Friday, August 31, 2007

An unhappy week

Its been a bad week for me. Had problems figuring out my tutorials. Thankfully the poly mates are a helpful bunch in assisting my enquiries. The stress is slowly starting to mount up and I'm beginning to feel a bit of the pressure. To make matters worst, a friend of mine had to add on to my problems. He has some problems on his own and though I sympathised with his condition, I was a bit pissed off no I should say fucking livid when he tried to imposed his situation onto me. Everyone has to handle problems and if every 20cents schmuck were to come to me for help, I might as well open the salvation army in my house. So to the person concerned, Hey I know I am coming on as being selfish but then again I have to consider my own situation, we are talking about grades being involved here. So I hope the line does not get breached for which I will make things ugly.

On a positive note though, the Macdonalds in NTU somehow cost cheaper compared to last time despite the GST increase. So it seems that there is more reason to eat Mac in school now. Also earlier in the week, I bought a new running shoe, hopefully it serves as a motivation to hit the roads running at night. Finally, I also managed to download quite a few new movies. I hope next week will be a better week. I've tried not to get involved in many matters but somehow people always tend to create problems and trouble for me. All I can say is over the last 6 months, I've been treated like fool and I will not allow myself to be led on by sweet words and empty promises again. Enuff said.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I finally just completed my first tutorial of the semester. The rest has been like half done because honestly the calculations are quite complex. Well at least its a good start and tmr I shall continue the form going.

On thurs, there was a small commotion on the top floor. Someone apparently attempted suicide and though I saw someone who I think might be the person, I rather not jump to conclusions lest pple quote me. To whom it may concern, hey chill dude, its only the 3rd week, dunno how to do tutorial doesn't spell the end of the world. I believe almost everyone hasn't gotten themselves into the groove yet too. I just did my first tutorial an hour ago only.

The weather has been on off the past couple of days and as a result I am having a minor flu now. Hopefully it doesn't get worst tmr though chances it might.

For people who are intending to buy new soccer boots, read carefully. Do not buy puma king boots. I barely wore mine for 3 games and already the sole is starting to split. My heart sank when I saw it. Why is it that honest people like me keep getting cheated. Tsk tsk....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I am disappointed that I cannot change my steel tutorial class. When I approached the subject coordinator just awhile ago to air my grievances, the lady grinned and gave me that 'must be you come and kar jiao me again' look. I gave some excuse and lies to try and convince her that I needed to change class but somehow she saw through my smoke and she immediately said 'you want to change back only becos of the tutor right not because you cannot see the words'. Disgruntled, I decided to accept my fate. Honestly the tutor that is teaching me now isn't so bad, but I can't stand the way he looks. He looks like humpty dumpty, is bald in the middle of the head while the hair grows from the side.

The PRC tutor that is suppose to be teaching the class which is now being taken over by another tutor has supposedly according to the subject coordinator gone to "further his studies". I think she was being modest. Singapore should seriously stop the import of people from china including goods. Today's papers reported on a child clothes catching fire. No surprises, the clothes were made in china. Also China airlines had a plane crash, and its offer to compensate the Taiwanese people is a meagre $150 hongbao. Sweet. I think over the weekend I shall search my house for any Made in china tag. Arh fuck, I think my puma shoes are made in china. Damn.

Monday, August 20, 2007

I've just finished mopping the floor and waiting for the floor to dry. I also just opened the clothing cabinet and my goodness there was a 'hei bee hiam' smell, exactly like how u smell them in the market. James drawer had the previous owner's undergarments still in it, haha. There are wax stains on the floor and I seriously dunno what the previous tenants were doing to each other. So right now I am downloading movies from the sharescan network. But I promise myself I shall do the structures 2 tutorial later.

Once again, hopefully.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I've finally officially gotten my room. Did a check, my left and right neighbours are Vietnamese and Indian scholars. Fuck. In any case I still got the campus security number in my hp. I also got a new roomate(again). Its none other than the all brawn and abit of brain James, haha. Well, at least there will be some banter in the room. Well, the first two weeks of school for me has sort of been a warm up. I shall up the gear next week and start to attempt the tutorials by myself.

I gotta agree with Mr Kang. NTU does really have some cocked up Professors. There is this dork from China who does not prepare the tutorial answers and instead ask the students to give it. Even worst, he borrows the student's question paper. I dun see why the school bothers to continue hiring him. It should be pretty obvious, of all five slots for tutorial classes, it can't be a coincidence that only his two slots have like 15 over vacancies while the other Professors do not have any slots remaining. I rather the school instead of wasting money on morons like him use it to hire some super models to stand in the class and let students admire them. The criteria for engineering lecturers always seem to be old china men who seem on the verge of getting a hear attack. Why can't they just hire a few young ladies, I'm sure attendance rate for lectures will improve and I bet everyone will be right awake.

