Sunday, October 30, 2005

Man Utd took a beating last night and I hope that will knock some sense in them. I remembered back in 1998 when they were doing poorly, they lost to middlesbrough. After that match they just couldn't stop winning and old trafford was really a formidable fortress. It reminds me of the time in 42 when my platoon had some problems and Ngiam told our platoon specialists to whack them. I argued that it would cause the morale to hit rock bottom. But according to him, that was precisely the point because eventually, a person's morale cannot possibly keep going lower and can only go up. Thinking back now, it was probably the only sensible and logical words that came out of his bullshit mouth.

Speaking of which, Ngiam kinds of remind me of Homer Simpson, a loser who often does stupid things and is kinda of dumb. By comparison, there isn't really much difference between them. But make no mistake, I still love watching -the simpsons,it is argubly the only cartoon that can crack political jokes in a mature kind of way. I miss beavis and butthead though.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Watching survivor today just reminds me of the urban jungle that I live in. The world where people smile at you but deep down can't wait to cut your throat. I think many people are straight out to get an edge over another, its just a matter of applying some sly methods.

People change over time, simply either for the better or worst. Over the years, I probably change a bit of my character here and there, but I am still the same image I see in the mirror. I do feel that some people change their personality for reasons here and there. I couldn't give a hoot of what others think of me, making me change the way I run my life, ain't no point, its like letting others run rule over your life that you can't even recognise the image you see in the mirror.

Sometimes people ask questions for the sake of asking. Sometimes you already know the answer before you get back the answer. But we just wanna confirm if the other rat can look you straight in the eye and tell you the answer you were instead expecting.

I hate being lied to. Sometimes I try to believe the truth, but the gut can tell you that it is a deceptive lie, a smoke-screen.

I have a new theory, called the 'tidal wave theory'. To elaborate, people go with the wave current of the ocean simply to stay afloat and alive. It ensures that they are in the mass majority and regardless of whether they agree or not, they just join the boat. When the boat sinks, they jump off to another boat and sing a different tune. I think many people are guilty of lying to themselves to save face and skin, to avoid scoring own goals and embarassment. They kinda of say this and that to hide the truth behind their real feelings. They try to convince and console themselves but deep down express regret and disappointment at their own short comings and failures.

I think life is a manuscript.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

To cap my day, I had a successful street soccer performance today, scoring one goal from half way line, a volley off my chest that knocked out hall 13 and another from a penalty. Yea our team of underdogs made it for five games straight. I attribute the goals to my adidas street soccer shoes, great feeling.

Met my NCC seniors in the hall canteen. They were the two biggest bastards in NCC and each time we saw their face met only two things, 'ah whole lot knock it down or ah see that tree over there go touch it.......I got say that tree meh I say the other one mah'. Surprised that they could make it to NTU thought. Haha. Back to my maths tutorial.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sad. Simply just sad. I flunk my driving test today with 38pts. Strike kerb, insufficient acceleration, causing other vehicles to slow down. Darn it. I gotta say that the tester was quite nice though, telling me my mistakes and how to correct them. The vehicles on the road were all giving way to me, yea my instructor even joked that their slowing down for me cost me the points. Speaking of which, that old fart was particularly nice today, paid for my retest, told me no hurry to pay him back, sheltered me from the centre to his car with his umbrella. So touched, ok dun wanna sound too cheesy.

The rain sums up my day. The light drizzling really sets the tone for my mood. Darn it. I probably spent about 1500bucks already. The hole in my pocket is just gonna burn deeper. Told my dad and he laughed at me, told me that my retest during the chinese new year will probably be easier with lesser cars on the road. Kannan told me not to worry and study hard, Alvin told me try again next time round. Thanks dudes.

I guess I can only carry on from here. Lift my head up, pull my socks and walk on. Follow my favourite team's example, Manchester United, come out from a defeat and battle on harder.

But still.....aarrhh I want my mommy........hee. Just kidding, hey need to chill out right.

Monday, October 24, 2005

I received a message from Helmi and it seems that he is ready to break away from the sunday team and form a team on his own. According to him, many junior players are sick of the team dynamics and ready to move on. I for one believe that it is primarily because of Apple.

Now here is the dilemma. I agree that playing in chong's team is getting kinda stagnant and I don't find any fun playing for them anymore. But assuming I leave, its like letting him down not forgetting his team gave me the exposure to learn. So do I bite the hand that fed me? Honestly I don't know. Guess thats what happened to West Ham united.

I shall put my contract on hold first. Haha.

I am currently brain dead. Studied Physics over the weekend and Biot Savart's Law really squeezed the brain cells out of me. My dearest mom told me to sleep early and even went to buy birdnest for me. So touched.

As for my dad, oh he wouldn't give a damn for anything in the world. I mean, he wasn't really happy when I got into NTU engineering. I mean most parents would be proud if their children made it to university but because all my cousins went to at least VjC or HCJC, he wasn't pleased when I told him I went CjC. " For christ sake, ur sister graduated with first class honours from NTU accountancy, your cousins blah blah blah.." Seem like he will never get content unless I get a doctorate. Wasn't he not the one who told me when I was young 'son be content with what you have in this world for there are more people less fortunate and worst off then you'. Sure thing Dad.

