Saturday, December 31, 2005

My neck hurts, shoulder hurts and thighs defintely aching. All these as a result of yesterday's inter hall rugby. Amazingly, my hall created another history by entering the quarters for the first time.

But it wasn't really a smooth one though. The night before Andy was feeling pissed off that we didn't have any structured training and was certain that we were gonna lose. However with Clemence showing such gusto and tenacity, we were all psyched up for the win against hall four. Well, the night before we had a bet that whoever scored the first try would get a free lunch from Colin, so it could explain why Clemece was so 'hungry'. The next match against hall two was tough and many admitted afterwards that they were intimidated by them. It was an evenly contested match, eventually Adam proving to be the deciding factor with his winning touch. I love his inspiring pre-match speech too. There were ugly scenes with the opponents throwing punches at Colin resulting in him having a nosebleed. From then all every ruck was like wrestling.

I didn't actually get to touch the ball , but I was involved in every tackle and every maul and scrum. Tackling is fun, locking your eyes on the fucker charging to you and bang bring that son of a bitch crashing down. But take it from me, being piled on is not fun, smelling everybody's sweat. In fact, no one manage to get pass me. But the price to pay is a bleeding ear and injured cheekbone.

Till then, Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The past two days have been moody and solemn for me upon receiving news that my section M203 guuner died in an accident on christmas day.

The first things that comes to mind is the optimistic nature of Fabian, ever confident and curious in many various things, like how the bronco operated, how the GPMG functioned. He was of great help in mounting camouflage net, mounting side skirts and signal sets. He was intelligent, giving me his motorcycle spray to wipe away grease from the bronco. At my shackest moment in climbing mount biang, he offered to lessen my load by carrying the mg rounds.

Its sad to think that everyone gathered under this circumstance instead of meeting up to do reservist in camp training. Its hard to accept that someone I know is actually lying in that coffin, the gut really hurts when reality sinks. I hope that no one else has to suffer again.

Thanks for being of great help and for the everlasting memories, cause thats how I will remember you. Rest in peace.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tomorrow was supposed to be the day where I was gonna meet up with my primary school frenz for lunch. Apparantly I was tasked to organise and god knows what went through my mind at that time, I blatantly said ok. Initial response was good until sms kept coming, ooh I got appointment with my fren, ooh my braces hurt, sorry dude. So damn it I don't give a fuck too, rather have outing with my warsteiner beer.

Tv is boring and I am a bit sick of re-watching my dvds. The afternoon sleep was spoilt by the loud music from a malay wedding and I can't decide which day to book my ippt. I personally feel that Singapore needs more controversies to spice up the newspaper, something like director of MOE caught with pants down with secretary in pantry room, principle of ACJC caught sleeping with 2 JC one girls, chief of army caught documanting SAF funds, something like that.

My great grand-father should have stayed in Taiwan instead of coming here.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

With some controversy, the hall caused an upset by beating hall one by a single goal courtesy of vincent. Lots of protest by hall one players but the decision stood and we prevailed. Clemence was simply outstanding today in goal pulling off a fantastic save from the corner of the post.

Dead tired now and I just want to rest my legs from all the training.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The miracle that I was hoping for never came, that is to pass computing. Gotta work harder to pass it next semester.

This is probably my last month of slacking before I start working my socks off for next sem.

Christmas has come too early.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The hall managed to salvage some hope with a 4-0 win over hall 13 today which means thurs we have to play again. I was expecting to lose so that I could stay at home and watch dvds. Other than that the econs results were out. I got a c+, was expecting a B actually, but my worst fear is still computing, really hoping for a miracle now.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tonight I shall give my stomach a rest. For the past three days, I have been sampling different brands of beer, hoegarden, stella, becks,sapporro, carlsberg, warsteiner, everything taste the same to me now. Last check, I've still got 7 more bottles off my shelf.

With the new year approaching, I did a reflection of the past year. So far 2005 has been a great year, lots of ups and downs. I know next year will even be better. My new year resolution is to be more forgiving, forget past feuds and sample more brands of beer.

Santa I have been good this year.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Today's rugby training was fruitful, with Thai Hoe teaching me passing and Darren helping out with training. Had a mini celebration, Andy cooked mee goreng and we drank vodka with orange juice and my hoegarden beer. My head is kinda spinning as I am writing this. Gotta sleep now to go gym tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My legs are again officially numb from today's rugby training, really hate those lunges. We were just at the right time at SRC to celebrate the men's basketball team win hall 3 by one point, some respite at least considering the female team lost 72 nil yesterday, don't ask me how that is possible.

I was so thrilled that Danni won the million dollars instead of stephanie. How could everybody not vote stephanie out in the earlier rounds, she already had her chance last season, she is a threat in immunity challenges, she always gets chosen to accompany the winner on rewards, she practically pulls the string in the alliance. Danni on the contrary is such a clean and sexy gal, all the more deserving. My personal favourite though was Judd.

Fuck, as I am writing this, my father has just returned back and informed me that my bicycle outside has been stolen. I know its a cheap and lousy bike, but surely that doesn't warrant others to steal, c'mon where is the integrity in the world nowadays. I have my reservations as to who might steal it but I shall refrain from writing who, lest people accuse me of being racist.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

I am officially in nua mood now, fixing my ass on the sofa everyday, probably clocking at least 7 hrs watching tv or dvds.

My legs feel damn nua too, although there wasn't much running done in today's 5-1 win, there was the occasional covering up for chong and tiong, those dudes really make my life horror with their slips up. Otherwise Eugene aka street fighter was back, missing three glorious chances and provoking the opponents to fight with his usual bust ups. There isn't one match where he doesn't try to wind people up. Ah Bu was magnificent, scored a piledriver. Mr Chen Deyi played us out, saying he would be there after church for the second half, but pulled out his usual david copperfield disappearing act.

I don't think I am gonna be ready for next sem.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I had a great laugh watching kingdom of heaven today, the part especially when the priest says 'convert to islam, repent later'. Even better, last night I watched a few good men with my sister. For two hours, we were seated motionless, though she did not mention it, we both knew that we were just waiting for that part.

Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): You want answers?
Tom Cruise (Kaffee): I think I'm entitled.
Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): You want answers?
Tom Cruise (Kaffee): I want the truth!
Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): You can't handle the truth!

And there many more dvds to be watched.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Now I know why Eric cantona retired at his peak. People should go out on a high instead of living past their sell by date. Take Madonna for example, I mean don't get me wrong, I liked her music but perhaps for her age, she should dress in something more decent. Her video hung up really exposes her flabby thighs, not really a great appetizer if you are about to have lunch. Not forgetting Mariah Carey, somehow she doesn't seem to age at all from the first time I saw her on MTV in primary school till now. Her dresses all always the same, seams spltting at the thighs. She should really cover it up, those thighs can really give the chickens in Kenny Rogers a run for their money.

Watched super size me a couple of hours ago, well it is gonna put me off fast food for a while I suppose. The servings are really enormous so that explains it. I wonder what would happen if say a Singaporean embarked on a one month eat nothing but roti prata, char kway tiao, kway chap, or lua and drink teh c peng. I think the results will defintely beat super size me.

Can't wait for hollywood clicks to send me saw. My patience is running thin nowadays.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Reflecting on the past few hall matches, I feel that I have finally understood something. For the past one year, I have been pumping balls to the midfield from the defence. Whenever the wingbacks got the ball, I used to maintain a straight line with them, giving them no angle to pass back to me. From the past two matches however, Li Chang has taught me where to fall back to let the wingbacks have a good angle to pass back the ball, we even played a bit of ball distribution in our own penalty half, something like what we get to see in the premiership, passing from one end to the other within the defence. I feel that it allows the team to hold better possession. Well at least something positive to think about.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I hate losing. Especially by a score of 4-0. I felt that I put in a credible performance, juz that I don't really get the team tactics. My legs badly need a rest.

I managed to find a book by Neil Gaiman in the library over the weekend. Smoke and mirrors. The concept though simple but really brings out the gist of the whole book. I am running out of cash, damn wish I could work instead of taking part in hall activities.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

So finally as the week comes to an end, my legs get to rest. Basically I have been playing full match soccer since sunday, monday, wednesday and friday. Beat that lampard. My leg muscles are starting to feel tight now especially just a few hours ago when I had rugby training. Injured my shoulder and toe, well it is a very physical game but scoring a touchdown really ups the adrenaline rush. Hope I can recover in time for monday's ganme.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The opposite meaning of chaos is determinism.

Finally my hall manage a win today, but truth be told, we won against a lousy team. But at least there is morale after monday's 4-1 dubbing by hall 11. Why are there no good movies out yet, its december for god's sake. I am juz wasting time again. Shikes.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ok I know my sunday posts are getting passe but bear with me. Today was a very relax game for me becoz most of the time we were attacking and so tru out the game all I did was to take goal kick well actually only two becoz like I said the ball was in the attacking half most of the time. Shyam was outstanding in midfield while ben and bull were dancing with the ball doing the usual cha cha bom steps. And its always good to see Kim back. By the way, for the record, today was the first time apple said goodbye to me.

