Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My grey goose orange vodka finally made its debut last night. Shall take 2 more shots down my throat tonight. God bless the russians for inventing vodka. Vodka has cured my sore throat, made me happy when i was feeling low, help me sleep better. Stress is taking its toll on me, meeting tutorial deadlines, preparing for tests, earning points to stay in hall. I love my room, just next to the kitchen and toilet, 5min walk from lectures and near the live firing area.

Wish me luck for my maths test tmr.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

In just two days, I have played two full 90min matches without substitition. Yesterday we had to play with ten men due to many people not coming at the last min, Howe not picking up phone, Gab fell down stair night b4, Zhou 'F1' Cheng dunno wtf is his excuse, Joseph oversleeping. Hence the remaining ten of us had to play even though some of us were injured halfway.

Same story today. We got trashed 4-0 because we had only one sub. The opponent had at least 5subs while we were overunned. We were outclassed as we were not fit. People were scraming everywhere. At one point Shyam had to shout 'what the fuck are we playing, we are playing like girl guides' ' keep your heads up'. Though I kept my head up, I still felt beaten. While the defenders are not skillfull or fit, I have to say that we are at least committed to the team. I realise its no use blaming what could have been if the regulars came. Helmi has been rather pissed off with people not coming at the last minute. I think Alvin feels likewise. Its no point having uncommitted players who think that they are superstars. If someone like Bingjie who prior to the match injured his ankle can play tru the pain barrier, I can't see why others cannot play.

To solve this problem, I will propose to Alvin, either we stop calling Mr F1, or we will wait for him to call us for the next match and tell him that his position has been taken up by a 14yr old. Hows that for pride. Or we shall call him down for the match and not let him play the last 2min of injury time. Or maybe I am just being evil, but then again, evil is my middle name.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

What a day what a day, totally ruined by morons.Today during my effective communication lesson, we were supposed to print out a copy of our letter to summit to our tutor. However we were unable to do so due to insufficient printing paper. Nonsense the tutor said, I placed adequate printing paper. We went up to the printer to take a look. Peiling, our beautiful friend from great province of china quickly ran up to collect the printed paper carefully turning it the other way to prevent us from seeing what was printed. Our tutor took the next copy and to our horror, she had used the papers to print her own chemistry notes. Good gracious almighty jesus christ, well done my friend, saying sorry won't retrieve back the spilled milk.
Scenario number 2, after my last lesson, I went to take part in our inter block road relay 600m. Alvin being the first runner came in a close second with another block runner, with a lead of at least 1min. Yanying, should have at least maintained the lead, by the way you are a hot chick Yanying. Our third runner, I presume from vietnam, was second in his leg. With a mere 50m away from passing the leg to me, he decided that the air was very fresh and decided to stop and take a nice stroll up the slope to capture the beautiful aromatic fresh scenery. Kodak moment. RUN UP the last 50m la you bloody CxxxBxx. Although I am not a very fast runner, I ensured that we did not finish lower than second. Goddam it, the last time my muscles and lungs felt that way was way back when I passed my soc with a time of 9 07. Where's my cigg dude, show me the cigg.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Just finished my inter block soccer game. Lost out at the semi finals to a last attack goal. The team that beat us eventually won the final 3-0. Was a pretty contested semi final. I guess my team were the underdogs, a group of singaporeans and vietnamese who did not know each other before. Many star hall players formed their own team but yeah didn't made it as far as us. Hopefully I made an impression on Heng Kia or James to be selected into the soccer team.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This world is getting a bit strange with unknown people( at least for the time being) adding me on msn, people like helmi's gf asking me if I am Andrew. But I feel good when my primary school friends say I still have the boy next door look. Even Alex Yeo was shocked to find me smoking today saying I got the kuai kia bin look. Thanks for making me feel happy guys.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Today was my first league match and I must take some blame for the goal we conceded. Highlight of the day. Apple telling parkim that he was a lousy midfielder. Come on, at 17yrs old he is already in the national under 18 team. What did Apple accomplished at 17 or even till now, a staff sergeant in commandos? Maybe next week someone should tell him that a soccer field is not OUTFIELD where he can use his rank and boss people around. Feel sick as I am typing this, haven't been sleeping well for the past week. Have a Computing test tomorrow which I still have not prepared.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I feel good today for two reasons. Firstly when I entered the gym, a gal approached me and asked if I was the gym instructor. Haha I probably have the size of one for people to think like that. I was also able to bench press 30kg on each side bringing me closer to the dayz in cj where I could pump 35each side. Did 15laps of swimming and hopefully in three months time, I can have the stamina to play right back.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life is getting more stressed now. I sense the of returning to my smoking dayz are gonna come back. Further more my group of friends namely ernest phil phua and keng siang are smoking too. Went for 'nights off' last night at JP and met one of my section man Lee Jianxiang who was working at harvey norman, well this time we didn't alk about betting as we used to in camp. Apparantly he is promoting kentwood products. Went gym today and could only bench 22.5kg per side. Rather weak considering I did at least 30 per side in CJ. Was disappointed when I went swimming to find out that you could only swim the breath. Went for dinner with my primary and secondary school friends. Life seems a bit dull now, doing tutorials every now and then. I wished I could strike toto and relac one corner.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Went to offer prayers to my grandfather today. It was crowded and as usual we proceeded to lavender food court for lunch. It has become a tradition for my relatives to eat there as we have been doing for years. My sister being the smart alec that she is suggested going to jalan besar stadium to eat at a coffeeshop selling tom yam fish soup which she boasted was good. Most of us were lazy to walk that far and so settled for lavender while my sis went to da pao. She later came back empty handed citing that the shop was close on sundays. Haha sucker....
She refused to eat any food from lavender food court, giving a cocky arrogant face ' well i don't eat food that is below standard' while I was indulging in my kway chap. My poor sister, tsk tsk you have no fucking idea how lucky you are to be a able to eat food. I immediately thought back of my time spent in Brunei climbing hills and dreaming of eating char kway tiao and hokkien mee which of course was far fetched. As I was about to finish, my aunt pointed to the another table and I saw zhu mimi. She was eating Albert street prawn noodles. Gotta try it one day. Btw, Man United rocks....As for Liverpool well try harder...hahahah

