Thursday, June 30, 2005

Was supposed to wake up at 235am to watch the Brazil vs Argentina game but ended up oversleeping and dreaming about being in a jungle(with 42 again, damn keep getting these dreams). I even remember Melvin yelling 'Parry, faster get out of the toilet, got 2 other groups finding checkpoint 3'. I swear that I even dreamt waking up listening to the radio report the score Brazil winners 4-1. Strange enuff, my dad came into my room after I woke up and say 'waa Brazil trounce Argentina 4-1'. Well I wasn't surprised, not the first time I have these sort of deja vu experience. Just wished that I could dream of 4-D numbers.
Celebrated my mom's birthday at hotel intercontinental, Mediterranean style buffet. Food was great, but my sister made the atmosphere sour when she announced that she was quitting her job as an accountant to go France for 2months to learn French. OF course my mom retorted ' why can't you get it here?' Well I don't really care, if my sister wants to pursue her dreams, let it be. After all, with her out of the house, it will be so much peaceful.
Read Urban newspaper, saw Heineken Keg. Damn, should get it and put it n my hostel room. Otherwise I have to get my whiskey flask soon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

After my collegue told me he could get his friend to buy ipod for me at staff price, I was tempted. I plan to ask Angela to get her uncle to buy creative speakers at staff price. My idea is to connect my zen micro and blast the speakers in my hostel room and use ipod on weekends travelling around. Sounds good. Total, I predict that with a new handphone, ipod and speakers plus bangkok trip buying clothes, I would have to spend around 1300 bucks. Damn I need money to fall from the sky.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Well all is not lost yet. I may sound like I am about to commit suicide yesterday but hey, there is still the hope of watching Manchester United win the treble, England to win the world cup and Guns n Roses to re-unite. I need a new direction. Watching the repeat of England play Japan in 1995 has inspired me. Paul Gascoigne or Gazza as he is better known, played with such flair and poise. As we all know, he is an alcoholic, who invented the dentist chair. You sit on a chair laid back as if a dentist is inspecting your teeth. Friends will then pour bottles of alcohol on you. Maybe drinking more alcohol will boost my skills. I played well on Sunday, maybe it can be attributed to my sat night paulenar's outing. He is my new hero. He shall be my new alter ego. I shall dedicate the month of July to running, swimming and possibly learn tennis to get in shape before uni starts. I finally figured that the only way to feel that your body and soul are alive is to jet ski. Jumping out from a plane at high altitudes is a sure way to wake your soul up. The fear and adrenaline rush makes you know that you are still alive. Anyway, found out that Fong is doing reservist already cos dunno which batt was short of technicians. Poor thing.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I missed GP lessons. Those days were fun. In fact that Irish bastard Mr Fahy was a fantastic teacher. There were many great moments that I could recall and I could write a whole book about him but there was one memorable moment that I just thought of. One day, he told us 'if you had a chance to be President Bush, would you?' , 'how many people in this world can boast of having control over so many countires and able to own a arsenal of nuclear bombs'. To think of it now, its true. You can argue with people and at most it leads to fist fights or knife stabbing or gun shots, but if you are Mr Bush, you can go 'hey touch my country and I will NUKE your country or I will stop giving aid to you'
Some thoughts before I turn 21 next month. I feel old. Yes, at 21 I feel that a lot of promise is gone. When you are just a 6yr old, your parents probably had their hopes pinned on ya, like getting into a good secondary school and JC, enter university, excel at sports, get a job, a wife and have kids and lead a happy family life. 'Oh my son could be a sports champion, oh he could be a professor'. Sometimes when I look at my dad, I probably see myself living his dreams. In primary school, life was such a fairy tale, everything went smooth sailing, you had good friends despite different religions or races. In secondary school, you start to vision your dreams, on what you wanna achieve. In junior college, you work hard to fufill your dreams. We even try our luck on sports to see if we are really talented. Never mind if you couldn't get a medal in C division, there is always time to train for B and A divisions.
But life starts to change in the army. You get exposed to a new culture. Unreasonable superiors who use you as a pawn to move up their own ladder. Then you get a place in university. Suddenly all those glory dayz seem behind me now. There is only one route now, getting a degree. Get a job, pay taxes, slave for the rest of your life. I am not trying to sound like a 'the glass is half empty' kind of person, but I think life is experienced the day you were born to the day before you enlisted for your country. When I see the next twenty years, I foresee a another new chapter in my life. Adult life sucks, you are expected to earn your living around you. Everyone around you is self-centered, selfish and has a dark side of them, very much unlike the characters you watched or read as a kid. I think I am suffering from quarter- life crisis.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I woke up prematurely today becoz my mom was talking rather loudly in the morning. I could still feel the beer in my tummy and was relunctant to get out of bed. Eventually ate my breakfast and made my way to the soccer game. The opponents were all rather muscular and dark which Joseph joked that they were construction workers. As the game proceeded, it was quite clear that our opponents were suckers at soccer. They were notplaying soccer, i would say they were more focused on playing rough and shouting hokkien vulgarities at us and the referee. The game was paused several times because of bad tackles or silly fouls. They started making sarcastic comments and finally a spark ignited the whole royal rumble. They were so serious on fighting that i felt they should just join wwf. One of them even wanted to fight with Ben Chen cos he made a remark that pissed the ah bengs off. Well Ben if you read this, damn they should have punched you...laughs. But when i see the Ah bengs now in their mid to late twenties, i can't help but feel that my men will eventually turn out like that. To quote Helmi, they are losers who probably are failures in life and take every sunday game as an opportunity to hit at white collar people. And I got to agree with what Raymond said 'everytime our defence wins the offside, its like strikers scoring a goal.'