This is the life. Watching tv, reading books and playing soccer. Wish december will last forever. Kudos to central tv, they are showing the local short film marathon tommorrow night.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Exams are finally over. I have come to the end of the semester. Or have I? As smashing pumpkins once sang, 'the end is the beginning is the end'.

Anyway I had a great time drinking with Phil, ernest aru and alvin last night at clark quay's one night stand. Stella beer was surprising quite smooth and of course so was hoegarden.

Tonight channel five is airing traffic. Watch it people. Great movie but I reckon many scenes will be censored out due to explicit content.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Why does it always have to end this way. Kinda of like the x-files, leaving no clue or answer. Guess I juz have to wait till next year march for lost season 2. I suppose the more I watch it, the more I find that it relates the part of my life. Life is like a roller coaster, it brings you up and down.

In a couple hours, I will be a happy man. Last paper. All these while.

Anyway my sister is back, which means end of world peace. She has been on the telephone daily arguing with M1 over handphone bill charges. Apparantly she got robbed in France and her whole hand bag got stolen so everything is messy. Expensive lesson for her.

I am suppose to feel excited about the end of exams but ah beats me.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

By all accounts I enjoyed the game today. The passing groove was back and there were no senseless long balls. Oh ya I have to mention, one reason is largely due to the absence of mr ping guo aka long ball specialist.

So I read the papers and what do I see. Pianist who escaped NS returns and pays only a meagre 5000 bucks fine. Cool thats what I shall do to my son. C'mon that is pure horse shit. Bollocks. Escape two years and pay a fine? People who serve NS and awol get a whole lot worst. Now 5000bucks for that is peanuts.

On the other hand, this whole thing could be a scam. They could be trying to lure others who escaped last time to make their way back. And when they do, 'gotcha'.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thanks Keano for the meomries. I shall always remember you for that header against juventus and the taunt at viera. Through good and bad times, you have shown what a great leader is all about and embodied a fighting spirit each time you put on that red and white jersey. So it seems Manchester Untied have opted to rebuild a new squad. Good luck to them. Just remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

So for the past three nights, I sort of joined the ranks of a counch potato, watching tv all night long, drinking heineken. Speaking of which, there is no more beer in my house thanks to me. Hope my dad doesn't get too mad. But hey not to worry, my sister is coming back from france with instructions to get more beer from dfs.

I seem to be able to jog longer nowadays. Could it be due to beer? Or is this all but just a dream.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Why is it that channel 5 keeps repeating batman and robin over and over again. Its not as if it was the best out of the whole series, c'mon it was the worst ever batman film in the franchise. They are showing it again barely three months ago.

Life is great. Don't you think so. Why is the sky blue.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

After a month long absence, I finally played soccer again. What better way to start again by playing against the ah beng team that wanted to wallop ben chen up last time. This time around, many of the ah bengs were missing, I presume squatting in prison cells. Apple tried to 'gei kiang' in the second half. Inside our own penalty box, despite being pressured by three people, he refused to pass it to me or wu, instead tried to dribble himself. Of course he didn't make it. But rather than chased back the ball, he simply walked and gave up. You son of a bitch. Staff seageant so what?

Enough said. Exams are more or less over. I finally have time to read the time traveller's wife book. Accompanied by cafe nova in my other hand, what more can I ask of life.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Orchard road is not a shopper's paradise. It is a DSL(Donation, survey and Leaflet) paradise. You can barely walk for more than 20metres without being stopped by someone with the above few purpose in mind. Somerset MRT is a haven for people asking for donations while heeren is a ideal spot for surveys. Well I can't help but snigger at a singaporean today who was stopped by a gal. Gal to chinese guy "sir are you a singaporean?" Guy to gal "No I am a African, can't you see I am black". I think I should start brainstorming a few punchlines myslf.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Manchester United's victory over chelsea on sunday taught me a valuable lesson that I will probably never learn elsewhere. When your heart, mind, body and soul are as one, nothing in the world can stand your way. The way Man Utd played was supendous, without fear in their eyes, instilling a "come get us" attitude. They worked their socks off and throughly deserved their win. If only I could study as hard as the way Man Utd played, I will definitely get the results.

But sometimes hardworking people don't get what they deserve. I shall call this the "goal theorem". Some people can dribble the ball, weave magic, create chances, display fancy footwork yet just don't score. Sure they get recognition, but they don't win the game. Whereas some people, slack around, don't do much work, wait for luck to fall from the sky but yet at the crucial moment just stick out their foot and score the goal from someone else hardwork. A perfect example would be Kenny Low or Van Nistelrooy. Just for laughs.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Thats what I love about Manchester United, through good times and bad, they never fail to deliver the goods. They just have that knack of beating the odds. When the odds are heavily stacked against them and everything seems lost and hopeless, they produce a miracle. It just gives me the belief that life is worth fighting for and that everyday is another new day. Well done lads!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

There is no shortcut to success in life

Depeche Mode
Its no good

I'm going to take my time
I have all the time in the world
To make you mine
It is written in the stars above
The gods decree
You'll be right here by my side
Right next to me
You can run but you cannot hide
Don't say you want me
Don't say you need me
Don't say you love me
It's understood
Don't say you're happy
Out there without me
I know you can't be
'Cause it's no good
I'll be fine
I'll be waiting patiently
Till you see the signs
And come running to my open arms
When will you realize
Do we have to wait till our worlds collide
Open up your eyes
You can't turn back the tide
Don't say you want me
Don't say you need me
Don't say you love me
It's understood
Don't say you're happy
Out there without me
I know you can't be
'Cause it's no good
I'm going to take my time
I have all the time in the world
To make you mine
It is written in the stars above
Don't say you want me
Don't say you need me
Don't say you love me
It's understood
Don't say you're happy
Out there without me
I know you can't be
'Cause it's no good

Friday, November 04, 2005

I cheong last night ah,
I cheong the night before,
now i cheong like I never cheong before ah,
and as i cheong ah,
unhappy as can be...,
sibei du lan....

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Go checkout It is a lame website but after being so stressed about the exams, the whole thing became a good way of venting some frustration. My favourite was simon cowell and of course wacko jacko.

My father is worried for me because he caught me adding vodka to marigold peel fresh orange juice and aloe vera apple juice. But anyway the taste isn't so bad. I am getting more paranoid as the dayz go by. I even dreamt of my sunday soccer team last night. Can't wait for the exams to be over. When it is over, I shall visit clarke quay every week, watch movies,borrow LOST and take my time viewing it. Shall finish up reading a couple of books. One point to note, I shall stop reading Paulo Coelho books. I used to like the stories because they were philosophical and enlightening, but I figured that part of my depressional mental state is attributed to the stories having mostly sad endings.

Wish me luck for the exams. When it is over, I promise I shall regroup the Attar Prata, Brewertz annd chomp chomp gang.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Man Utd took a beating last night and I hope that will knock some sense in them. I remembered back in 1998 when they were doing poorly, they lost to middlesbrough. After that match they just couldn't stop winning and old trafford was really a formidable fortress. It reminds me of the time in 42 when my platoon had some problems and Ngiam told our platoon specialists to whack them. I argued that it would cause the morale to hit rock bottom. But according to him, that was precisely the point because eventually, a person's morale cannot possibly keep going lower and can only go up. Thinking back now, it was probably the only sensible and logical words that came out of his bullshit mouth.

Speaking of which, Ngiam kinds of remind me of Homer Simpson, a loser who often does stupid things and is kinda of dumb. By comparison, there isn't really much difference between them. But make no mistake, I still love watching -the simpsons,it is argubly the only cartoon that can crack political jokes in a mature kind of way. I miss beavis and butthead though.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Watching survivor today just reminds me of the urban jungle that I live in. The world where people smile at you but deep down can't wait to cut your throat. I think many people are straight out to get an edge over another, its just a matter of applying some sly methods.

People change over time, simply either for the better or worst. Over the years, I probably change a bit of my character here and there, but I am still the same image I see in the mirror. I do feel that some people change their personality for reasons here and there. I couldn't give a hoot of what others think of me, making me change the way I run my life, ain't no point, its like letting others run rule over your life that you can't even recognise the image you see in the mirror.

Sometimes people ask questions for the sake of asking. Sometimes you already know the answer before you get back the answer. But we just wanna confirm if the other rat can look you straight in the eye and tell you the answer you were instead expecting.

I hate being lied to. Sometimes I try to believe the truth, but the gut can tell you that it is a deceptive lie, a smoke-screen.

I have a new theory, called the 'tidal wave theory'. To elaborate, people go with the wave current of the ocean simply to stay afloat and alive. It ensures that they are in the mass majority and regardless of whether they agree or not, they just join the boat. When the boat sinks, they jump off to another boat and sing a different tune. I think many people are guilty of lying to themselves to save face and skin, to avoid scoring own goals and embarassment. They kinda of say this and that to hide the truth behind their real feelings. They try to convince and console themselves but deep down express regret and disappointment at their own short comings and failures.