Hey I still love my dad, just a bit stressed nowadays. I can't wait for the exams to be over. I promise myself I will really party hard. Darn it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ok so today I am happy for 2 reasons. Firstly, I got the highest grade for mathematics among my Singaporean peers, where everyone got either E or F while I got a C minus. Yea not impressive but hey at least I beat them, many whom just two weeks ago came out of the tutorial room boasting that they could get full marks. Haha suckas.

But what about the foreigners? Oh well lets not mention about them, basically they are in a league of their own, something like the champions league. They are untouchable. Back to the topic, oh ya secondly I am happy because I got the 2nd highest score in my class for my econs test. It hasn't happen in a long time and I am just so thrilled. It feels good to see their reaction when they found out that I beat them considering that they had background and were the experts while I was the newbie.Today is my moment of glory.

But before I get too carried away, let me get down to earth, I actually copied from two people for the econs test. Damn why do I have to burst the bubble dream.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The weather recently is quite to my liking, because of the rain. Its so cooling and soothing, just the perfect condition for sleeping. Makes me sing the garbage song 'only happy when it rains'.

Been studying for the past two days which led to my dad asking me why I am studying so hard. He thought university life was suppose to be slack. Hhmm I thought so too.

Happy 21st birthday Toh. Guess your party last night was a mini gathering of the 42 people. Met up with some good friends and fuckers, no wait just one fucker. Ok but I shall refrain from being mean again, hey I am reformed remember, all understanding and forgiving.

My mom gets to go Taiwan at the end of the year via company sponsor. I am so jealous. I LOVE travelling! I really wish to tour Europe and experience the culture there. Bet my sister is enjoying life in Paris now. Maybe during my third year attachment I should op for a european country. As James enlightened me, he explained why gazzali(some clown in my hall) has a beer belly. Apparantly he went to Germany for his attachment. And what do you do IN Germany? You do what the Germans do of course, that is take part in the october beer fest and slam beer with the buddy next to you. Won't that be lovely?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Did my effective communication presentation today. Started off a bit nervous because I was constantly looking back at the slides to read the words. Yea thats what happens when you don't prepare.Last min then prepared my lines. But everything went smoothly and many felt that my group was the best. Daryl, a very 'extra' guy in my class wore a long sleeve shirt hoping to score some points, yea but he match it with jeans and best, sports shoes. Me and kannan couldn't care less and wore normal polo t shirts. In the end Daryl stuttered, shook from left to right and sounded like he was going to cry.

Went on for my physics tutorial class. Was sitted early with Kannan toking cock as usual until a guy walked in. He looked like a cock and gave me the jiao bin, 'hey this is physics class right'. He proceeded on to ask me if I felt army more xiong or jc more xiong. Like whats up with that question dude. Told me he was from AJC and a clerk in the army. Said the warrant officers there were not the ones that bullied him but rather his fellow clerks. All this while he was talking to us while we did not tok to him or bother to listen. He seemed rather happy talking to the walls. Its freaking strange how this pal landed up here, hey planet mars is far away from here dude.

Chatted with my china friend Yaying. Anyway its her 20th birthday tommorrow. She is quite a nice gal, from xiamen, a hokkien and also shares the same surname as me. LIM. Hahahaha. But the more we chatted, the more she missed home and i decided not to talk too much about china. Damn, exams are getting near.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Took a beating from hall 6 today. They won't really good, just that we suck. I suck too, tried playing the strikers offside but without linesmen, I shouldn have known better. Yea, Roy is a very calm centre back, the best I have played with so far. I think my position gave the strikers chances to play onside and score. So, for now, I am warming the substitute bench. Just like my Rio Ferdinand. Ivan is one hell of a midfielder, plays like edgar davids, doesn't give the opponents any breathing space. Hope he plays for my hall.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Great fightback today, coming from 3-1 down to level 3-3 with Eddie and Andy scoring the goals from solo run in. Apple was pretty quiet vocally as he gave away a lot of balls by holding on to it for too long. Even the referee told him to change his style.

I showed glimpses of my own self, clearing the opponent's ball with my first touch and with ferocious power, which used to be my trademark. Chong said "so long never see your thunderbolt" meaning its been awhile since they saw me clear balls with sheer power. I could even hear the smacking of my boot on the ball. But I still haven't figure out why they like clearing of balls, I used to think defenders should always bring the ball out of the penalty box and pass it to the midfield instead of aimlessly whacking away the balls. Guess thats why we are amatuers.

It really makes a difference to ya day when you come out from a game with a great performance. But this shall be my last game until my exams are over. Till then, physics and computing will come first.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

In today's edition of weekend TODAY, there is an article that suggest singaporean bloggers are suffering from 'jekyll and hyde' syndrome. To a certain degree, I feel that there is validity in that statement. I sometimes feel that my blog is my alter ego, whispering words to my ear, telling me what to write, be it good or bad. It allows me to show a certain side of me, a dark side which I don't show to the outside world.