My 2nd home to be.... Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Went to catch initial d with tze ming at suntec and after the movie, made our way to paulenar's for a drink. The live band made way at midnight for the audience to catch the live match between Germany and Brazil. I did my best to agitate the Germans by cheering and shouting each time brazil scored. The Germans on their part sang and danced with each other when Germany scored. Flags were everywhere and it was a lively atmosphere compared to ah peks at my s 11 coffeeshop who only kwon how to shout 'ho say ah' when their team( or shd i say the money that they place on) scores.

Friday, June 24, 2005

With a week more to go before I get the boot from my job, I must say working for Achieva brought me great experience. At hindsight, I thought that customer service officers were suckers who had to stick to the mantra 'customers are always right', well screw it, my colleagues taught me to be firm and never to give in to their requests. Over the two months spent here, I sort of bonded with them. Especially Richard, who brings us water melons every Monday and drives me to tea break when we move stores. Knowing Angela was probably a good thing, her uncle works in Creative and recently help me purchased a earpiece at half the retail price. I am eyeing speaker system next. Technician Kean Boon will probably come in handy when I encounter any computer or hard disk problems. Jonathan though 36yrs old will probably be one I would approached for the latest RPG games. As for Jimmy well.......Maybe another time
Anyway, I spent the afternoon from 4 to 6pm watching Lost on Angela's computer. A customer came in this morning to change his hard disk cable. As usual, we open his files to see if there was anything to rip and decided to spent 20min copying Lost. What would have took just 1min to change a cable for him turned to 20min copying Lost. Well it was time well spent. At least watching Lost made time much faster to pass.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Pls visit and lend ur support. They are not asking for ur money, they are asking for ur voice.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The temperature in my office is getting a bit higher this few days, well not literally. The staff apraisal came out yesterday, of course i was not included. The females got grade C while the guys except jonathan and anthony got B. According to Angela, almost everyone got B the year before Jimmy Kong came on board. Apparently when told to grade themselves on scale 1 to 5 with 1 lowest, he told them not to put 1 or 5. So Richard the driver put 4. Jimmy spoke to him privately outside the office and Richard came back sulking. As for the females, Jimmy's logic was 'u never move stores, just sit in office only mah, why should get grade B?'. Well everyone have their own role, u can't expect females to move the boxes, they are quite heavy. Angela and sharon double up by doing extra work in sales and collection. Well whatever, i am a temp staff and shouldn't give a damn about these politics. I am still bothered by whether i should get ericsson 750i.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Today is my 2nd last day of freedom at home. My parents will be back early wed morning. For the past three nights, I've been living like a king, no one to bother me about my untidy room, my shoes lying near the door. The kitchen is messier, i probably have to clean it up tonight. Also have to mop the floor after the pizza crumps were all over the floor from last sat. It can get a bit troublesome, closing and opening the windows all by urself, boiling water, vacuuming the floor, opening the letterbox. For the past three dayz, i felt strange. Being alone all by myself did bring me some peace but other than that, it can get really quiet. My only companions were the TV, com and radio. Even if i was not really watching TV, i just left it on to create an atmosphere. I do hope my sister brings some stuff back from london for me even though i told her not to. ( Reverse psychology) hehehehe i am EVIL