I think life is a manuscript.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

To cap my day, I had a successful street soccer performance today, scoring one goal from half way line, a volley off my chest that knocked out hall 13 and another from a penalty. Yea our team of underdogs made it for five games straight. I attribute the goals to my adidas street soccer shoes, great feeling.

Met my NCC seniors in the hall canteen. They were the two biggest bastards in NCC and each time we saw their face met only two things, 'ah whole lot knock it down or ah see that tree over there go touch it.......I got say that tree meh I say the other one mah'. Surprised that they could make it to NTU thought. Haha. Back to my maths tutorial.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sad. Simply just sad. I flunk my driving test today with 38pts. Strike kerb, insufficient acceleration, causing other vehicles to slow down. Darn it. I gotta say that the tester was quite nice though, telling me my mistakes and how to correct them. The vehicles on the road were all giving way to me, yea my instructor even joked that their slowing down for me cost me the points. Speaking of which, that old fart was particularly nice today, paid for my retest, told me no hurry to pay him back, sheltered me from the centre to his car with his umbrella. So touched, ok dun wanna sound too cheesy.

The rain sums up my day. The light drizzling really sets the tone for my mood. Darn it. I probably spent about 1500bucks already. The hole in my pocket is just gonna burn deeper. Told my dad and he laughed at me, told me that my retest during the chinese new year will probably be easier with lesser cars on the road. Kannan told me not to worry and study hard, Alvin told me try again next time round. Thanks dudes.

I guess I can only carry on from here. Lift my head up, pull my socks and walk on. Follow my favourite team's example, Manchester United, come out from a defeat and battle on harder.

But still.....aarrhh I want my mommy........hee. Just kidding, hey need to chill out right.

Monday, October 24, 2005

I received a message from Helmi and it seems that he is ready to break away from the sunday team and form a team on his own. According to him, many junior players are sick of the team dynamics and ready to move on. I for one believe that it is primarily because of Apple.

Now here is the dilemma. I agree that playing in chong's team is getting kinda stagnant and I don't find any fun playing for them anymore. But assuming I leave, its like letting him down not forgetting his team gave me the exposure to learn. So do I bite the hand that fed me? Honestly I don't know. Guess thats what happened to West Ham united.

I shall put my contract on hold first. Haha.

I am currently brain dead. Studied Physics over the weekend and Biot Savart's Law really squeezed the brain cells out of me. My dearest mom told me to sleep early and even went to buy birdnest for me. So touched.

As for my dad, oh he wouldn't give a damn for anything in the world. I mean, he wasn't really happy when I got into NTU engineering. I mean most parents would be proud if their children made it to university but because all my cousins went to at least VjC or HCJC, he wasn't pleased when I told him I went CjC. " For christ sake, ur sister graduated with first class honours from NTU accountancy, your cousins blah blah blah.." Seem like he will never get content unless I get a doctorate. Wasn't he not the one who told me when I was young 'son be content with what you have in this world for there are more people less fortunate and worst off then you'. Sure thing Dad.

Hey I still love my dad, just a bit stressed nowadays. I can't wait for the exams to be over. I promise myself I will really party hard. Darn it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ok so today I am happy for 2 reasons. Firstly, I got the highest grade for mathematics among my Singaporean peers, where everyone got either E or F while I got a C minus. Yea not impressive but hey at least I beat them, many whom just two weeks ago came out of the tutorial room boasting that they could get full marks. Haha suckas.

But what about the foreigners? Oh well lets not mention about them, basically they are in a league of their own, something like the champions league. They are untouchable. Back to the topic, oh ya secondly I am happy because I got the 2nd highest score in my class for my econs test. It hasn't happen in a long time and I am just so thrilled. It feels good to see their reaction when they found out that I beat them considering that they had background and were the experts while I was the newbie.Today is my moment of glory.

But before I get too carried away, let me get down to earth, I actually copied from two people for the econs test. Damn why do I have to burst the bubble dream.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The weather recently is quite to my liking, because of the rain. Its so cooling and soothing, just the perfect condition for sleeping. Makes me sing the garbage song 'only happy when it rains'.

Been studying for the past two days which led to my dad asking me why I am studying so hard. He thought university life was suppose to be slack. Hhmm I thought so too.

Happy 21st birthday Toh. Guess your party last night was a mini gathering of the 42 people. Met up with some good friends and fuckers, no wait just one fucker. Ok but I shall refrain from being mean again, hey I am reformed remember, all understanding and forgiving.

My mom gets to go Taiwan at the end of the year via company sponsor. I am so jealous. I LOVE travelling! I really wish to tour Europe and experience the culture there. Bet my sister is enjoying life in Paris now. Maybe during my third year attachment I should op for a european country. As James enlightened me, he explained why gazzali(some clown in my hall) has a beer belly. Apparantly he went to Germany for his attachment. And what do you do IN Germany? You do what the Germans do of course, that is take part in the october beer fest and slam beer with the buddy next to you. Won't that be lovely?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Did my effective communication presentation today. Started off a bit nervous because I was constantly looking back at the slides to read the words. Yea thats what happens when you don't prepare.Last min then prepared my lines. But everything went smoothly and many felt that my group was the best. Daryl, a very 'extra' guy in my class wore a long sleeve shirt hoping to score some points, yea but he match it with jeans and best, sports shoes. Me and kannan couldn't care less and wore normal polo t shirts. In the end Daryl stuttered, shook from left to right and sounded like he was going to cry.

Went on for my physics tutorial class. Was sitted early with Kannan toking cock as usual until a guy walked in. He looked like a cock and gave me the jiao bin, 'hey this is physics class right'. He proceeded on to ask me if I felt army more xiong or jc more xiong. Like whats up with that question dude. Told me he was from AJC and a clerk in the army. Said the warrant officers there were not the ones that bullied him but rather his fellow clerks. All this while he was talking to us while we did not tok to him or bother to listen. He seemed rather happy talking to the walls. Its freaking strange how this pal landed up here, hey planet mars is far away from here dude.

Chatted with my china friend Yaying. Anyway its her 20th birthday tommorrow. She is quite a nice gal, from xiamen, a hokkien and also shares the same surname as me. LIM. Hahahaha. But the more we chatted, the more she missed home and i decided not to talk too much about china. Damn, exams are getting near.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Took a beating from hall 6 today. They won't really good, just that we suck. I suck too, tried playing the strikers offside but without linesmen, I shouldn have known better. Yea, Roy is a very calm centre back, the best I have played with so far. I think my position gave the strikers chances to play onside and score. So, for now, I am warming the substitute bench. Just like my Rio Ferdinand. Ivan is one hell of a midfielder, plays like edgar davids, doesn't give the opponents any breathing space. Hope he plays for my hall.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Great fightback today, coming from 3-1 down to level 3-3 with Eddie and Andy scoring the goals from solo run in. Apple was pretty quiet vocally as he gave away a lot of balls by holding on to it for too long. Even the referee told him to change his style.

I showed glimpses of my own self, clearing the opponent's ball with my first touch and with ferocious power, which used to be my trademark. Chong said "so long never see your thunderbolt" meaning its been awhile since they saw me clear balls with sheer power. I could even hear the smacking of my boot on the ball. But I still haven't figure out why they like clearing of balls, I used to think defenders should always bring the ball out of the penalty box and pass it to the midfield instead of aimlessly whacking away the balls. Guess thats why we are amatuers.

It really makes a difference to ya day when you come out from a game with a great performance. But this shall be my last game until my exams are over. Till then, physics and computing will come first.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

In today's edition of weekend TODAY, there is an article that suggest singaporean bloggers are suffering from 'jekyll and hyde' syndrome. To a certain degree, I feel that there is validity in that statement. I sometimes feel that my blog is my alter ego, whispering words to my ear, telling me what to write, be it good or bad. It allows me to show a certain side of me, a dark side which I don't show to the outside world.

Watching Beetlejuice last night really made me laugh. I luv the songs and especially liked Michael Keaton make a great clown of himself. BEETLE JUICE BEETLE JUICE BEETLE JUICE.

There is an urge inside me to go travelling. Its still not holidays yet but I am dreaming of going Prague. No money!!! AArhh....

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ok I am gonna flunk my maths test. Didn't really work hard for it even though I knew that curve sketching was gonna be crucial. Couldn't concentrate on my driving circuit today, made a few mistakes, Things are definitely not going smoothly my way. Feel like lighting up a cigg again but I shall refrain. Could it be the lack of milo these past two days?

But hey channel 5 is showing Tim Burton's Beetlejuice tonight. Go catch it people, its a great show you shouldn't miss.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Played my first game of touch rugby with some contact(actually it eventually became full contact). Beginning to enjoy rugby. A pity my secondary school didn't have rugby.

Exams are near, I am defintely feeling the heat. Thankfully there are no more lab sessions which means i get to wake up later. Whew, what a relief!