The answer to all these problems is to stop the influx of china people coming over to Singapore. They stink up our country, have no manners, don't bathe, cook poisonous Char Siew paos, the list goes on.... Oei PM Lee, mai hum leh, wake up ur idea.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Taking the mrt to school everyday may be time consuming but it does have its own perks. One gets to meet all sorts of people from wankers to crankers who do daft things. Just today some bloke was singing happily to himself when it was pretty obvious his voice should be left for the bathroom. One thing for sure, when music is played through the loudspeaker, u can bet ur last penny it has to come from a taufik. Also, when a sexy lady steps into the cabin, u can be sure that every hot blooded male eyes will check her out. Teenagers or young adults will from time to time tactfully sneak a glance but ah peks definitely have no tactical sense. In short they blatantly stare, like wolves ready to pounce on their prey.

Speaking of staring, once in a while I get people who eyeball me for more than 5seconds. It makes me uncomfortable, well last I check, no I don't resemble the latest pin up gay model, no I did not touch ur girlfriend's ass. I guess some people don't understand that staring is very rude. Also, I hate it when people try to push pass ya to get into the cabins when even a donkey can tell it is full to the brim. Just a few weeks back, some old chap tried to take the mickey out of me by pushing me away. Well just as he was about to enter, the door 'kiap' him. I took a dig at him by giving that sarcastic laugh and mentioning a few words of friendly advice. The things most people do to rush to get a seat is amazing. Instead of letting passengers get out first, most old folks stand in the centre and barge forward once the door opens. Its like a rugby scrum. Surprisingly Singapore is not one of the rugby power nations, selectors should start finding potential players at the mrt.

Alright this post is pretty random because I am bored after doing my steel structure tutorial. I dun understand what I am calculating. Cheers to myself.
Well last week kinokuniya had a 20% sale so I decided to part with my cash to purchase "The God Delusion' book by Richard Dawkins. Just reading the preface has convinced me that it was a worthy investment. Before one goes on and say oh its another bullshit nonsensical book, let me just clarify that Richard Dawkins is highly regarded as one of the top son of bitches in the world of science and research so unless one can match his credentials, I would say its advisable to keep thy lips shut. He has written many other top notch books and it would be a disgrace if one does not read them.

To begin with, its an anti religion book, but of course backed up with credible and logical explanations. I've only read the preface and one point to note is childhood indoctrination. I was part of it too, being mentally brainwashed by my aunt and mother to believe in God when I was young. Technically the only reason why I followed my mom to Novena church last time was so that I could eat KFC for lunch. The same thing is happening to my nieces now, they are well brought up and for no reason should they not obey their parents. But I would say that they are too young to make any reasonable judgement for themselves so it would be unfair to say that they believe in God because they know it is the correct thing. Its part of upbringing. Ask a child in Iran who he thinks is God and another child from China and another one from Britain, I reckon the answers will be different. A simple analogy would be if a parent were to give his child read baa baa black sheep and nothing else but baa baa black sheep for his whole childhood life, I bet my balls on the line that should a random stranger walk by and ask 'hey Dick, so what story can ya relate to me', well i rest my case.

I shall share more as I read more. No offence, its a democratic world out there, I have as much right as the Christian next door to preach in what I believe in. Peace out!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

According to my pops who heard this from his karaoke singing kakis, some bloke committed suicide near my house multi story carpark last week. He apparently jumped down cos he had cancer. I realised that my housing estate is tainted with people committing suicide. Blagadeshi worker hanging himself from a tree opposite my house, maid jumping down to death opposite my flat. I remember having a nightmare after that episode. I was prob about eight years old and it was my second nightmare. The first one was about Gremlins trying to eat me. Back to the 2nd one, I dreamt that I saw the maid fall to her death, yet she somehow lay on the floor, head bleeding but still eyes wide open looking at me and giving me that hysterical laugh. I will be honest to say that the nightmare scared the piss shit out of me. Well its the start of the hungry ghost festival, I better not say too much.

Peace out.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

This is slowly becoming routine, playing soccer on sun morning, sleeping in the afternoon and waking up with a bad headache. Now I know why my mom didn't like me playing soccer last time. Two games and two losses, I think we are gonna be the bottom team but surprisingly everyone seems to have raise their game. Overall the opponents are pretty good and quite fit. Even the ever so fit Hengkia showed signs of shackness. The malays were surprising quite friendly and fair. But somehow someone stepped on my big toe and I suspect the bone might have cracked. Maybe its time to downgrade.

Aunty Helen's birthday was yesterday and no I didn't went down to the buffet to celebrate. My mother went instead. She said the food was fabulous, ate until she vomit in the car. Haha. My father went down to help with the national day block party dinner cum karaoke singing session. Some of the aunties have terrible voices, yet they still carry on singing believing that they are Tsai Ching in disguise. My goodness, they are a national disgrace.

I stayed at home throughout both events watching the start of EPL. At half time I switched channels and watch abit of the American version of The Ring. I can't believe that they would want to make that movie. The concept is cheesy even though I admit I like the Japanese version last time. But u know, the idea of watching the video, phone call, monster climbing out of the well to kill u is quite corny. If such a thing were to happen to me, I know I will be in safe hands. I will let my father pick up the phone call. My father hates people calling the home phone and hanging up so I bet he will tell the monster to fuck off. And if the monster dare come to my house, it will get another fuck off warning from my pops, haha.