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I put up a reasonable performance today in defence. But i must trained up my passing and heading. Nowadays, when i watch soccer, instead of focusing on the player with the ball, i try to notice the other players positioning especially the centre backs and wing back. Went for my usual driving lessons. Today i learnt moving off from minor and steep slopes. Also practised more on u-turning. But it was a bit hard concentrating driving with my instructor talking about his shanghai trip and the girls there. He is a typical late fifty year old man with jade rings and speaks hokkien who always curse drivers on the road. I myself am was not spared when i did not slow down at a hump. Nvm 4 more months to my test, hopefully i do not have to re-test.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I admit that in today's 3-2 win over Jing Hao's team, i was the culprit in conceding two goals. I should have cleared the ball which resulted in the first goal and should have pushed up for the offside which led to the second goal. But i felt that i redeemed myself in the 2nd half with a more confident performance. At night, Aru came to my house to watch rugby. Bryan couldn't make it due to work commitments. We watched snatch and had a good laugh. It was a change from watching the usual american movies to a british movie where the slang was very funny esp when they scolded vulgarities, a sharp contrast to singaporeans scolding hokkien words. It would be nice if i could influnce british people to add more variety to their language. We could hear epl soccer players scolding nxbxi cxxxbxx at referees.

Friday, June 17, 2005

After watching Batman Begins, i feel inspired. Actually i liked the part where he went to tibet for training at the monastry. I also liked the part where he approached the gang leader and the lines ' u think that after your parents got murdered you've seen the other part of life.....' To me, batman begins was more focused on the spritual side of batman, way much more darker and cooler than the earlier movies.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My parents started packing their stuff for their trip to shanghai this sat. I can't help but entertain the thought of me being home alone. My sis is set to return from London and Paris earliest next week. I will probably invite Bryan over to my house to booze while watching rugby. I imagine myself watching dvds, pizzas in my hand and beer cans all over the floor. I can't wait for sat.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