I am also getting sick of hall food. Practically every canteen in NTU sells ban mian, japanese food, cooked food and western food. Why can't there be stalls that sells hokkien mee, orr lua, kway chap?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Thankfully I was relieved of my referee duties today. Switched over to netball and there was indeed plenty of eye galore and candy to see. It makes me think again that God has been good to me. There were a few chicks around although I have to say that netball is a boring game by itself. Missed the halloween night at my hall because I was rushing to finish my lagging maths tutorial. My social life has taken a step back thanks to many commitments and homework. Can't wait for the holidays.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another one of my vices besides coffee is milo. Once I take a sip, I just can't seem to get enough of it. Its as if some drug has added to it. Like the slogan "Its marvelous what milo can do for you", after drinking milo, especially the chilled 1 litre package, I was able to stay awake and study for my econs today. People mature and grow older, but I guess somethings like tastebuds don't change. When I was a young lad, I would get excited when my dad gave me the free milo from pumping petrol at shell. Through the days of secondary school cross country runs, army open house, NTU orientation week, milo has always been there for me. The milo truck is indeed a blessing for all of us young or old. If only milo could sponsor me.......ok I know you guys want to show me the finger and slap me.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I have learnt yet another important lesson, that is insensitive selfish people tend to act in their own self interest, basically ignoring the people around them. They start to take things lightly and for granted. People around them are non existant, what people speak or say only fall on deaf ears. They assume the earth resolves among them and continue living in their own kingdom.

Its strange how much power a girl can have. When a girls speaks, she is able to capture the attention of a guy, but when a guys speaks, the other guy simply bo chups what he says.

All is not lost, to counteract this problem, I have come out with theorem number two namely "Parry's way". For the theorem to work, one must adopt the "hao ren mei you hao bao" mentality, basically meaning that helping others reap no benefits for oneself, instead coming off worse, so think only of yourself and fuck others in their back. Hope you guys out there are fortunate enough not to have to apply my two theorys

Sunday, October 02, 2005

20 mins into today's game, i almost wanted to vomit. Apparantly the beer from last night wasn't yet purged out from my body system. I am so disgusted with Apple, who kept screaming at everyone today. When the youngsters in the team commits mistakes he will be the first to yell, yet he talks nicely to the seniors without shouting. He is a biase arsehole.I have yet speak to him eye to eye both before and after matches.

I have to admit that Ben Chen is one of the best dribblers I have seen in local amatuer scene. But that smile of his puts me off, the SLY, cunning and deceptive grin. It is just so discerning, it makes you think twice before deciding whether to believe his words.

The weather recently is so relaxing and just the perfect condition for a nice sleep. Bye guys...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Although it is still early days but I have already made plans on what I want to do in the december holidays. Probably persuade my dad to go Taiwan, bleach my hair, pierce my ear. Chornicles of Narnia will be out by then so I suppose it wouldn't harm to watch movies during that month.

Reading the papers today, that was an article on Alan Greenspan. I have an uncle who looks like him and coincidentally likes to talk economics each time there is a gathering. What an interesting world.

Downloaded lots of songs from smashing pumpkins and other 80's band in the afternoon. I just wonder what kinda of lifestyle I would have adopted if i was born 15 years earlier and spending my adolescent years in the 80's. I would probably spot long curly hair like the doors or guns n roses, wear leather boots and jeans, smoke pot and drink whiskey. I miss MTV classic. I still think that the music videos from the 80's era are the best. Compared to today, the music videos are more interesting, not direct but creative in an alternative sense. I believe Duran Duran were the 'in' boyband back then and sid visious was probably the coolest dude around town. New order, erasure and depeche mode have really interesting videos, believe me guys.

Its a pity that the Beyond concert falls in my exam preparation period otherwise I could have given it a thought. Till then off to listen to my sister's diana krall cd.

Friday, September 30, 2005

After almost a decade of loyal service to Manchester United, captain Keano has decided to call the curtain down on his stay with Man Utd. Whenever i think of keano, I recall the image of him popping his head to score the header against Juventus before halftime in the treble season. That goal was the comeback for Manchester United who eventually won the match. Read his biography a few months back. He was a person who stood up for rights. Yea he fought a few bullies twice his size who were bullying his friend back in school. Last season he even threatened Viera who was taunting Gary Neville. Remembered him saying " come on, come have a go at me, picking on neville, pretending to be mr nice week in and out". He is probably the best thing to come out from Ireland after Bailey's. His most famous quote for me has got to be "I am first a corkshire second an Irish"

Soccer brings out something special for me. It works magic. What game in this world can make its own country men to have rivalries with each other, like the merseyside derby, Manchester hating scousers from Liverpool, Argentina and England hatred for each other especially after the Falklands war, Holland and Germany continuing their feud even after world war. A good example, it doesn't matter if Singapore enter the Asian cup, all it needs to achieve is beat selangor and Malaysia annually.

Did some scavenging in my sister's room and found out that she has Joni Mitchell, U2, UB40 cds and the time traveler's wife novel. To think I almost bought the book. Guess since she is still in France, she wouldn't mind me borrowing it for a while. Shall take my time to read it. I can't seem to find my own book Sophie's world in my house. I just love that book. Aaarh damn just can't seem to remember where....

Thursday, September 29, 2005

After a week's plus of hype up to today's match, my hall game against hall 3 was postponed due to rain. Kinda sad because I was looking forward to play next to Roy in defence.

Sometimes I wonder to myself why I am playing soccer so many times a week when I am not even in the school team or aiming for S-league. I could have chosen to play chess for the hall, adopt a lay back relax lifestyle like most people do and watch the days go by. Its hard to explain why it but it goes back to my days as a child when my dad told me to play soccer and support Manchester United. Back then I supported Leeds United because of Eric Cantona and Anthony Yeboah but was told straight in the face by my dad "son in this house either you support Manchester United or esle......". And yup, I am still a proud Man United fan with them through thick and thin.

I am really a nice guy actually. Serious. But as they say, nice guys finish last. I am appalled at how some morons can take 15min to bathe in the morning, bearing in mind that there are only 2 shower rooms. These morons, I shall not mention which country they come from, do not flush the cubicles after finishing their business, take their sweet time to bathe, gaggle their mouths at head level, resulting in water splashing all over the next person. Its easy to say, come on give them a break, but trust me, if ya were in my shoes, you would feel steam evaporating from ya ears. I have decided that to cope living with some fuckers in this world, one needs to abide by a few rules. I shall name it the 'Parry principle'. There are basically two rules. First, everybody around you is a bastard unless proven otherwise by yourself. Secondly, bastard others before others bastard you. Abide by these two rules and I think you should be safe. Some fuckers at the end of the day inevitably just find thrill in ruining ya day.

NTU has lots of scandinavians students. They are a bunch of friendly people who always smile at you when you walk pass. The guys are good looking and the ladies are so lovely. As I may have mention to some people before, I wish I could re-incarnate in Denmark, Norway or Sweden. I believe they are morally ethical and do not get invovled in much world politics. Unlike in Singapore, everybody is backstabbing each other.

Why am I so depressed and negative these few days? Could it be the overdose of my nescafe or my new concoction of adding vodka to my 3 in 1 teh tarik.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My pectorals are hurting from my bench press regime. Need to workout on a more regular basis. Bought some stuff from the mini-mart in canteen 2 and was brought to my attention by Junxian that condoms were sold there. He told me a story about condoms, where Thai Hoe covered a leaking pipe with a condom for a week and surprisingly the condom could stretch very long and collect the water. What an invention.

I have been feeling a lot of rage and agony in me for the past few days. Been thinking, I am just a simple dude in my hall who minds my own business, but somehow or rather always get dragged into matters which shouldn't involve me in the first place. A few incidents have left me disgusted with a certain person's attitude. I shall label him Mr THAR( Think He Always Right). Mr THAR is a self-centered, selfish arrogogant, cocky, big ego think money can buy him everything in the world fucker. Now Mr THAR is a person suffering from low self esteem, who needs to reassure himself that he is better than most people by subciously putting others down to make himself look good. I remember Mr THAR commentting that a certain player in my hall was not a good striker( bearing in mind he did not even see that guy play before). "He good meh, I don't think he good lor". Fast forward to present moment, yea they are good friends now, who are ready to leave my hall and jump on the bandwagon to hall 13.

Whenever Mr THAR tries to get into a relationship, he sports a smirky look on his face. He tries to act cool in front of of his girl and make others look inferior. When the relationship goes wrong, he will say comments like "I wasn't really interested in her, I was just trying my luck". My point is Mr THAR is a person who needs to girl to boost his self esteem, to reassure himself that he has what it takes. But truth be told, he is a loser who is inferior, who escapes from reality, who 'convinces ' himself that he is 'the man', who can't accept the way nature has make him to be.

Ya I know I sound cynical, but I just thought that I should let it out.

Monday, September 26, 2005

After an unfortunate incident, I have decided to mind my own business and keep my lips and hands to myself. I have always believed in the attribution theory. Things somehow happen for certain reasons. Just like the butterfly effect, applying the chaos theory leads to disatrous effects, so there is no point altering what could have been if things were done differently.

Speaking of which, it brings me back to the movie 12 monkeys, where bruce willis was sent back in time to nail the person carrying the virus. I always think of time travel as an interesting trivia. Remembered reading some articles on time warp experimented by Alfred Hitchcock. I used to like his stories and later came to realise what an intelligent remarkable man he was besides being well known for his novels and short scripts.