I haven't done my foundation engine tutorial, shit, gotta do it soon.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Goodness gracious, one week has just whiz by and hell, next week is the start of the tutorial week. I haven't done a single tutorial. I can barely recall the stuff I learn last sem, everything I see on the lecture screen seems so vague but hopefully it will all come good next week. For the past couple of days I have kept myself busy watching tv and reading the Sicilian by Mario Puzo.

By the way, the laksa at Quad is fabulous, the cashiers can't tell the difference btw a big bowl and a small one. It is a loophole told to me by my seniors so technically while one orders a big bowl, the cashiers will still charge it as a small bowl. Definitely value for money. Geeze I hope they dun read this.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Singapore

So far, travelling to and fro school has taken a toll on my sleeping patterns, having to sleep early and wake up early, mingle with the office rush hour mrt crowd. But I would like to say it keeps me disciplined, cutting down on TV and drama serials. I even considered staying at home until yesterday while on the MRT, some 'taufik' was blasting his music on the loudspeaker which help me make my mind up. The mrt should fine these 'Taufiks' for causing public nuisance. These 'taufiks' are a hindrance to natural progression, if Darwin was still alive, he would have choke to death examining them. 'Taufiks' are an amazing species, grandfathers rape their grand daughters, siblings fuck each other, 2+2 to them equals 5. Maybe for them Singapore Idol is the equivalent of a university education degree course. Hey the job prospects are 7-11 idiots. Enuff said.

After checking wif the hall office, I shd be hearing from them soon. Although I am still undecided, shd the hall 13 plan succeed, it would solve every problem. Hopefully can pull James along too then I won't have to play against him, haha. Then again, I shouldn't divulge too much, the last time I randomly said something, it ended up being used against me. I know from first hand experience how selfishness can turn ugly, people believing rumours instead of validating the truth, people exploiting certain situations. Best of all, I didn't even wish to be a part of it yet somehow got involved. Looking back, I was too trusting and naive, believing that goodwill still existed in people. Well I guess as the Don once said, the world is what it is and we are what we are.

Selfishness is bliss!

Monday, August 06, 2007

After school today, I went to Hougang mall to buy my dinner. As I was walking along the shop houses en route to the hawker centre, I saw an uncle standing at a shop signaling me with his hands to slow down and walk slower. In my mind, I was thinking who the fuck is this prick to tell me how fast I should walk, so instead I quicken my pace. Next thing I knew, I heard someone in front shout CUT! 再来一次. I then realise that I interrupted a filming process. The actress directly in front of me turned back to re-do the scene and she was none other than Ann Kok. I must have pissed her off because as she turned to walk back, she shook her head and gave me that 'must be you' look. Haha Opps! I apologised to her and quickly exited the scene. But thinking back, I only tried to overtake her, nothing much mah. They should have filmed my handsome face in.

Why is the Toto results still not out yet. Tsk.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Well in another 9hrs I will be going through the process of waking up early and making my sleepy way down to school for the next few months. Mentally I am still not fine tuned yet, can say I still in nua mode.

My legs are aching today, got battered by Cheewee's team this morning. I suspect his team are on steroids. Even though they had no subs they never seem to show signs of tiredness. In the afternoon, got cheated by Tim to play for his team even though he had like 17 over players down.

Yea and Manchester United won! Always a pleasure to go one up on the Londoners.

More importantly, tmr has a lot of significance. The prize money for Toto is 6.28 million. I promise myself if I strike it alone, I will immediately buy a BMW, a bungalow and imported Havanna Cuban cigars. Hell I will even celebrate with Martell. I will even quit school and focus instead on gambling and investments.

Well it feels good to dream sometimes.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Next sat will the start of the English Premier League season and I am so looking forward to it as many teams have reinforced their squads which will definitely make this season an exciting one.

But to dampen my mood, my mother just dropped me a bombshell when she told me that she is planning to organise a party at our house for my aunts, yes her sisters. And guess what, its gonna be held next sat too! Must be a coincidence. Praise the lord!

I hate these kind of gatherings, esp when there is no occasion to gather for. I mean its not as if they will have itches all over their skin if they dun have a party at someones home. Why can't they just go to Delifrance and have a nice meal. The reason why I am against it is because not only do we have to watch family shows depriving me of my espn, my aunts like to ask nonsensical questions like how am I doing, have I been praying recently, am I facing any problems, if I do then I must pour out my problems to Jesus those kind of bullshit. I sometimes have the urge to tell them that yes I have been praying to Jesus regularly but he hasn't been answering them, oh why? Because I've been praying to him that you pple stop asking me these 假好心 questions but seems like it hasn't been answered. Maybe I should follow my sis and move out of the house. Oei Daddy, do something leh, I know u are reading this and u also dun like them coming over rite. 全靠你了!