This is becoming a routine every sunday. I played lousy in defence everyday. Injured my knee when i tried to dribble too much and collided with the opponent. Went home to ice it as i lay on my bed. Doze off to onlt wake up when the ice spilled on my bedsheets. Went for driving after that, learning to up a slope. Did ok on my first try. I am getting more confident with the clutch and changing of gear now, even tried to speed till 60 only for my instructor to brake and slow it down to 50. Told him 'open road mah' for him to reply 'beginner better learn properly, wait end up like the drivers on the road'. Can't argue with him, its true, sporeans are ugly drivers, refusing to let u change lanei, upon seeing the turn right signal, they speed up. The week ahead looks bright, hopefully i can catch a movie.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Went for another drinking session at brewerz with ZR, HG, Joe and as of course aru. I wish I could own a pub like brewerz. I dunno whethe it was the beer but joe helped me smuggle 2 beer menus out. Haha it will be my bookmark for my uni notes. Yet it was a disappointing day as we didn't catch any movie.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I had dinner with my secondary school sec1 pals last night at heeren's nydc. It was a sending off for Nigel who is enlisting today. It has almost been at least 4yrs since I last saw some of them. Yet nothing has changed much. Nigel was late for the meeting, zhirong though now in the army, looks like X'ho in his dressing. Zhanwei is still the same gold chain necklace, long sleeve tight ah beng shirt with slippers( well he is is a pai kia anyway). Mustaffa, who went cjc with me is still a clown. Well of course we talked about good old dayz but along the way, as i asked' so after O'levels where did blah blah go', i got responds like' oh he went jail for rioting, oh he went jail for beating someone with weapon, oh he died in an illegal motorbike racing, oh he still repeating first year spore poly'. Wow, like Mustaffa who once told me, 'Parry, whenever you doubt yourself, boost ur self esteem by looking at the people around you(secondary school mates)' Well i hope Nigel does ok in the army, hopefully he will learn the value of meeting timings. In NCC land, we used to get knocked down by SAF corporals becoz when everyone falled in to count strength, we would be missing one person. Before you guess correct, yes, from one end of the field you would spot Nigel running out from the toilet with his toothbrush and toothpaste.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am appalled at the lack of proper phone conversation etiquette in some Singaporeans. For example, some people would call in and enquire on how to get to my company from their location. After briefly describing to them, u would at least expect a 'oh thank you for the information' but instead after telling them '..... walk a few minutes and you will reach our building', you get the phone slammed or hear the phone engage sound. Wow, MODERN SOCIETY we are dudes.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I want to buy a new phone but not sure whether to stay with nokia or change to samsung. Help...

Monday, June 06, 2005

With eye for a guy endng soon, all my fav reality series have ended. The only reality show still running on axn is fear factor which bores me to tears. Maybe one season was ok but season after season eating the same crap, u would know what to expect in challenges. I found a way to kick start my mornings. Listening to CHICAGO oldies to soothe myself. Btw i found out that my colleague's uncle works in creative. She promised me that i could purchase speakers or the new zeon for staff price.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I played lousy in defence today. I am feeling shaky and vulnerable. Haven't been myself. Seems that i have lost my touch and composure. I need some rejuvenation and inspiration. Went to Pc fair and hoped to buy creative speakers. Q was freaking long and i decided to give up. Met my secondary school friends Tze Ming and Xiaofeng. We went to Tampines Mall and hell was it a crowded. I always wonder why serangoon doesn't generate that kind of buzz. The only shopping centre serangoon has is Upper Serangoon centre, where the ground floor caters for KTVS, 2nd floor for tattooes and arcade. Third floor for pirated games and top floor for billard. The whole place is a sin, definitely Ah Bengs hangout.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Went drinking at brewertz with gab, gerard and aru. Nice burgers and beer. I am trying to get more people to chill with me at boat quay every fortnight. I feel that it is a great place to chill out with old pals.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Well well, what a turn of events. If you can remember a few weeks ago, I wrote in one of my post that I was reprimanded by my boss Jimmy Kong for surfing the net too often. Well today, I walked past his desk as i do everyday to get to the store room. I pondered, what does he do on his computer? Well i sneaked a peak from the store room window and no prizes for guessing correct, that muthafucker was PLAYING SOLITARE.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

As the dayz go by, subconsiously, i realise that i am becoming a neat and tidy freak. I get irritated easily whenever my sister or dad messes up my table. I would have to re-arrange my stuff to the way i want it to be. It gets worst when at work, i even think 'hey when i left the house was my table tidy, did i pull my bedsheets' . I get pissed when my sister comes home and does not put her shoes in the shelve, throwing it around the house. It makes me feel wasted after vacuuming the floor. The more i think about myself, i am afraid that it will affect my mental being, like howard hughes. I think i need help. My Absolut a day keeps the doctor away doesn't seem to be working.