Seems like I have a bad vice now. I am mildy addicted to coffee. I have at least 2 cups a day minimum. Did some pondering and even dreamt that one day, I could invent my own 3 in 1 instant coffee mix. I even thought of my brand slogan "LIM KOPI, The one and only...." Imagine it being up against nescafe and supper. Can even picture my dad and my relatives feeling so proud of me, "waah le chu mia liao ah"
Ok, reality check, back to mugging for my physics before I Lim Kopi with my phy tutor.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Saw it coming, had to, Finally the fairy tale story of Alvin and Candice is over. Its the same situation as Lixing, with Alvin feeling on top of the world, feeling like he has the charm and charisma to go all the way. Unfortunately along the way, hipccups here and there have brought it to the end. Result, I have to listen to his bullshit of 'aiya she like that la, i am not interested in her anyway'. I guess its a bit of sour grapes but don't all guys do the same.

Sometimes I feel like telling him to give up, that the problem may lie with him. As Eric told me, Lixing didn't want to go into a relationship with him because he was always boasting about his wealth. But of course, I shall not tell it to him until he brings in the fridge first. Haha I am soooo EVIL......

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Had a great game in today's 3-1 win. Did well marking the ang mo. Its seems my partnership with Howie is getting better but that fella is one hell of a loud speaker, practically hearing him shout all over the pitch. Melvin scored a solo goal running all the way from the half way line. The opponents were only good for trash talking, talking more bullshit than their legs could do.

At the moment, I enjoy playing soccer for our saturday and hall team. My hall team has a very stable defence, probably the best defence I have played with. As for the sunday team, I can't say the same. Harmony is bad, fitness is poor, Tiong is playing dunno what the fish he is doing. Can't explain it but I don't seem to enjoy it as much as I used to last year. But thinking back, I own where I stand to Chong's team for giving me the opportunity to learn so much. I have played closed to a year now for them so I will not turn my back on them.

Thai Hoe has been telling me not to be so mean to Mr Zhou, alright I admit I am a bit biased against him. Over the years, my friends have accused me of being too hot tempered and vulgar. As such, I have toned down and trying to be as friendly as possible. I try to smile more nowadyas. But of course, over the journey, some people inevitably try to make my blood boil up a couple of degrees. Clowns like Joshua, Ong Yi Hwee, Leon Koh,Ravin have tried to test my patience. I can't help it. To improve my soccer, I need to have more agression and the word KILL written on my face. I think I shall start to leave a goatee to look like Gattuso.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Lost 1-0 to hall one today from an unlucky deflection off Hengkia's head from their corner. Other than that, I thought I played very stable as the sweeper considering it is my first match apperance for hall 12. Hopefully I can stake my claim to fight for the centre back position with Roy and Hengkia. Heard from James Roy reads the game well and plays physical. James compares him to Maldini. I think of myself playing like Jaap Stam nowadays, not exactly fit but sticking close to strikers and going in hard on them to make my presence felt.

As I told Alvin, we should choose from three styles of play. Direct, passing and Blackburn. When I mean Blackburn, I mean playing FUCKING rough against a team normally very strong in all departments. This was my observation from last year FA cup semi final between Blackburn and Arsenal, whereby Blackurn adopted a physical style to make Arsenal sweat their guts out for their one nil win. Of course all we need is a player that plays like Robbie Savage. Till then, looking forward to playing the next hall game. Ciao!~

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So after a long hard day of saikang collecting stores for tomorrow's napha test, I took a bath and went to the TV lounge. After the show ended, I went back to my room only to discover that I interuptted my roomate's advancement towards candice. Yea, both were sitting on the bed together looking innocent but of course, Good boy Parry has seen it all. These two days I have received lots of bollocking from Alvin like 'can't you jog a bit longer, can't you watch Tv and return later'. Seems like Candice will only agree to go to our room when I am not around.
Of course I am not stupid. Nowadays, I pull my bedsheets neatly, so any slight inch of displacement and I will know if any hanky panky was done. Alvin, with his knee all strapped up, difficulty in walking, warning from his parents not to walk unnecessary, is full of vigour yet when going up to her room. Sometimes I think he may be faking his knee injury to gain sympathy points. In a few hours time, he will be going over to 'spend' the night in her room. Might not even be coming back to my room. Now where did I hear the rumour that 'pao tohing' a couple together in a room overnight can get you instant 80points and secure a stay in hall............
So my only companions now are my cuppa of coffee, my laptop and my pillow. Talking to my roomie, well you can hear the echo off the walls. Fella is absorbed into chatting with his darling on msn that I seldom get a reply.

Did some pondering. A couple of my secondary school gals have gotten tattoos on their back or stomachs. My ex-colleague did warn me about the consequences though but I am really tempted to get one on my left forearm and one on my right shoulder. Of course living in pragmatic Singapore, my parents and relatives equate having tattoos to gangsterism. Well I see their point but in other countries say New Zealand, getting a tribal tattoo is respecting their roots. Wished employers in Singapore could see tattoos in a different light.

I think many people still have stereotype thinkings of chinese ah bengs with tattoos all over their bodies. But having a tattoo doesn't mean a person is bad. I have a few friends who tattoo because it is 'in'. A few murderers, rapist, sickos ain't got any tattoos but nevertheless commit can't believe it type of crimes. So what gives? Yea guess we can blame it on life is always unfair.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"And now, into the blue corner, challenging for the middle heavyweight title, the one, the only, the future , weighing at 185pounds, the kid with the left hook, 17-0, 11 by knockouts, the brightest hope representing Serangoon, LLIIMMM KOPI..........."

That was me dreaming as usual. Of course, boxing ain't easy. The psychology involved in a bout can keep a person sleepless for nights. Back in secondary school, I had my fair share in Taekwondo tournaments. Apart from tough trainings, my instructor would psyche me up. "Either you kick him or he is gonna kick you". He was an asshole, losing his temper when the class were not fighting up to his standards. But occasionally he would treat me buns and fried rice under his flat in Toa Payoh. But ask anyone who has taken part in bouts before, one bout of three rounds is gruelling. Its fighting for life. If you decide to give up in other sports like running, soccer or basketball, you can just stop or sub out, of course getting bollocking from your mates, but giving up in a martial art fight is giving up your life and getting shite from the opponent.

Cinderella man gave me back that adrenaline nostalgia rush but sad to say, I have since sold my soul to soccer. Then again, maybe...just maybe..........

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Today's game, we were pitted against a company team which even had a negro who looked like Agu casmir and had the build of Michael Essien. I played Defensive midfield in the first half. Was rather lost in positioning as I have been playing centre back for almost a year. Had two scoring opportunities, one which i volleyed with my left leg but went wide and another from Apple's floating freekick, which the defence tried to play offside but which I ran onside. Challenged the keeper one on one for the high ball which I won but sadly instead of heading it, the ball hit my shoulder and spun wide. It was like sasi kumar scoring for singapore in the tiger cup final in 1998 with his 'shoulder of god' goal. Even then I thought that would be my first goal for Chong's team. Of course Apple gave out his usual 'jit chiam gor chiam' worth of wisdom. But I shall take the blame for not putting the team in the lead. Sorry guys.

Second half was a different story. I played right back and was caught out a couple of times with positioning. Thankfully Wu played superbly to prevent us from losing by a big margin. I have to say playing with Tiong as the last man is rather nerve wrecking. He likes to shout out 'defence push up' and when the ball is played through you think to yourself ah sure offside but as you turn around, you will realise to your horror that he is still behind and there is no offside. Upon asking why he was still down, he gave some other excuse. Furthermore he always squabbles with Raymond, so I would say our team is kinda like Newcastle now. Asked Shyam about playing full backs and with his advice, I should improve more the next time I play right back.

I feel like a professional footballer now, sat and sun games, weekday hall games. Its like playing almost every two days. I feel my knee actually, wouldn't want to end up like Alvin. Till then, gotta study for my chemistry test.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

"Not many people gets a second chance"

If there is a movie to watch this year, it is cinderalla man. Yea, take it from me, it is not just another boxing show, it is THE boxing show after Rocky and Raging bull. Watching Russell Crowe's act is akin to watching Gladiator again. The plot is as usual, guy is a famous boxer, loses his touch, gets a second chance, fights back, gets looked down by cocky opponent, endures heavy blows in the first few rounds, fights back and wins the bout. Well it is like a fairy tale story but the show was quite emotional and inspirational and even the gal seated on my right was squeezing her hands when Russell Crowe got punched and cheering when he landed blows.

Looks like I gotta order the dvd and watch it again. However I like watching boxing so I might be biased but give it a shot if you have time.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Being a bit bored the past few dayz, I surf the net and stumbled upon a couple of consipiracy theories. Now my opinion of conspiracy theories is that they are created because they are popular with the mass majority which means they 'sell'. A site that I randomly clicked on.