Watching Beetlejuice last night really made me laugh. I luv the songs and especially liked Michael Keaton make a great clown of himself. BEETLE JUICE BEETLE JUICE BEETLE JUICE.

There is an urge inside me to go travelling. Its still not holidays yet but I am dreaming of going Prague. No money!!! AArhh....

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ok I am gonna flunk my maths test. Didn't really work hard for it even though I knew that curve sketching was gonna be crucial. Couldn't concentrate on my driving circuit today, made a few mistakes, Things are definitely not going smoothly my way. Feel like lighting up a cigg again but I shall refrain. Could it be the lack of milo these past two days?

But hey channel 5 is showing Tim Burton's Beetlejuice tonight. Go catch it people, its a great show you shouldn't miss.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Played my first game of touch rugby with some contact(actually it eventually became full contact). Beginning to enjoy rugby. A pity my secondary school didn't have rugby.

Exams are near, I am defintely feeling the heat. Thankfully there are no more lab sessions which means i get to wake up later. Whew, what a relief!

I am also getting sick of hall food. Practically every canteen in NTU sells ban mian, japanese food, cooked food and western food. Why can't there be stalls that sells hokkien mee, orr lua, kway chap?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Thankfully I was relieved of my referee duties today. Switched over to netball and there was indeed plenty of eye galore and candy to see. It makes me think again that God has been good to me. There were a few chicks around although I have to say that netball is a boring game by itself. Missed the halloween night at my hall because I was rushing to finish my lagging maths tutorial. My social life has taken a step back thanks to many commitments and homework. Can't wait for the holidays.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another one of my vices besides coffee is milo. Once I take a sip, I just can't seem to get enough of it. Its as if some drug has added to it. Like the slogan "Its marvelous what milo can do for you", after drinking milo, especially the chilled 1 litre package, I was able to stay awake and study for my econs today. People mature and grow older, but I guess somethings like tastebuds don't change. When I was a young lad, I would get excited when my dad gave me the free milo from pumping petrol at shell. Through the days of secondary school cross country runs, army open house, NTU orientation week, milo has always been there for me. The milo truck is indeed a blessing for all of us young or old. If only milo could sponsor me.......ok I know you guys want to show me the finger and slap me.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I have learnt yet another important lesson, that is insensitive selfish people tend to act in their own self interest, basically ignoring the people around them. They start to take things lightly and for granted. People around them are non existant, what people speak or say only fall on deaf ears. They assume the earth resolves among them and continue living in their own kingdom.

Its strange how much power a girl can have. When a girls speaks, she is able to capture the attention of a guy, but when a guys speaks, the other guy simply bo chups what he says.

All is not lost, to counteract this problem, I have come out with theorem number two namely "Parry's way". For the theorem to work, one must adopt the "hao ren mei you hao bao" mentality, basically meaning that helping others reap no benefits for oneself, instead coming off worse, so think only of yourself and fuck others in their back. Hope you guys out there are fortunate enough not to have to apply my two theorys

Sunday, October 02, 2005

20 mins into today's game, i almost wanted to vomit. Apparantly the beer from last night wasn't yet purged out from my body system. I am so disgusted with Apple, who kept screaming at everyone today. When the youngsters in the team commits mistakes he will be the first to yell, yet he talks nicely to the seniors without shouting. He is a biase arsehole.I have yet speak to him eye to eye both before and after matches.

I have to admit that Ben Chen is one of the best dribblers I have seen in local amatuer scene. But that smile of his puts me off, the SLY, cunning and deceptive grin. It is just so discerning, it makes you think twice before deciding whether to believe his words.

The weather recently is so relaxing and just the perfect condition for a nice sleep. Bye guys...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Although it is still early days but I have already made plans on what I want to do in the december holidays. Probably persuade my dad to go Taiwan, bleach my hair, pierce my ear. Chornicles of Narnia will be out by then so I suppose it wouldn't harm to watch movies during that month.

Reading the papers today, that was an article on Alan Greenspan. I have an uncle who looks like him and coincidentally likes to talk economics each time there is a gathering. What an interesting world.

Downloaded lots of songs from smashing pumpkins and other 80's band in the afternoon. I just wonder what kinda of lifestyle I would have adopted if i was born 15 years earlier and spending my adolescent years in the 80's. I would probably spot long curly hair like the doors or guns n roses, wear leather boots and jeans, smoke pot and drink whiskey. I miss MTV classic. I still think that the music videos from the 80's era are the best. Compared to today, the music videos are more interesting, not direct but creative in an alternative sense. I believe Duran Duran were the 'in' boyband back then and sid visious was probably the coolest dude around town. New order, erasure and depeche mode have really interesting videos, believe me guys.

Its a pity that the Beyond concert falls in my exam preparation period otherwise I could have given it a thought. Till then off to listen to my sister's diana krall cd.