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Within a span of 2months, my expenditure has really scared me. At the rate I go on, I may have to rob a bank. Lol. Buying textbooks, printing notes, drinking beer, paying school and hostel fees. I wished that my grandpa could visit me in my dreams and give me some numbers. Ah gong, if you read this, help ah help... le eh sun tat ntu jin gang kor, bo gao lui, hor wa si eh hong bei lei.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So fun being 21 Posted by Picasa
Not for the faint hearted Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Got trashed 6-2 today to an average team. However I felt I put in a good performance. A couple of goals conceded were offside and mixed up between Tiong and Kua. Been playing rougher but still need to work on my judgement in positioning for headers. Losing is kinda depressing, it gets in your head once in a while. I remember losing my first taekwondo bout and feeling really shite about it for a month. When Manchester United were knocked out of the champions league I was gutted and felt low for a week.
Went for my hall bash at rav located at boat quay. Just as I was telling Alvin that boat quay was an Ah beng place and a favourite hangout for the 'men', I spotted Wu xiao Lang and my driver Tan Yongzhi. The bash turned out to be disappointing as we did not recognise anyone. Left early and met up with Junxian who was also fed up with his business bash. Can't wait for the epl to start which will keep me home on saturdays.

Friday, August 05, 2005

So after a week of being apprehensive of my overseas friends, I have decided to warm up to them. They are nice people and pretty young too. When I was asked about my age and I replied 21, there was a 5sec pause with my Indonesian friend giving me a stunned expression showing that 'you mean you are so old? Did you fail your exams? ' kinda of look. Immediately my other friend from India chipped in 'how come you are 21 yrs old, isn't that a bit too old?' Well thank you peiying for helping me to enlighten them. Guess I am officially together with the other singaporean males the 'oldies' in the class. Not to worry, I shall take it upon my task to show our overseas friends how to live the singaporean way of life.
Saw Jamie teo at heeren in the afternoon. She looks much prettier in person. After walking around, I saw her again this time with Desmond Koh. Wonder if they are an item. If in future they really are, remember that you heard from it here first.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So my only form of entertainment now is my laptop, keeping me company 24hr 7. My routine now is sleep at 2am, wake up at 730am for tutorials. Lunch at 1230 and sleep at 230 till 430. 9pm is TV time. Pretty boring I would say. Yea thanks to Alvin for not bringing in a frindge hence no beer and chilled vodka. Haven't really spoken much in my tutorial class. Only made friends with a Singaporean and an Indian scholar so far. First time I saw the scholar I thought he was screwed. Coming to tutorials without attempting it and having the cheek to ask the prof if we were required to do before hand. Sure suicide u may say but what took me 2 hrs to figure out solutions took 5min for that mama. A hard slap to my face when he even asked me for my hp no citing that if he wasn't sure about tutorials he would call me. Yea sure I think I need to contact him instead.
Ntu is pretty small. Everyday every corner I will somehow run into Phil Phua, Guan Cheng, Ernest and Rongxing. I even bumped into my sispec buddy Ivan, of course with a cigarette in his hand. His theory; smoking keeps you hard working. Gotta buy more berms this sat. My official attire is shirt berms and slippers now. Wonder why I brought jeans and shoes in the first place. I miss my home bed though.
Today was mentoring day and for the first time my tutorial class opened up and we finally got to talk to our vietnamese, Indonesian, Indian and China counterparts, other than that had dinner with alvin and leader( jeremy lee) at hall 14 which is so much better than my hall where house flies are literally everywhere. Met up my hall sports representative and tomorrow there will be a street soccer game at NIE. Hope to make an impression and try to secure my way into the hall team. Feeling a bit sad as I was told there are no throwing events in track and field.
Had a wonderful nap in the afternoon and even dreamt of a steamy sex scene where a female was pulling err well can't publish for security reasons. The climax part of the dream was spoilt when my handphone received a message from Gerard. Fuck, woke up after that and felt devastated. Damn you Gerard.