But reading about the new world order reminded me of the time my GP teacher Mr Fahy explanined to us about NWO. According to him, the media was their puppet weapon. Television he remarked was a 'circus', meaning that the entertainment that we watch on Tv were controlled by NWO to subconsiously influnce our way of thinking. An article on the web posted that MTV was owned by the NWO, whereby the music controlled the fashion trends, like the 80s where everyone had long curly hair, leather boots and denim jacket to today's spikey hair and baggy hip hop clothings. Believe it yourself. I myself agree that TV is a powerful tool. It keeps people minds occupied with trivial issues like who got kicked out of American idol or channel U superstar. When the NWO feel like distracting people's attention, they throw in a program that occupies the average bloke's mind.

Another favourite one of mine is the moon landing. It has come under heavy scrutiny because experts are debunking the photos saying certain scenes could not be possible. Check it out

Even senior minister Lee Kuan Yew made it to the net.

There are so many theories but one famous author has a couple of books that interests me. Prices at borders are quite expensive.

Remember guys, you never heard anything from me. Wouldn't wished to be wiped out by the NWO for knowing too much.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Do you believe that since your birth into this world, someone, somewhere, some place, every milli second even till now is releasing a fart....

Pardon the crap but its a thought I have always wondered. And of course I believe that with the billions of people on earth, every second in the world, at least one fella will let it out.

Back to reality, yesterday's game we won 7-3. Its funny how we encourage each other when we are losing but blame each other when we concede goals even if winning. Just imagine an argument between raymond and tiong almost leading them to exchange blows until chong had to intervene and make them shake hands like primary school kids. I'm just as guilty as well, when we conceded the last goal and helmi shouted at us for not chasing back the attacker played onside, I just screamed back. We are just like Newcastle.

But then again, thats my policy, which is "better to be a bastard than be bastard by others". Yea no more being Mr nice guy.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

My biggest regret so far is not taking the chance to purchase the predator mania boots when I had the chance to. 3months ago it was selling for $99 dollars last pair at royal sporting house at suntec. I thought to myself then that since my current pair wasn't spoilt, I shall not make a rash decsion. 2 months later I saw another last pair at peninsula selling for $120. Don't be rash now parry I thought to myself again. Fast forward to present time and with my current boot(also the same model) about to tear apart, I realise that suntec and peninsula had sold that pair which was the only one left. As I search sports link and queensway, I realise it costs 180bucks. But even if I had the cash, there are no more sizes, only big ones. Been told today that its not made in production anymore, for what you still want old boots the assistant ask me. Well for one, I feel that it supports my ankle very well but deep down maybe its because Ashley cole used to wear it. I know I know I am suppose to be a Manchester United fan but hey I really admire that dude for his lung bursting runs and tackling. I wished I can turn back time to the dayzz.....

Friday, September 09, 2005

What was suppose to be harmless fun turned into serious shit. Let me elaborate. Feeling the weekend mood last night, me and Alvin decided to get high on alcohol. We played black jack whereby the loser had to take a shot of vodka on the rocks. Even beforehand, we had already drank a few shots. before I knew it, Alvin drank 1/3 of my bottle. We later went down to celebrated Damian's birthday. By then he was staggering and couldn't walk straight. When we returned, he made two trips to the toilet. I guessed he was pissing his urine out. Well wrong, after he knocked out on his bed, I went to brush my teeth and goodness me I could smell it from outside. Basically out of three sinks, 2 sinks were choked with his puke. I wonder what will be his own reaction when he sees his own puke. As I am typing this, I am scared shit that he will turn and vomit on my bed. God bless me.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

I guess I should apply this quote from batman begins. Got back my maths test and was graded E. Basically there are three grades in my class. A, E, F. All the foreigners in my class got A for their test and you can guess who got E and F. I felt that my teacher marked the paper strictly and while I felt my answer were right, the explanations were not up to his standards. I realise that in NTU, whereby most lecturers and tutors are foreigners, it is not applicable to answer questions the "singaporean way" that is directly getting to the answer. His method of answering is rather tedious, some method which most singaporeans will not bother remembering. I guess I have to change my way of thinking. At least he re-assured us to work harder and not make the same mistakes. Hope so.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Finished my physics mcq test today and with tyco luck I should get all seven questions correct. I am lagging behind in econs and computing. Seems like I can only keep up with maths physics and chem. Thankfully my one week break is next week and hopefully I can even things up. Have lots to do like searching for new boots, practising visual c++ and watching the new Singapore lesbian film titled be with you I think.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I think I have finally regained back my form. I felt that I played well yesterday against the rough Indians and exceptionally well in today's game. How do I know? Well cos besides chong praising my performance, Apple said I played well! What a surprise, Mr Red nose has decided to praise players instead of fucking them. Having said that, Kua was not spared from his tongue lashing for conceding two 'david james' goals. So far we have only one point from 5matches. Yet we may still qualify if we win our last game next week to book the last berth. Can't wait to get our new team adidas jersey which costs 15bucks.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I gave my night away to my sub-com meeting which was dragged long because of some idiotic bitch who kept on asking questons. I was introduced to the rugby players and informed that they have run on tues and thurs at 11pm. What the fuck sia so late? I am quite interested in learning rugby anyway, hope I learn something about it. Well gtg now, I hear grey goose calling.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My grey goose orange vodka finally made its debut last night. Shall take 2 more shots down my throat tonight. God bless the russians for inventing vodka. Vodka has cured my sore throat, made me happy when i was feeling low, help me sleep better. Stress is taking its toll on me, meeting tutorial deadlines, preparing for tests, earning points to stay in hall. I love my room, just next to the kitchen and toilet, 5min walk from lectures and near the live firing area.

Wish me luck for my maths test tmr.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

In just two days, I have played two full 90min matches without substitition. Yesterday we had to play with ten men due to many people not coming at the last min, Howe not picking up phone, Gab fell down stair night b4, Zhou 'F1' Cheng dunno wtf is his excuse, Joseph oversleeping. Hence the remaining ten of us had to play even though some of us were injured halfway.

Same story today. We got trashed 4-0 because we had only one sub. The opponent had at least 5subs while we were overunned. We were outclassed as we were not fit. People were scraming everywhere. At one point Shyam had to shout 'what the fuck are we playing, we are playing like girl guides' ' keep your heads up'. Though I kept my head up, I still felt beaten. While the defenders are not skillfull or fit, I have to say that we are at least committed to the team. I realise its no use blaming what could have been if the regulars came. Helmi has been rather pissed off with people not coming at the last minute. I think Alvin feels likewise. Its no point having uncommitted players who think that they are superstars. If someone like Bingjie who prior to the match injured his ankle can play tru the pain barrier, I can't see why others cannot play.

To solve this problem, I will propose to Alvin, either we stop calling Mr F1, or we will wait for him to call us for the next match and tell him that his position has been taken up by a 14yr old. Hows that for pride. Or we shall call him down for the match and not let him play the last 2min of injury time. Or maybe I am just being evil, but then again, evil is my middle name.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

What a day what a day, totally ruined by morons.Today during my effective communication lesson, we were supposed to print out a copy of our letter to summit to our tutor. However we were unable to do so due to insufficient printing paper. Nonsense the tutor said, I placed adequate printing paper. We went up to the printer to take a look. Peiling, our beautiful friend from great province of china quickly ran up to collect the printed paper carefully turning it the other way to prevent us from seeing what was printed. Our tutor took the next copy and to our horror, she had used the papers to print her own chemistry notes. Good gracious almighty jesus christ, well done my friend, saying sorry won't retrieve back the spilled milk.
Scenario number 2, after my last lesson, I went to take part in our inter block road relay 600m. Alvin being the first runner came in a close second with another block runner, with a lead of at least 1min. Yanying, should have at least maintained the lead, by the way you are a hot chick Yanying. Our third runner, I presume from vietnam, was second in his leg. With a mere 50m away from passing the leg to me, he decided that the air was very fresh and decided to stop and take a nice stroll up the slope to capture the beautiful aromatic fresh scenery. Kodak moment. RUN UP the last 50m la you bloody CxxxBxx. Although I am not a very fast runner, I ensured that we did not finish lower than second. Goddam it, the last time my muscles and lungs felt that way was way back when I passed my soc with a time of 9 07. Where's my cigg dude, show me the cigg.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Just finished my inter block soccer game. Lost out at the semi finals to a last attack goal. The team that beat us eventually won the final 3-0. Was a pretty contested semi final. I guess my team were the underdogs, a group of singaporeans and vietnamese who did not know each other before. Many star hall players formed their own team but yeah didn't made it as far as us. Hopefully I made an impression on Heng Kia or James to be selected into the soccer team.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This world is getting a bit strange with unknown people( at least for the time being) adding me on msn, people like helmi's gf asking me if I am Andrew. But I feel good when my primary school friends say I still have the boy next door look. Even Alex Yeo was shocked to find me smoking today saying I got the kuai kia bin look. Thanks for making me feel happy guys.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Today was my first league match and I must take some blame for the goal we conceded. Highlight of the day. Apple telling parkim that he was a lousy midfielder. Come on, at 17yrs old he is already in the national under 18 team. What did Apple accomplished at 17 or even till now, a staff sergeant in commandos? Maybe next week someone should tell him that a soccer field is not OUTFIELD where he can use his rank and boss people around. Feel sick as I am typing this, haven't been sleeping well for the past week. Have a Computing test tomorrow which I still have not prepared.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I feel good today for two reasons. Firstly when I entered the gym, a gal approached me and asked if I was the gym instructor. Haha I probably have the size of one for people to think like that. I was also able to bench press 30kg on each side bringing me closer to the dayz in cj where I could pump 35each side. Did 15laps of swimming and hopefully in three months time, I can have the stamina to play right back.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life is getting more stressed now. I sense the of returning to my smoking dayz are gonna come back. Further more my group of friends namely ernest phil phua and keng siang are smoking too. Went for 'nights off' last night at JP and met one of my section man Lee Jianxiang who was working at harvey norman, well this time we didn't alk about betting as we used to in camp. Apparantly he is promoting kentwood products. Went gym today and could only bench 22.5kg per side. Rather weak considering I did at least 30 per side in CJ. Was disappointed when I went swimming to find out that you could only swim the breath. Went for dinner with my primary and secondary school friends. Life seems a bit dull now, doing tutorials every now and then. I wished I could strike toto and relac one corner.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Went to offer prayers to my grandfather today. It was crowded and as usual we proceeded to lavender food court for lunch. It has become a tradition for my relatives to eat there as we have been doing for years. My sister being the smart alec that she is suggested going to jalan besar stadium to eat at a coffeeshop selling tom yam fish soup which she boasted was good. Most of us were lazy to walk that far and so settled for lavender while my sis went to da pao. She later came back empty handed citing that the shop was close on sundays. Haha sucker....
She refused to eat any food from lavender food court, giving a cocky arrogant face ' well i don't eat food that is below standard' while I was indulging in my kway chap. My poor sister, tsk tsk you have no fucking idea how lucky you are to be a able to eat food. I immediately thought back of my time spent in Brunei climbing hills and dreaming of eating char kway tiao and hokkien mee which of course was far fetched. As I was about to finish, my aunt pointed to the another table and I saw zhu mimi. She was eating Albert street prawn noodles. Gotta try it one day. Btw, Man United rocks....As for Liverpool well try harder...hahahah

