid has finally impressed me with their style of play after like 3yrs. I would say its prob due to the influx of Dutch players playing their style of total football which they are reknown for. This champions league season should be an interesting one to watch. Watching the action has made my legs itchy for football again. I haven't played a field match for abt 2months partly due to rain and some reasons. But I will be lacing my boots again this sunday. However its not for the usual social sunday games where there is a referee, Instead I will be joining James and his so called HDB block neighbourhood team. They supposedly bought two standard goalpost at a few thousand bucks and split two teams to play each other weekly. Prob be playing against him. Pace wise I'll definitely lose to him so I guess I gotta play dirty, haha. The people there nicknamed him 'Turbo' for obvious reasons.

Had my investiture on wed. The commitee has a couple of wax, CG,GG. Only Kang will know what they stand for. HAha

The recess week is finally here. Once again, it will be a play catch up with tutorial week. Of crse I will be watching the movies that I've downloaded. I watched Saw 3 and Hostel for the last two days and I have to warn not to eat food while watching. Lets just say that hostel has more bloody and gory scenes than Saw 3.

I hope my newly made fren will dropped by here from the United States as promised. Whack!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Last week, I was struggling with my steel structures, could say I was stuck at the drench pits. After consulting the venkat fella last nite, I was enlightened and finally able to start climbing up the well. By tmr i should be able to see the sunlight.

Yo Ben Chen, can help me ask Lee Man Hon whether he still has last season's Man Utd Jersey and this season Milan jersey plus print kaka 22. Post the price on the tag. Thanks alot, buy ya beer someday.

Last nite was a bad night to sleep, it was so freaking warm. I won't be surprised if people were to die from heat stroke in their sleep at this rate.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

True enough, I got fucked by my RC quiz. After asking the previous class what question came out plus the tips my tutor gave last week, I kinda of concluded that design of flange beams was gonna come out. I spent two whole days studying and was really confident of answering any questions regarding flange. Instead doubly reinforced beam came out. It spoilt my mood for the day. It has been a lousy week.

Next week doesn't look promising either esp with steel structures quiz coming along. It will also be a busy week since there is investiture and I am also the umpire for the CEE pool tournament. By the way I am a member of the CEE sports subcom for this year. Decided to join for obvious reasons. Firstly to know more people from my own faculty and best of all, no need to do any canvassing or money raising. After what happened last semester, I decided to take matters in my own hands and not expect people to help me. Its better to have insurance now. The job scope is so much more relax and expectations are not so pressurizing. Having said that, I will of course do my best in soccer and touch rugby for the school. So on next wed investiture, I hereby announce my retirement from inter hall games involvement. Judging from what happened last year, I guess it was an indication to tell me I sucked big time. Fair enough, I shall stick to my principles in life and keep my backbone straight.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I am beginning to believe that as one grows older, injuries take longer to heal. My ankle injury has been niggling me for a few weeks now and it hurts even more after soccer yesterday. When I walk up a flight of stairs, my knee hurts, when I sleep my bad aches, when I look up at the lecture screen my neck hurts. My body is slowly becoming fragile.

I just found out that my room mate and me share the same birthday just that he is a year older than me. What a coincidence!

I am so fucked for my RC quiz tmr.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I overslept for my morning lectures again no thanks to the cool weather. But the real reason for keeping me in bed was the dream that I had. I dreamt that I was with Jason Bourne yes make no mistake in an espionage scenario. There were a team of us with Bourne being the leader. Everywhere we go, we were constantly chased by the bad guys. It was so real so I guess thats why I overslept. The action was quite heart pumping just like the movies.

Ok reality check, I have to prepare and leave soon, gotta chope seats for the fellas.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The plaudits may be singing England's praises for defeating Israel but for me, the match was a bore. It simply lacked class. I was disappointed that there was no broadcast of the France vs Italy match. Surely that would have been more interesting to watch after what happened at the world cup last year. Same for the Holland game too, finally the Dutch team looks like they are coming good this time around, with stars like Sniejder, Huntelaar, Robben, Van Persie, Ryan Babel and the new starlet Roysten Drenthe. After letting me down since 1998, my hopes are rekindled.

I also caught the opening game of the rugby world cup between France and Argentina. Surprising France lost, they were a nervous wreck right from the start. In short, the players were jittery. The All Blacks also opened their account by trashing Italy but they too don't seem to be impressive. I think they might have peaked too early way back in 2005 when they smashed the British Lions to bits. They were scary back then and one would have thought they came from another planet. I shall be rooting for my favourite Ireland and South Africa as usual.

As the 6th week approaches, quizzes inevitably start popping up. I have a mountain to climb for revision. I kinda slack the whole of last week partly due to venkat fella sending me a jap drama called liar game. Initially I was quite skeptical and thought it was a crap drama but turns out the psychology plot does make one think alot and keep it interesting to watch. It made me remember a book called The lady or the tiger, a psychology book whereby one has to read the clues and make the correct decision for if the wrong door is opened, the tiger will eat you up. Of course as the chapters progress, there are more doors and more deceptions. An example would be door A saying that the tiger is in door B and door B claiming that door A is lying and door C claiming that either door A or B is lying. It can get pretty frustrating but at the same time very exciting. Rats, I think I shall go buy the book in the recess week.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

This post is specially dedicated to Corporal Dave Teo Ming, who two days ago, booked out of camp and brought his SAR 21 rifle and ammunition into Orchard Cine leisure. I dunno what went through his mind then, all I know is what earned me his respect most is the fact that he is or should I now say by right supposed to ORD next month. Well done son, you have done the nation proud.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Today I just made a new enemy. After what happened last week, I could see it coming. After arguing on the phone, its sad that it has to end this way just because of a project. I still believe that I have the right to protect my self interest and to question my decision time and time again was an insult to me. I hate it when people question my decision, its not showing me respect. Granted everyone has problems, I have my own problems to deal with. Just because you are experiencing shit doesn't mean I have to share the shit with you. The world is like that, take it or leave it. You got urself into a mess so why should I have to clean up the mess for you. Stop using me as an excuse to vent ur frustrations. I have my own list of frustrations people own me. Dun ever think for a second that I can be made used of again.
It was kinda of sad to see Ole Gunnar Solskjaer walk pass the guard of honour last sat. Niggling injuries having to force him to retire, it was a joy to see him play, may not be the strongest or quickest of strikers but makes up with good positioning and finishing. Also, it was a hero's welcome back for Roy Keane, another United legend. Thankfully United managed to win his team 1-0 though.

The current squad looks formidable even though the goals are not pouring in yet. I have never seen any team dominate ball possession as much as Man Utd. I guess what they need are for the strikers to remain fit and bang in the goals. Two players recently stood out for me, Owen Hargreaves and Patrice Evra. Both are super fit, can tackle well and never seem to break a sweat. My bet is on Owen Hargreaves to win player of the year for the squad.

The rain is making the weather pretty cooling, for which is gonna entice me to take a nap very soon. On the other hand, it also means that my clothes can't dry and if I'm walking half way to school, it can suddenly downpour and drench me. Ok, the bed is calling me now.