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Within a span of 2months, my expenditure has really scared me. At the rate I go on, I may have to rob a bank. Lol. Buying textbooks, printing notes, drinking beer, paying school and hostel fees. I wished that my grandpa could visit me in my dreams and give me some numbers. Ah gong, if you read this, help ah help... le eh sun tat ntu jin gang kor, bo gao lui, hor wa si eh hong bei lei.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So fun being 21 Posted by Picasa
Not for the faint hearted Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Got trashed 6-2 today to an average team. However I felt I put in a good performance. A couple of goals conceded were offside and mixed up between Tiong and Kua. Been playing rougher but still need to work on my judgement in positioning for headers. Losing is kinda depressing, it gets in your head once in a while. I remember losing my first taekwondo bout and feeling really shite about it for a month. When Manchester United were knocked out of the champions league I was gutted and felt low for a week.
Went for my hall bash at rav located at boat quay. Just as I was telling Alvin that boat quay was an Ah beng place and a favourite hangout for the 'men', I spotted Wu xiao Lang and my driver Tan Yongzhi. The bash turned out to be disappointing as we did not recognise anyone. Left early and met up with Junxian who was also fed up with his business bash. Can't wait for the epl to start which will keep me home on saturdays.

Friday, August 05, 2005

So after a week of being apprehensive of my overseas friends, I have decided to warm up to them. They are nice people and pretty young too. When I was asked about my age and I replied 21, there was a 5sec pause with my Indonesian friend giving me a stunned expression showing that 'you mean you are so old? Did you fail your exams? ' kinda of look. Immediately my other friend from India chipped in 'how come you are 21 yrs old, isn't that a bit too old?' Well thank you peiying for helping me to enlighten them. Guess I am officially together with the other singaporean males the 'oldies' in the class. Not to worry, I shall take it upon my task to show our overseas friends how to live the singaporean way of life.
Saw Jamie teo at heeren in the afternoon. She looks much prettier in person. After walking around, I saw her again this time with Desmond Koh. Wonder if they are an item. If in future they really are, remember that you heard from it here first.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So my only form of entertainment now is my laptop, keeping me company 24hr 7. My routine now is sleep at 2am, wake up at 730am for tutorials. Lunch at 1230 and sleep at 230 till 430. 9pm is TV time. Pretty boring I would say. Yea thanks to Alvin for not bringing in a frindge hence no beer and chilled vodka. Haven't really spoken much in my tutorial class. Only made friends with a Singaporean and an Indian scholar so far. First time I saw the scholar I thought he was screwed. Coming to tutorials without attempting it and having the cheek to ask the prof if we were required to do before hand. Sure suicide u may say but what took me 2 hrs to figure out solutions took 5min for that mama. A hard slap to my face when he even asked me for my hp no citing that if he wasn't sure about tutorials he would call me. Yea sure I think I need to contact him instead.
Ntu is pretty small. Everyday every corner I will somehow run into Phil Phua, Guan Cheng, Ernest and Rongxing. I even bumped into my sispec buddy Ivan, of course with a cigarette in his hand. His theory; smoking keeps you hard working. Gotta buy more berms this sat. My official attire is shirt berms and slippers now. Wonder why I brought jeans and shoes in the first place. I miss my home bed though.
Today was mentoring day and for the first time my tutorial class opened up and we finally got to talk to our vietnamese, Indonesian, Indian and China counterparts, other than that had dinner with alvin and leader( jeremy lee) at hall 14 which is so much better than my hall where house flies are literally everywhere. Met up my hall sports representative and tomorrow there will be a street soccer game at NIE. Hope to make an impression and try to secure my way into the hall team. Feeling a bit sad as I was told there are no throwing events in track and field.
Had a wonderful nap in the afternoon and even dreamt of a steamy sex scene where a female was pulling err well can't publish for security reasons. The climax part of the dream was spoilt when my handphone received a message from Gerard. Fuck, woke up after that and felt devastated. Damn you Gerard.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Today's game against Clarence's old team will rank as my 2nd most shack game of my career so far. Even Shyam our fittest player at one point looked like he was gonna faint. They were an almost all Indian team who were very fit and played sporting football. I guess we can take consolation that we lost 2-1 to them considering that they trash a team 7-1 which drew 3-3 with us only two weeks ago at AMK ITE. Our defence was a bit shaky in the 2nd half and Eugene together with Apple were relentlessly kao bei-ing us all the time. I couldn't take it at one point and decided to shout back at Eugene. Of all people yes Eugene, who only knew how to bang the keeper, tackle people unnecessarily, shout at referees and did not cover the left flank when defending. He was strolling back all the time and left Tiong exposed most of the time at the left flank.
I guess why Eugene and Apple are always scolding people for mistakes can be attributed to the fact that they are commando regulars with Eugene being a captain and Apple a staff sergeant. On a lighter note I would like to congratulate our Thai player Park Kim who officially made it to the Singapore under-16 team.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Made a trip down to the new national library and I must say I was pretty impressed. It really indeed is big and the fiction and reference section are about twice the size of normal. However I still prefer orchard which offers a more warm and cozy feeling. Borrowed the great gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I actually doubt I have the time to read it. Spent the noon trying to solve Ax+By=C type of questions, questions which 3yrs ago would have easily been solved with an eye closed. But thank you SAF. I actually have to see the answers and work backwards to refresh my memory. Damn
My cupboard Posted by Picasa
My hall Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Slightly woke up late for the morning game which was supposed to be against raymond's friends. 5min into the game however, I could hear a familiar voice, a voice that has been played in my ear drums quite too often in the army, looking up amid the light rain, I saw a brown hair guy with no. 21 on the jersey, it was none other than Mr ZZhouu...... What a small world. Thankfully manange to beat his team 3-1. Could hear his voice from almost every inch of the field throughout the whole game. Hope tmr will be a enjoyable day, seems like army life, booking in tonight and booking out of hostel on friday evening to enjoy the weekend life. Hmm think I shall check out the new national library on sat.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Thanks for making my 21st birthday memorable Posted by Picasa
Hope my doctor doesn't see this Posted by Picasa
My philosophy Posted by Picasa
I love to do this Posted by Picasa
Family lunch Posted by Picasa
I hope my liver is still there Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 22, 2005

CJC frenz except for err..... Chen Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Today I shall be booking into my hostel for the night. Been busy packing especially since last night after coming back from bangkok. Disappointed at not finding a nice gym bag but managed to get lots of shirts. Enjoyed drinking at high five pub at Patpong. The Thai girl show was a flop. Defintely not worth it. Did not go for massages because I didn't trust the service. All the time 'tut tut' drivers tried to get us in for massages esp Aru who was pursued relentlessly and was not spared in the Thai girl show bar when an old hag pestered him to buy her a drink. Aru, gotta say this but you the man.
Looking forward to my hostel life but defintely will miss the days after ord when life was so relaxed and care free. I doubt I will get another break as enjoyable as this peroid.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Happy birthday Jefferson!!! Great Party except I couldn't find Johnny Posted by Picasa
My primary school friend  Posted by Picasa
The stoner well err....acting stoned Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 15, 2005

Collected my room keys and to be frank, I am quite satisfied with the lay out of the room. I am just next to the kitchen and toilet. When my stuff are finalised I will probably throw a house warming party. However, I cannot believe that so many occupants are prcs. Damn I feel like a foreigner instead. In fact, I saw a bus of prcs with their barang barang moving in. Thankfully they are all one floor below me. Something needs to be done. Hopefully my bangkok trip next monday will cheer me up.
My afternoon was partly spoilt becoz I had to listen to Alvin Goh gf problems and wasted 20bucks on a lousy buffet at Taka's coka restaurant. Enjoyed watching sin city though. Can't wait for the island to open.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Tomorrow is my official day of moving into my hostel. Been packing my stuff since yesterday. Its almost like booking into another camp with my duffel bag. I can't wait to see my room and decorate it. ALvin has promised to bring a tv and a fringe. I am contributing speakers and vodka. Hopefully my room is windy.

Monday, July 11, 2005

After dreaming of two topless females on sat night, my dreams couldn't get more wackier. last night I dreamt that we were in an army camp somewhere. In the middle of the night Aru(seriously) went to the other block to disturb the occupants and before we knew it, we were 'ambushed' by the other block. I was screaming 'no its wasn't me don't touch me'. My father who was in my room at that time replied 'what are you talking'. That was when i woke up and realise damn I was talking in my sleep. Sheesh.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

How can leave out my favourite ANG CHIANG MENG..... Posted by Picasa
At Jalan Kayu after the party Posted by Picasa
Well again Happy 21st birthday Keith. You finally seem to find your right path and hopefully you do not return back to the old dayz.( Hey I am changing too). Interesting speech though. But sad to say, you didn't warn me about your friends. Sorry for being direct. Until Gregory and some guy called Ka Woon started pointing to me all your church friends in the house, I began to realise I was alienated. My worst nightmares came true. . For the rest who are probably thinking why the fuck I bothered listening to them in the first place, well I actually like to debate with people like them. Just as much as they would like me to 'convert', I shared my own views to prove that I was not that easily convinced. Fair enough it did broaden my views on the whole picture and it was interesting to hear new opinions. However my stand is still clear. They are nice people but I believed the conversation would have turned sour if I decided to be more direct but hey Keith, don't worry you are still invited to my party at brewertz.
Happy 21st Birthday Keith! Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 08, 2005

Well, happy birthday Daniel. I thought you threw a great party. The food was good and of course Absolut mandarin kept me happy throughout the night.
Happy 21st birthday Daniel! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Had a good driving lesson in the afternoon. Somehow my conversation with Mr Koh went from driving to durians. He started with telling me how to choose durians and went on to say he had good durian lobangs, like $1.3 for a kg of durians. I told him I preferred durians from my relatives plantation in Batu Bahat. We argued for a while on whose durians were better until he delivered the killer punch. According to him no one could beat his friend's "mao shan wang" brand. Whatever. Mr Koh 1 Parry 0. Hhmm considering whether to buy creative neeon for my dad, after all with angela's uncle to help me get it for 279, I shouldn't let this oppurtunity slip by.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Anyone still interested in New York 2012? Posted by Picasa
Swam 20 laps in 33min this morning. Still 10min short of Zhan Rui's 23min. Gonna train up more.
Checked my email. Apparently someone by the name of cynthia wants me to add her on friendster. Sure no problem but I don't have a clue who she is. Another gal sent me a message asking me if I was interested in doing business. For Christ's sake I am usually guarded against females asking for favours. Sorry I don't fall for sex appeal that easily. Sorry Qingpei.
Anyway it feels good to know that so many stars are on our tiny island(IOC) . Stars that usually can been seen on Tv or newspapers are actually within our 635 sq km land(hope my geography doesn't fails me). I am not a fanatic but if I had a chance, I would want to shake Alexander Popov and Ian Thorpe's hand. Popov was my idol when I swam 50 and 100m front crawl in Secondary school. I respect Ian Thorpe especially after he pulled away in the last 40m for the Australian 4 x 400m relay.
Anyway congrats London, though I was rooting for Paris. I guess I should have seen it coming. The wind of change seems to be blowing to England. Not too long ago, Liverpool, an English club won the champions league ffrom the death, being 3-0 down at half time to win in penalties. London, which was supposed to be at the bottom of the pack, eventually gets the nod for the olympics. Hopefully England doesn't disappoint me for next year's world cup.I do not want to cry again like in 1998 and 2004. C'mon Rooney.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Got my morning off to a bad start. Got fine 20bucks for jay walking. Pleaded with the traffic police to give me a chance. 'I giving u chance liao, no charge just fine only' Damn, felt like punching him. Should have gang up with the Nanyang poly guy to beat him.
Read TODAY newspaper and liked the forum. One guy wrote in to condem SAF 'higher ups' who pushed responsiblilty to the medical officers for the recent death of an NSF. Said they should be more responsible. I salute you brother. Felt bothered by people writing to say that musicians are taking part in Live 8 just for fame. Well I mean if they don't take part, they will be blasted for not showing concern. As if writing and watching will do much better. But I was really hoping to see a cameo apperance by wacko jacko and see the crowd reaction.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I swear that drinking beer the night before improves one's performance on the field in the morning. But I shall not go into another debate. My driving was rather poor today. Being over confident led me to releasing the clutch too early, resulting in 'si chia' which in turns leads to my instructor screaming ' wah lau le ai hiao wa chia bei, ga le gong qui bai nia liao le bei hiao tia si bo, mai ah ni za ri lise clerk, ah ni kuan wa ga le bo yong sim si? ' Sometimes i wish I could box his teeth. I do not doubt his experience but sometimes when I wish he could shut up to let me concentrate on the road. Its a bit dfficult when he starts 'ah le kua tui bin gu za si kopitiam or kim mei uu guik kua bo, Brazil bang pua liap si bo?' Today, I almost bang a car cos he was pointing over his back saying ' le kua ji eh cia jin swee'. Damn one of these dayz I reckon he will get us both killed.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Today being my last day, I gave out oreo biscuits to my lovable colleagues who remarked 'wah temp staff also give out presents ah'. Thought most of them except Angela and the technician are of an older age group, we have managed to communicate fairly well, especially when it comes to bitching their bosses. All good things come to an end and my journey of freedom is slowing fading away. These few months after ord and before university will most probably be the most carefree and joyful months of my life, with no worries to bother about. Shall checkout creative vivid 60 speakers at Funan tomorrow. Hopefully it really cost 9bucks as advertised in the papers with no strings attached

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Was supposed to wake up at 235am to watch the Brazil vs Argentina game but ended up oversleeping and dreaming about being in a jungle(with 42 again, damn keep getting these dreams). I even remember Melvin yelling 'Parry, faster get out of the toilet, got 2 other groups finding checkpoint 3'. I swear that I even dreamt waking up listening to the radio report the score Brazil winners 4-1. Strange enuff, my dad came into my room after I woke up and say 'waa Brazil trounce Argentina 4-1'. Well I wasn't surprised, not the first time I have these sort of deja vu experience. Just wished that I could dream of 4-D numbers.
Celebrated my mom's birthday at hotel intercontinental, Mediterranean style buffet. Food was great, but my sister made the atmosphere sour when she announced that she was quitting her job as an accountant to go France for 2months to learn French. OF course my mom retorted ' why can't you get it here?' Well I don't really care, if my sister wants to pursue her dreams, let it be. After all, with her out of the house, it will be so much peaceful.
Read Urban newspaper, saw Heineken Keg. Damn, should get it and put it n my hostel room. Otherwise I have to get my whiskey flask soon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

After my collegue told me he could get his friend to buy ipod for me at staff price, I was tempted. I plan to ask Angela to get her uncle to buy creative speakers at staff price. My idea is to connect my zen micro and blast the speakers in my hostel room and use ipod on weekends travelling around. Sounds good. Total, I predict that with a new handphone, ipod and speakers plus bangkok trip buying clothes, I would have to spend around 1300 bucks. Damn I need money to fall from the sky.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Well all is not lost yet. I may sound like I am about to commit suicide yesterday but hey, there is still the hope of watching Manchester United win the treble, England to win the world cup and Guns n Roses to re-unite. I need a new direction. Watching the repeat of England play Japan in 1995 has inspired me. Paul Gascoigne or Gazza as he is better known, played with such flair and poise. As we all know, he is an alcoholic, who invented the dentist chair. You sit on a chair laid back as if a dentist is inspecting your teeth. Friends will then pour bottles of alcohol on you. Maybe drinking more alcohol will boost my skills. I played well on Sunday, maybe it can be attributed to my sat night paulenar's outing. He is my new hero. He shall be my new alter ego. I shall dedicate the month of July to running, swimming and possibly learn tennis to get in shape before uni starts. I finally figured that the only way to feel that your body and soul are alive is to jet ski. Jumping out from a plane at high altitudes is a sure way to wake your soul up. The fear and adrenaline rush makes you know that you are still alive. Anyway, found out that Fong is doing reservist already cos dunno which batt was short of technicians. Poor thing.